Comfort food of choice?

Think I’ll kick up my workout regimen (which is minimal at best right now lol) in lieu of stuffing my face with every remaining girl scout cookie I can find in the house haha! My body (and teeth!) will thank me for it, I’m sure! :joy:

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Gravy and custard…I support all of this :drooling_face:




Pizza!!! I love it so much. Lol

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I take that for granted being in California lol

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I miss custard! So delicious :drooling_face:

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Halibut casserole I made tonight. Casseroles and homemade soups are good winter comfort foods. I love macaroni and cheese too!


A whole box of three cheese Kraft dinner with cut up hotdogs, ketchup, and italian seasoning baked in a cast iron. It’s weird, but my dad used to make it, and it reminds me of him


Brie with cranberry sauce :yum:


Cookies. Chocolate chip, with milk :yum:


17 bean soup from Trader Joe’s.
Or your own mix of leftover beans and legumes . About a pound total.

-Soak the beans overnight.
-Sautee two large chopped onions with half a stick of butter or canola
-Add sliced fresh jalapenos or serranos to taste, sautee
-Add the beans, cook in low heat stirring frequently but gently
-Add whole cloves of garlic, 10 to twelve
Cook about two hours, adding hot water when necessary.
I recommend a pressure cooker, takes only 20 minutes.
-Just before the beans are cooked add sliced carrots, rough chopped parsley, salt to taste.
-It is always better the next day, kept in fridge.
-Enjoy with it genereous dollop of sour cream or plain yoghurt.
Complete protein and lots of fiber plus many goodies.
-Add cubed potatoes if you like when you are adding the carrots.
Eat with a grilled cheese sambicth. :wink: Enjoy.