Circling back to take a sip of your coffee and it’s cold!
People who are absolutely rinsing every shred of new found respect as a recovering addict by lying about the past, fabricating events, flat out inventing near death scenarios and refusing to be accountable for a single thing even after years of sobriety. Absolutely shits all over the rest of us trying to travel this road with a quiet dignity.
A broken fridge/freezer.
Cold weather and snowy white appearing skies but no snow to cover up the blah.
Crazy traumatic dreams can FRO.
Missing my ex can fuck right off. Farting because of period cramps too. Pain in general can fuck right off.
Depression, codependency, shame, that feeling of “I’ll never be ok.” Black and white thinking. The hard ass day to day of being screwed in askew that way.
Being sick
Selfish, rude, ungrateful, people who are so self centered
People who over complicate shit. Look at the cost benefit fuckers
-People who show up to sporting events and spend the whole time talking about frivolous bullshit
-Meetings without fucking agendas and time limits at work
-People who don’t do your job but think they know how to do it better than you
P.S it was so stress relieving typing these out thank you for this post
When people write in German: ‘in’ 2022 when it is ‘2022’.
Stepped on a slug barefoot the other week putting the bins out. That wasn’t the one!
Feeling unloved and alone in a long term relationship. That can fu@k right off
Also, insomnia.
And drugs and alcohol.
Thought of another trivial one.
Walking in something wet with a sock on.
Noone wants a cold wet sock on. Just go
Constant ugly crying can FRO. I’m tired of this.
one-sided decisions in a couple can FRO.
and heel pain when a run is the best way to handle frustration.
Again: nightmares. Nightmares about weird houses, complicated situations, my ex, shitty fuck in general, me not getting anywhere. And waking up exhausted from it with a mouth feeling like I chewed straw. Me snorring can fuck right off too. The ugly mood I’m now in please too. I want a nice saturday-like mood, not feeling like crap and a failure. brrrrr …
I dreamt about my ex last night - and, yes, that can FRO; especially since he then clogged up much of my thoughts today because of it
Being an INFJ can FRO too. Feel like I got the shitty, raw end of the personality stick - anxious and judging all the time, whilst always feeling not good enough, an outcast, an idealist in a world so far from ideal …
Annnnd, last thing, my negative headspace and feeling hard-done-by to be me, whilst actually having a lot I should be grateful for. That can FRO
Conversations with drunk people can FRO. They make me so happy that I no longer abuse my brain and my body that way. Still conversations with drunks are the worst.