Complaining reduction challenge

Made it through day 1 and starting day 2. Like Jazzy, I’m having to do mental pauses and think about my words before speaking.


I’m not sure if I’m day 2 or day 3 complete, but regardless I did not complain at all yesterday. It was a great day of exercise, hanging with wife, dinner, shower and early to bed and a great nights sleep.
That all said I haven’t left my house either :joy:.

Today I step out into the wilderness of the great unknown. Physio, may cause discomfort, not sure what to expect. Then Sauna, which I have no idea how that will feel. Then grocery store for some items… what will that entail?? Who really knows.

Anyway, I will endeavour to have grace and understanding and allow others the room to operate as they will and not let it impact me.

Be calm my friends and best of luck with your empathy. :peace_symbol:


I am finding myself in a space where it seems impossible to get out of constantly rambling, venting, swearing - at work. I don’t want to say that I give up but my office is some bubble of frustration and people getting vocally about their frustration. Me and my colleague. :zipper_mouth_face::expressionless::neutral_face:


Just discovered the same issue but not at work but while biking :face_with_peeking_eye:
While in traffic I curse other bikers ore cars when they do something stupid (in my eyes). I do not swear loudly, only so I can hear it but oops…there goes my bracelet.


It has got to be hard trying to stay positive and not complain when you are in an environment that’s thriving on complaining.
Just keep being mindful. Are you able to tell your colleagues about your challenge? Who knows- they may also want in? Hope you are able to create your boundaries so that you have some mental peace at work :people_hugging:
You are doing well with being mindful and not giving up. I have to remind myself of the saying the Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Just saw this and thought it was fitting for this thread :people_hugging:


I have told them. One of my colleagues who I think is the most grounded said: I guess we are in the wrong job then :see_no_evil:


:woman_facepalming:t4: oh that’s not the right attitude at all and I’m sorry for your uphill battle with this at work. Keep working on your positive space the best you can. We are here for whatever support you need. I totally know how easy it is to get sucked into negative talk when everyone around you is in that mental space and you understand the situation cause you work in the same place.

Sending strength your way :people_hugging::muscle:t4:


I feel your pain. I visit my parents every few days and today my Mom was complaining about 9/11, Bobby Kennedy being shot, MLK being shot, my brother being in jail, she hurt her shoulder again, the food here, the lack of diversity and other such cheery topics. It is a challenge for sure to keep my energy from being sucked. It is very depressing.


I think I was just complaining!! :thinking::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Day 3 and have faced couple of challenges today. I still believe if you are aware you could complain or for me whine out loud and avoid it you have successfully abstained from complaining. In my head I try to reword the complaint to a positive statement of fact. That is what this exercise is all about right?


Sending strength friend. It is much more of a challenge to stay positive and not complain when we are thrust in a environment filled with the opposite.

Keep protecting that energy of yours :hugs: :pray:

100% this – We can’t stop our initial thoughts but may be able to retrain the brain over time of practicing how to reword the thoughts into positive notions :hugs:


Hey guys.
Hope you don’t mind me popping in with a quote. Feel free to kick me out Franzi. But do it nicely :blush:

My reading today ended up with this. Made me think of you guys.

Today’s Reminder I am seeking a saner approach to everything I encounter. The slogans can be valuable sources of sanity in chaotic situations. Today, if I am tempted to act out of anger or frustration, I will remember that “Easy Does It.”
”I will try to apply “Easy Does It” to every incident that might increase the tension and cause an explosion.”
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon


I have no complaint of you popping in. You are always welcomed at my door.


No worries Eric. Matter of factly it is impossible to sustain in this challenge. I try to focus on improving processes where I can at work and trying to play deaf when my colleague is relentlessly complaining. Which is next to impossible. So reduction is the key word.


I do this too. I have a neutral face I maintain, I don’t make eye contact more than is necessary to do non-complaining things (for example, to ask someone to pass me an item from the shelf), and I make generous use of “hmmm”s: “ahhh, hmmm” - non-committal sounds I can use that make it seem like I’m listening, but I’m actually focusing my attention on whatever else it is that I am doing.


November 12th day 5
3rd consecutive day of no complaints

Today I have some trying phone calls to make and hope I can maintain my streak. :pray:t4:


I actually don’t like or use “Easy Does it.” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I use this one ALL THE TIME.
“All I know is that my life is better when I assume that people are doing their best. It keeps me out of judgment and lets me focus on what is, and not what should or could be.”
Brené Brown,

I like to think everyone is doing the best they can.

It’s a great challenge and we can improve :pray:t2::heart:


Starting day 3.
I was going to say I find this challenge extremely difficult at work, but I failed Sunday at home. That just goes to show my thought process needs work all around. I’m doing better on my commute though. What’s helping is distractions (phone calls & virtual AA meetings) so I’m not hyper focused on others around me.


Day 4. I am mindful. Even with a monkey wrench thrown my way I handled it with calmness and thought before I spoke. I also just shut up and didn’t speak a word. If you knew me that is almost a miracle. God is really working on me.

No complaints here. Grateful!