Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Continuing the discussion from Checking in daily to maintain focus #51 - #2540 by DryIn785.

Previous discussions:


Day 14

  • free from alcohol
  • being aware from toxic relationships
  • regular eating without drama

2 weeks. I am fine. Survived first hard cravings yesterday. I am not sure if I can relie on myself.

Had Homeoffice, took the additional time cause of not driving to office and so on for mealpreping, meditation and naps.

Will have yoga and a swim soon.

My group therapy will end in 5 sessions approximately. I will not go there tomorrow, as I will have a hard working week from tomorrow on. Maybe I will focus on online meetings of dharma recovery or CoDA.


Alright I scored! Last post! Nailed it!


Hahaha and I was first!
Please write here what’s going on instead of getting the first drink. :hugs:


Soon. Have to walk Basil first

@Marcio congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Scorpn good luck with your search for MH support :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@2JTravNZ sending strength :blue_heart:
@EFountains congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Fury congrats on the new job :tada: and the gigs :love_you_gesture:t2::tada:
@SoberWalker congrats on 1600+ days :tada: glad you had a good party :partying_face: :blush:
@MegaMeg welcome back :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Juli1 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:

910 days no alcohol.
375 days no cocaine.

I have made it through the day without binge-eating or vaping. Glad I put the brakes on that cycle wheel. Feel much better today. Went for my walk after waiting in all day for 2 deliveries, though I’m grateful I did have to because that’s partly what stopped me from going to any shops for food to binge or vapes to buy.

I had a Zoom call with a facilitator from the Survivors group, and I’m being added to the waiting list for a 12 week group, the wait is approx 6 months, but there is a group I can attend on the first Tuesday of every month, so I can attend tomorrow if I can psych myself up enough. So that’s 2 different groups I can attend monthly, with the other one for trans, nb, gq survivors on the 2nd Saturday of every month, it’s all on Zoom so not like I have to be trapped in a room with strangers, but I still get high anxiety over group stuff, I’ll go regardless of how I feel though.

Therapy tomorrow so looking forward to that.



76 days :muscle: chilling watching the lord of the rings got episode 4 of the last of us to watch after

Nice relaxing evening

Happy sober Monday everyone


Hi everyone, this is my first post here, so “Hello and nice to be here” first.

I am an alcoholic, currently 42 days sober. Today was a good day, I hit the gym after work and had a relaxed evening with my girl.

@GOKU2019 hope your wife is going to be OK, definitely ask her if she needs a talk. But good you opened up to someone instead of letting it feed on you.

Take care, everyone!


Checking in
Day 358
Busy, BUSY day today. Have had sooo much to do hence the late check in.

  • Got my son on the bus to school reminding him about his manners and bad language (he has actually done very well over the weekend with this)
  • Did a great lower body workout! Actually set a new personal record for weight lifted during sumo squats
  • Massive grocery shop completed
  • Vacuuming done
  • Laundry folded and put away
  • Dishes are next on my list
  • Bathroom needs cleaning which i need to do after dishes
    And then really needing to stop and pause for a second to connect and pray and do some recovery related stuff. Thats most important!
    I love being productive but i can also take it too far and exhaust myself which isnt good. So im taking a break now and then will continue on. Hope everyone is having an addiction free day!

I wish I wasn’t so depressed and could feel better about this.


It took my SSRIs about 4 weeks before I noticed any change. Then had to adjust my doses and add some other meds to balance out. Mental health is a process just like sobriety is. I saw you switched meds recently so just give it some time. Between the meds and the sobriety you’ll get there.


Look who’s got 30 days!!
Congratulations K.
Sorry you’re so depressed. I hope you can feel better about it soon. 30 days is a big deal.
Keep up the great work.



Well done Karen :heartpulse: Proud of you.
These feelings will pass, i hope you feel better soon x


Happy Monday all. Thanks for being here.


Welcome. Nice platform to share and ask questions. Keep coming back.


Checking in day 155! Been a busy one- came straight to work from the gym, still here for a 12 hour shift. Been getting stuff ready for the new apartment/upcoming move. Will be glad when that’s done and I’m settled! Hope you’re all having a magnificent sober Monday :grinning:



My crowning achievement for the day was closing out #51.

I woke up with a bat in my bedroom. Seriously. My neighbor Joe has mentioned them in the past, flying down the chimney, but it’s bricked off on my side of the wall, so I have no idea how the MF got in. But I had to pee and ate breakfast and when I came back, he was taking a nap under my blanket. So, I just wrapped him up and released him outside.

Anyway, a couple weeks ago I had to resort to flying a sign. You know, seeing some guy on a street corner with his backpack and cardboard sign? I used to do that when I was drinking. I didn’t care if it was humiliating. I was drunk and trying to get drunker. I made enough to get my monthly bus ticket. Which my job counselor is supposed to provide. I really felt like shit knowing I had a perfect great job a few weeks ago. But I had to do it again because I’m out of my meds, so I go out there and the best spots were taken when I got there (yes, there are moneymaking spots). So I’m out of meds till whenever.
And my tax return is overdue. Which may be a good thing. If I got money, in my current headspace, it may not work out well. :frowning_with_open_mouth:
I’ll write more later. Watching a movie now. Have a good sober night! :v:


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 358
Overall today was really good. But for some odd reason im really struggling with negative thoughts about myself tonight. Im doing my best to challenge them and not feed into them but its working half-ass lol.

I made homemade burgers for the first time tonight. They werent bad but could have been more flavorful. I have been making more homemade suppers lately as we are getting sick of packaged or frozen foods. Cooking is a new skill for me and Im slowly getting the hang of it. Ive only had 1 real disaster supper lately where basically it was inedible haha

Tomorrow is another somewhat busy day. Not AS busy as today thankfully. Hubby is home tmrw so that will be good. He has a few things to do also on his own. Im looking forward to some self care tonight and a good rest. Have a goodnight everyone!