Concoction what do i stop

Since fracturing my spine nearly 5 years ago, I have become dependant on numerous substances to assist with “the pain” which I feel as though 50% plus of which is psychosomatic in nature. I’m not sure as to what to stop first.
-Alcohol 12 plus standard drinks per night
-Hydrocodone/oxy 40 - 50mg minimum per day
-Valium/diazepam - 3-5 × 5mg per day should be easiest although it could assist with the withdrawals.
-400mg codeine cwe 2 to 3 times per week
-Marijuana~moderate (1 gram or less per day) and easy to quit
Its an extremely rough choice and each time i try to commit to sobriety i fail (although 2 years ago i quit drinking for a month) due to the incessant feeling of failure brought about by the issue that i do not feel as though i can quit all these substances at once and due to that i feel a sense of worthlessness regardless of any progress i make.


Being on a mixture like that having been around for awhile I would definately consult with your pcp and pmp…primarily because of the health risk associated with coming off of not only alcohol but benzos too…I’m surprised that the combination of those two and the opiates haven’t caused any major problems(all three are respiratory suppressants and most opiate od s are from a combination similar to that)anyhow going cold turkey it is possible to have seizures and all that but those three chemicals together are going to make for a rough detox any way you go at it…a proper detox facility would tell you to stop everything except the benzos and taper you off of those slowly