College Students Quitting Weed

Hello! I am a 20 year old college student (F) who is four days sober from weed. I have been smoking since I was 16, and started smoking almost everyday, all day since I was 18. I also struggle with bipolar disorder and finally decided now was the time to go sober to prevent more unstable moods/anxieties/depression. I also just want to know how I would feel without smoking, it’s been 2 years!!! I am trying to stay motivated as my dad just reached 2 years sober from alcohol and want to kick the addiction gene too. Currently, I struggle as I attend a large state university that is ranked in the top 10 party schools in the US, and all my friends smoke weed from morning to night. I’m just trying to find others who can relate to my situation and maybe give tips on how to keep sobriety going in such a substance filled environment. Anything helps, thanks.


Hi Ava, firstly welcome! This is an amazingly supportive community and had been really helpful for me on my sobriety journey so far.

Being surrounded by people using is very difficult as it makes it very hard to resist, it would be like me going to bar. Are there any societies or groups you can join where people arent drinking or smoking etc.? Surrounding yourself with sober people is a good way to reduce that temptation, if it is possible!

I think to myself everyday, what does drinking do to me, how does it impact on my life and the lives of others? And the answer isn’t pretty! This has given me a huge amount of motivation to quit. Perhaps you could write a list of the reasons why your life will be better without weed and it will hopefully motivate you to remain sober!
All the best to you, and to reiterate this community is incredibly supportive, i post here every day and the community lends me strength. So hanging around here may help you too!

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Hi there, I’m almost 2 weeks off weed now, it’s my second round of addiction after I quit heroin 6 years ago and replaced it with weed a couple of years after. I have to say, weed triggers are everywhere and more common than heroin. I noticed I have to ignore the smell everywhere in the streets at night, friends who smoke regularly and most importantly; the fear that I might not fit in social occasions because I don’t smoke anymore while others do. Let me tell you 2 things: 1- You know you have a problem, they don’t, put your focus on your own recovery no matter what others do 2- Life after weed is colorful, way more colorful! You will not be afraid and anxious about everything and your bipolar will SURE be less severe. So hang in there my friend! I’m in 2 weeks and I really can’t wait to see how my brain will be like in a couple of months!

Much love :heart:


Congrats to you too on two weeks! I definitely worry about being left out, and right now I have to purposefully exclude myself from sitting in on seshes because I don’t quite have the willpower to say no if I’m there yet. However, I loved what you said about it being my issue, which is true. Thank you for your kind words. I’ve felt really isolated in this decision, but knowing that people do learn to regulate urges give me hope!

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Definitely will write a list! Thank you.

Ava @babyaves welcome to the TS community!

Stay strong and shine through. Your awareness about your symptoms is amazing and you can certainly get through this without substances.

There are many ways worth investigating that have a good chance to help balance your body’s responses to stress, anxiety, worry, fear, etc.

One day… One moment,… One thought at a time.

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