Coke drinking addicted choosing stop today

There is no so much info about coke drinking and be addicted to that but for me is a big deal. I drink 4l daily mixed sugared and no sugared, I tried too many times and my longest time is 2 days (48h) i stopped vaping (like smoking) a year and a half and I must say the abstinence of coke drinking is worse, I had a painful headache, sadness, tired and 18hours/day sleeping at least on day 1 and 2.

I really need help I am young and I dont have too much health problems but i am overweighted 110kg on 175cm male.

The people says me try to down out but I feel need to cut down at 1 time because i always find an excuse to drink more.

I know this topic is fully charged of negative sentence but i dont know how to explain the hole in what i am

Please people i need help, i want this time will be my last try on overall.

Please help

I’m sorry bud, but this forum is called “Talking Sober”. Most of us are chemically addicted to either alcohol or some form of narcotics. I don’t have advice for you about being physically dependent on a sugar based beverage such as Coca-Cola except to eliminate it from your diet and tough it out through any discomfort that may cause you.

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Addiction is addiction. If you’re drinking that much, your body is dependant on the sugar and caffeine. This means your withdrawal will be apparent, but once you’re through it you will be fine. The important part is to understand why you are addicted to drinking that volume of coke, when you figure that out, you will be able to control the addiction much more. Good luck and let us know if you need anything!

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