Consider a Profile Picture and "About Me"

FinešŸ˜Š. Hereā€™s a picture.


Still not sure how I feel about the picture thing.I fear running into someone I know and them reading everything about me.If it were in a meeting it would be different because Im not writing things that anyone could look back on.

This is why Im most hesistant.Then again if they are on here then I guess they have a problem too.


Youā€™re the original ā€œgreen Sā€ so thatā€™s fair! In New York the train lines are letters in a color circle, so I keep thinking about trains :steam_locomotive:

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That is totally understandable! I really was just suggesting people add any image or avatar, not necessarily a portrait. I also am trying to stay anonymous here.


I think more people would change their picture if u could do so from the app. I tried updating my about me from the app as well and I donā€™t see that it changed. Ah well. I once found my way to the forum on the web and then couldnā€™t remember my password. So here I am. Icon-less :joy:

Hmm @carmen071 . You should be able to do it from the App. I use iPhone and from Sober Time I select menu -> Talking Sober. Then login to the forum. Once logged in, press icon in upper right, and select the ā€œgearā€. From there you can change profile epic and about me, and press ā€œSave Changesā€. Maybe try it out again.

Yeah it wonā€™t let me. It just doesnā€™t do anything when I get to that point. Iā€™m on an LG g flex, android

I figured it was the same kind of thing going on with posting photos in a thread - I was told u have to do it from a browser