You got a taste of Exactly what this is then, @Lisa07. I’m about 100 miles from there.
Hope you got to eat tons of superlicious Tex-Mex! And I hope it’s lovely out where you are today!
Erectile disfunction
Yes, Tex-Mex food was very enjoyable and a nice change. Experienced my first TX bbq and that was awesome.
AC is a must in those temps. Try to stay cool.
It was a relief coming back to NJ (never thought I’d say that ). I won’t complain about my 80’s anymore.
Cycling paths built to suit cars needs
Sunday blues
Restrooms at restaurants that have combination locks on the door, and you have to ask an employee for the combination.
Ugh yes!! Makes no sense
What? Where is this happening??
No PB&J, and now this!?! You are blowing my mind today @WilliamBloke
Body aching from walking can fro
Drivers who for some reason cant seem to see my motorcycle can fro
PTSD can fuck right off.
Restrooms at restaurants/food outlets that have a combination lock, where you are required to make a purchase because the code is printed on your receipt.
Heat, headache, poor sleep and summer depression can fuck right off
Edit to add: Suddenly freezing with goosebumps when I sweated the moment before.
I’m right there with you on all of that (except the suddenly freezing).
Waking up with a bad headache can FRO.
Summer heat can FRO.
Depression can FRO.
People who waste my time. I’ve grown enough to finally set boundaries. If we have a date and you don’t show up I leave after 10 minutes. If it isn’t important for you to be there on time, maybe many other things aren’t either.
No thanks.
Waking up because your bladder hurts but being too tired to get out of bed and go to the bathroom. Lol
Restless legs at night.
Having to pee a lot, which really sucks on long car trips.
AH For fucks sake - what a tool!!! I am so sorry Sabrina – yeah those ass holes can FRO!
I kinda knew that would happen, I have a good instinct. The thing is, he was in the area but not where we wanted to meet. Instead of walking and looking if I’m anywhere he kept sitting where he was and sent me a picture of the place. No text, nothing. Strange behaviour.
After inspecting the area I saw him but was already p*ssed of and went home.
Strange behavior for sure and LAZY to boot. Sorry it turned out to be such a dud but glad that you did not engage with him any further - you deserve so much better!
Lazy people that expect others to do all the work can FRO