Coming back from a relapse

  • I’m recently returning from a relapse it’s been a little over 2 weeks now
    I used meth for the first time Nov 27 2022; & truthfully the relapse
    was completely my fault I gave up on myself and life & choice to get high and I choice a drug that wasn’t even my DOC & it was by far worse choice to make because I fell deep into my addiction yet again.

I bet myself up for three months and thought oh I won’t use it everyday just once in awhile well the only person was bullshitting was myself because once I got started I couldn’t quit. What a mistake. I realized I was trying to escape my feelings & living life on life terms all over again. This is honestly the first time I have spoken about it since it all happened I mean I reached out to close friends and family but after the fact. But better late then never because now I am back on the right path again.

Let me say this withdraw from this is like living in hell has anyone else experienced this? And if so can you throw some advice my way on how to deal with this?


Welcome to the forum and congratulations on a little over 2 weeks clean! I was a meth addict for 3 years over a decade ago. Its been awhile since ive used that drug but i definitly can remember the withdrawl and the psychosis that came with it. Im sorry that ur having to experience this. I used distraction alot to keep my hands n mind busy. I would often clean alot for some reason so the upside is that my place was spotless lol. Try to make sure ur taking care of urself with good food, nice warm showers, hydrate, a little exercise also helped. Try to sleep when u can. 12 step meetings helped tremendously and kept me around people that were on the same path as me. Remember that cravings dont last forever. Take it 1 min at a time if u have to. Just focus on the day and getting thru that day clean and sober. The nice thing is that it does end. What ur experiencing doesnt last and youll never have to go thru it again as long as u stay clean :slight_smile:


Thank you So much for taking the time to share your experience it is not fun at all.
Withdraw is terrible at first I slept a lot my boyfriend helped a lot and was there to make sure I ate even when I didn’t want too. Lately I have been forcing myself to do this as much as possible. But, everything is annoying and irrating. The littlest things are pissing me off honestly.


Its pretty common for sure. Ur not alone :slight_smile: We put our bodies thru sooo much during our “using careers”. Even after i quit my most recent DOC which was crack cocaine, i was on edge all the time, irritable, cranky, pissed off at everything bcuz it all just annoyed me lol. It does calm down over time. Idk about u but i struggle with living life and managing emotion and I didnt have healthy coping skills to handle any of it. Over time, as we stay clean and learn from others, we find what works for us to cope and to handle people and lifes situations without having to pick up or get extremely frustrated over it. I had to remove myself from alot of people and situations that pissed me off in early recovery. And deep breathing became my best friend lol i needed to be able to stop things from becoming too overwhelming. Youre doing amazing tho on ur clean time!! Honestly. I hope this forum helps u as much as it has been for me


Im grateful ur bf has been a good support for u :slight_smile:


You have been extremely helpful it truly means a lot you reached out. Thank You!
I was addicted to crack cocaine for 5 years I know how that is trust me you’re not alone either. If you ever need any advice on that I’m always here to talk too. I’m proud of you for pull urself back up to the top. I’ve battled addicted for 20 plus years. It started out with weed then pills then herion then cocaine the crack cocaine molly then meth. So I know girl addicition is a shitty disease for sure.

The ones that really want it won’t give up and will keep managing to pull thru.


Me too he’s amazing I don’t know what I would have done without him coming to pull me away from the shitty environment I was in


Im glad ur here :slight_smile: u deserve a life without all that in it. There is sooo much more to life than that. And i think u know that too, otherwise u wouldnt be here trying to be a better version of urself. What do u like to do to keep urself busy?


Honestly I like outdoor stuff I just haven’t had the motivation to do anything lately.
It’s frustating for sure. The withdraws are by far worse ever. I try not to take it out on others but, sometimes that’s hard too


Hey there, welcome to the forum. Meth is one of my DOCs, I used it for 7 years. The first 3 months after I stopped using it are a complete blur. All I can suggest is to stay hydrated, and sleep as much as you can. I knew that I was not going to get high when I was asleep.
This forum is super helpful to keep you occupied when you are awake though. I am glad youre here.

Oh, and… we do recover so keep coming back. :heart:


Thank you truly means a lot. And it’s exactly what I’ve been doing as much as possible


There is a checkin thread that is super active, im not sure if you have found it yet…
It is pretty much what got me through the first six months of my recovery. I will link it for you below.

Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

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I tried to buy crack but got meth instead
I disfigured my hands and face thinking I had bugs in them. Meth is so nasty. It’s all chemical. So tell yourself,no matter how you ingested it ( I shot up), it’s all very dangerous and one high to another, you really don’t know what your putting into your system. Nowadays, everything is cut with shit. It’s not worth your health and your finances. Stay strong :slightly_smiling_face:


Your absolutely right about that I didn’t experience the mites until the end withdrawling from it has made me halluciante very vivid dreams body aches Literally feel like I’m high even when I’m not

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Don’t quit trying to quit. You can do this!:slightly_smiling_face::muscle:

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