Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

The severe storms that are going to roll through, midnight and five am.


My region-free blu-ray player conking out when 3/4 of the discs in my “to watch” pile are imports. :disappointed:


These new self-serve kiosks at McDonald’s have GOT to go!! I miss just placing my order and giving them my money. Whatever happened to “We do it ALL for you!”?


Grrrrrr!!! I’m with ya on this one.
Self serve is everywhere and I feel like it’s mentally unhealthy.


I love this! How many times has this conversation played over and over in your head? Haha I love we are all awkward humans really haha :joy:


Here’s one to add to your list…

Grocery carts with that one wonky wheel…the kind I always manage to grab!


I am truly one of the most awkward. Since I’ve accepted it I can actually laugh with myself.


You gotta give it a test run before you leave the cart area. I’ve learned this by grabbing the wrong cart 100 times.

I’m also with ya on the McDonald’s thing. I actually tried standing in front of the register one day. There’s like 25 workers and not one would come over for 20 minutes. The self serve things take forever and what if you want to pay cash? Someone’s gotta take it anyway. This is why any idiot can get a job there.


Hahaha, they’re all FUBAR’d

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They’re kinda snotty about it, too. There were two guys ahead of me that ordered at the register, and when my turn came the kid behind the counter just looked and me and said: “kiosk!”. Very blunt and rude. Pissed me off. It was like the bank teller putting up the “CLOSED” sign right in your face.


The neighbour’s dog constantly barking due to boredom
The neighbours who leave it in a small backyard all the time and never play with or take it for a walk
A different neighbour who lives 4 houses down the street and screams obscenities at her children that we can clearly hear
The same neighbour who saw nothing wrong with this abuse when police were called
Me, for venting about neighbours whose circumstances I don’t know about
We can all FRO!


Busy carparks!


Racing thoughts keeping me awake and tossing and turning


Inexplicable traffic jams…no accidents to be seen, no road construction or lane closures, yet a big jam up anyway.


That’s cool of you that you recognize that you don’t understand them, in spite of how annoying they are. I’m on the other side, usually it’s us that do the screaming. My kids are nightmares sometimes.


Yeah, I was venting then stopped and reflected before writing that I can FRO too. I get it that kids can push our limits. It’s a part of parenting that I need to work on too. On that note, kids who pester for bananas, you buy them bananas, then they don’t eat them can FRO!


The post office sending back mail because the “address doesn’t exist” when yes it does. Also hiring people who can’t read cursive when your job is literally to read people’s writing. I try to avoid full out addressing envelopes in script but sometimes I mix some with print, but it is still perfectly legible.

I’m not angry, just annoyed and disappointed in the world :laughing:


DICKS. hear me out.

dicks who treat my coworkers like shit. bitch do I have to come after you and kick your ass? hang on, Imma just do it by email.
dicks who are entitled cry-babies, badmouth others cos they constantly feel mistreated, unable to look at their own side of things if their life depended on it, constantly self-victimising, evil-projecting, unabletobuildtrustwanyone dicks.
dicks who cant fucking use hand signals causing their co-cyclists to be in danger - and then too fucking dickish to just say sorry pal, instead the suit goes: I don’t have eyes in the back and: I don’t need to use hand signals. yes, you do you fucking turd, you’re not above using hand signals like the rest of us!

generally: all inconsiderate, unable to not default injure, hurt and mistreat or chronicallly mistrust other ppl dicks in an urbane life environment where others are sadly unable to avoid your sociopathic ass - FRO!


jeezus. is that a thing now? my god where is the exit door to this century today, seriously.


People who persistently park in a clearly signed “No Parking/Standing Zone” outside school, during school drop/pickup
Screeching Plover birds outside my bedroom window at 4am
Redback spiders multiplying around my house, despite recent pest control
Hot, humid days that promise a stormy relief, but don’t deliver
Birds that shit on my clean laundry
can all FRO!