Coloring books

Anyone else get massive satisfaction after spending three days coloring something detailed and drawn for you? Its been good for my OCD and time since I became unemployed which has led me to the purgatory of fighting depression. I dont do antidepressants. My system is too small for pills. I barely take ibuprofen for a headache

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Adult colouring books save me! When ever I want to drink I make tea, put a movie on and Colour for hours!!! :slight_smile:

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Love adult coloring books (and even kids coloring menus at restaurants) :slight_smile: It gives me something to do to keep my hands busy, helps with depression and anxiety, and is pleasant sitting in my pajamas indulging my inner child.


I remember a year ago, when my x gfs friend was giving me ideas for presents, and she said “adult coloring books.” I was thinking, “seriously, I don’t think she wants to color some x-rated body parts.”

A couple weeks later I was on Amazon buying books and stumbled upon an “adult coloring book.”

I nearly died from laughter.

And yeah, I bought them- they’re very good at balancing your thoughts :smile:


Lmao…adult body parts :smile:


I bought one of those colouring books last summer and I’m still only about 1/4 way through the first picture. I have not idea how these are supposed to be calming etc because I find the extra detail in the pictures WAY frustrating!! LOL


Find a book that you like the pictures in. Some days i do easy ones, some more detailed oriented. then on days im just happy I have one with legit doodles in it that I get to make almost cartoon pictures from.
ahah all depends on my mood!

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@VSue ha yeah there are some in my book that are a bit intimidating that i feel might take me that long. Ive been working on a peacock for like 6 days now. Ill do a bit of it then put it down and when i come back its like i see something different that didnt occur to me beforehand. Maybe go for a less detailed one. Or try a different one then come back.

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I have one!Its an old comic book themed one :blush:


Love it! So funny @Nughiem

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Small accomplishments for the little things in life. Coloring and art in general have been immensly comforting. Word burning is great too!

What is word burning?

Oh man! Its really great. Theres a metal heated drawing/ carving pen and its used to burn images into wood.


Oh nice…that sounds like fun. I do paper quilling…

(This one isn’t mine but I did something similar to it)