Constant clock reset but not this time!

So i finally made it to 7 days and counting . I know that no big whoop but for me by day 4 i’m pawning shit, to buy dope so I can just get rid of that icky feeling opiate withdrawals give you. Not only that but i deleted my dealers number out my phone in every place possible and changed my number so he can’t reach me to so called check in as he calls it!!! I’m scared a little but that was a big step for me. Journey continues :relaxed:


Right on!
Take any and every step needed to keep yourself distant from your old life and its patterns. Keep busy. Keep distracted.
Push through the next bit and find your sober groove.
It DOES get easier.

Go well

Wow great job!!! Uv made some huge, positive changes already :slight_smile: I’m glad ur here!

That’s so encouraging! I’m struggling to get to day 3. Your post is motivating me to stay strong :sparkling_heart:

That’s great to read, you’re on the right path. Well done!

7 days IS huge! Give yourself some credit, you’ve made some great leaps this week! I remember for me, my first week was one of the hardest weeks. One day or even one minute at a time, just keep doing whatever it takes to stay sober. You’re on track, keep going!

Seven days is massive, I’m really happy for you. Keeping taking it day by day, I am glad youre here.