Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

We’re currently hiring and wow…just wow :joy: Some make selfies in their cars, put a filter on it and put that on their application


That’s hilarious. No way to say, “I’m an entitled millennial” than to put a filtered selfie on your resume. Also, people applying that are obviously ridiculously overqualified for the position. Like, why are you applying to a secretary position if you have a Bachelor’s degree?


Yes! 50% of all applications we get are overqualified.


I had a wtf moment when reading that. :exploding_head: As a boss (in the past), I don’t care what you look like, I want to know if you can do the work or if you’ve blown through 20 other jobs in the last year.

Also, just some thoughts on over qualified people, not “excuses” or “justifications”, just thoughts:

a little long so under a tab

Too many people graduate with a higher degree who can’t actually do jobs they are “qualified” for (especially in recent years) or their BA is in some worthless field that doesn’t translate into reality. Or some fields want you to have 5-10 years experience to be hired, but you can’t have that if you’ve been in school (though, to be fair, companies know what I just pointed out about grads and want to see if you can actually do the thing), or even you might have experience but your company downsizes, leaving you without a job in an area with too many people with the same area of expertise.

In an economic downturn, having a higher degree can be a curse if you really need a job, and can’t find something in your field, but also can’t get hired in a lower paying job because now you’re “over qualified”. I remember being fresh out of college in 2008, and having this problem. Trying to get work was hell because my industry was downsizing due to economy, I had no real world experience in my field, but also now couldn’t get other work I had previous experience in because I had a degree. :neutral_face:

I am notorious in my family for advising all my nieces and nephews not to get a degree (in general). There are other ways to learn. Do that. Get on the job experience. Though not if you want to be a brain surgeon. Definitely go to school for that :laughing:

Lol guess you could say the “lie” of “higher education” is something I’d like to just f*ck right off. :laughing: I haz much feelz. :laughing:


I remember when I was applying for physical therapy jobs after one year of post Doc :crazy_face: explaining my CV was always ‘fun’. But since I say that I don’t feel like I have to justify my past because I brought me exactly to where I am now, people stop asking stupid questions in job interviews.


That’s a hard one since wanting to know why there is a gap in employment could be useful in knowing whether to hire someone or not, and yet at the same time there are often deeply personal reasons which a person should be able to keep private without fear of losing out on employment.

Which, to be fair, it is perfectly understandable to wonder why a clearly over-qualified person is trying to get a ‘lower level’ job, because we’ve been conditioned to believe that a degree should equal better employment opportunities and actual education that translates into the ‘real world’, when the reality is often far from that.

I think it’s just really hard overall because people often have very good reasons for why they do what they do. haha even people who take selfies and put them on their resumes. They probably legitimately don’t know it’s kind of cringe to a serious employer. But what makes complete sense to one person can almost always be guaranteed to make someone else go, “but… why??”.


Some automatic responses. I have to “not say what” because someone might become offended by my share. I don’t want to be offensive yet I’m frustrated by the auto responses

Chronic pain can Fck right off


What kind of automatic responses are you most frustrated by?

Yes chronic pain can just f*ck right off. This is something that has to be truly experienced to get a genuine understanding of the depths and complexity of this life trial.


Immature Adults
Power outages
Childhood trauma
Social media


When credit card companies take MONTHS to report a paid off $0 balance to credit bureaus :unamused::roll_eyes:
I want my report to reflect all of the hard work I’ve put in :sweat_smile:


Certainly not to forget the people who say "you need to get out more, or the ones that say pain is weakness leaving the body. Those people can go to foff


My sociopathic ex partner and overthinking. Duh. :upside_down_face::roll_eyes:


You’ve given me a lot to think about there. Still though, the job I’m hiring for is an entry level position. If someone would like to clarify parts of their resume, there is a notes section on Indeed that people can write on for employers to review. I feel like some people are just not motivated enough to take the extra time to do so. Maybe they’re just spam applying for any job they can find.

As for the selfie thing, I don’t care if an applicant thinks that it makes perfect sense in their own head. As an employer, it shows me that there’s a disconnect in judgement that I’m unwilling to subject my business to.


Fair enough. That’s always a possibility too. And I definitely agree that a serious candidate would take the time to explain why they’re applying if they are very overqualified. Good luck finding a quality employee. I don’t miss the hiring and firing process of management. I can only imagine it’s become more tricky these days. Perhaps candidates who include a selfie are helping to make your job easier. You can quickly and easily know who you don’t want to take a chance with. :thinking:


Ah yes. I know these ones you’re talking about. I agree so much.


When people fail to do what they say they will do and just don’t show up. No text, call or any message before or after the specific time


Yes, I agree, that can F right off


family and their crazy antics and constant cycle of shit


What can fuck off right now…

  1. My overthinking.
  2. That little demonic voice saying to me shits.
  3. Instagram. :sweat_smile: Sounds stupid, but I’m tired of seeing these ‘perfect’ photos. It makes my anxiety worse.

Delete Instagram :wink: I did and don’t miss this fake world any more.