Coming Out

How did you all deal with coming out and telling everyone you’re giving sobriety a try?

I am on day 7, but I have tried a couple times this year. I’ve only confided my decision with my husband.

I’m scared of letting people know and then failing, or being judged, or being questioned. I feel like people will automatically doubt me or just think it’s a phase.

At the end of the day, I am doing it for myself. I really don’t need to explain it to anyone else.

Is it wrong to keep this to myself for awhile?


Why should you be ashamed of not drinking poison. Only an alcoholic would try to shame or pressure you. Just say you’re wanting to start a resolution early. Who cares


I am feeling the same way. I am on day 2 and feel ashamed to share with anyone in fear of being judged since no one knows I have an addiction.

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I’m kind of in this situation right now. I’ve gone to 5 meetings in the past two weeks and the only people I’ve told are a couple coworkers (one of them introduced me to meetings) and my therapist. I’m kind of ashamed to tell anyone in my family because they don’t know I’ve been struggling. I would just tell them when you’re ready, that’s what I’m going to do. Keep up the good work!

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Yeah, same with you and @Sweetpea no one really knew my struggles with alcohol. I am pretty good at hiding it. I think just realizing this really is for me and no one else is enough. I don’t need to come out and explain it to them. I’ll let them know when I’m ready. In the meantime, I’ll just deal with the not drinking excuses as they come.

I am not ashamed at all. I am just worried about how others will precieve it.

I think its really interesting that people are more understanding of a vegan’s choice more than a sober persons.
I feel like if you don’t make a big deal about it, others won’t either. I just say I don’t drink and leave it at that. Or say you’re making some healthy choices.
But in the end, if you want this bad enough, screw other people! They aren’t living your life! You can do this!!!


I’m in the same situation (day 12) and have the same questions. I found quickly, hanging out with friends, that they keep offering me wine and I kind of want that to stop. So I just told someone we hang out a lot with and she was great about it - totally understands and even offered to put wine away if I need it. So I think I want the people to know who I hang out with a lot so they don’t keep offering me drinks. I’m also afraid of “failing” in front of them so with my friend tonight I said something like “I’m not drinking for now.” But I’m only telling close friends and family.

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Good luck and don’t worry about anyone else right now. Work on making you tougher and keep posting so we can share or progress. That’s my game plan!

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Every feeling will pass. Sometimes it takes a while but if you remind yourself that it’s a fleeting thought it may help. Take life a day at a time and things will start to unfold and make better sense to you.

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Well said. It will unfold. I am slowly working through this as well I am every so slowly telling certain people. I am on Day 40 and there are not many people that I told: my family and two close friends. Someone commented at a party last week “you’re still not drinking??” I saw her a month prior and told her some excuse as to why I wasn’t drinking that night. I’m sure she doesn’t care - but at the time I was so embarrassed. This time I told her I felt so much better not drinking, and think I prefer it. I told her that I was drinking too much before. That’s all I had to say!


It’s your Sobriety. 49% won’t care, 59% won’t understand. You don’t do it for them. You do it for you and when YOU are ready, you share w the other 1%.



Im on day 4 myself , & yea its new and of course all my drinking friends think im crazy and probably arent taking me seriously but you know what ?I dont care about that ,I have to do what i feel is best for me bottom line ! Its my life ! Gotta hold myself accountable !