Constant fight against Pornography

No need to hear him, some people think we are perverts innate and they think that we are not stopping this just for fun… thank you for the support Lisa.


Watching porn is not good for health.

This guy that’s talking reminds me exactly of that

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You can stop. You can do it.
If others can stop we can also stop.

Crysple kid or however u spelled it

@jeffca thank you friend. I have determination… one will never understand this addiction untill they go through the same. and it really makes me happy to see such supportive and sincere people around here. I am going to update.


This user has been silenced for a period of time for continuing to post under the influence after being advised not to. I hope everyone can resume the original topic to avoid continued derailing.


I muted him. I can’t engage with inconsiderate people. They’re not worth my time or anyone else’s. I think we all deserve respect no matter what the addiction is.


Yes, I wholly agree with this. It is not just about Pornography, it includes real sex as well. But does not matter I am just taking the constructive ones into account… thank you


Alright, thank you for the advice. “Do not watch porn”. This is my ultimate goal but does this really seem that easy when just said like that? I think people are condemning you in this regard and I would probably never suggest any addict such a thing. In any case, I hope you got my point on this.


Hi Çağatay, this is a good thorough catalogue of your problems caused by your addiction. I can hear how deeply it affects you. It sounds like you are ready for change in your life. That’s a great place to start from.

Your list of effects on your life reminds me of the topics we are discussing in my sex addiction recovery group right now. I am in a group with 5 other men. This is the book we are using to guide our recovery:

“Gentle Path Press” is the publisher, but you can find it on Amazon just about everywhere, if that’s more convenient.

I found a very significant improvement in my recovery when I connected with my clinic. Is there a sex addiction recovery group or clinic anywhere near you? Is that something you could do? Neal (another recovering sex addict & a steady companion on the recovery journey) posted a good list here:


@Matt To be honest, There are not any groups or clinics around here. People do not take it very seriously and My town is a small one. I can interact with people sharing the same addiction with me only on the internet. And thank you for the suggestions. I will take a look…

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Sounds good. The internet is better than nothing :slightly_smiling_face: - keep checking in here & we can be an online resource for you.


Hi @Cgty04,

It’s nice to hear from you again. Welcome back!

And you’re not giving up. Neither am I. That’s good.

If you want to enforce the 2 hour limit on your phone, I believe that the Lock Me Out app can do that. I found a way to block all access to porn on my phone, but it’s pretty extreme.

Anyways, I hope you stick around. Just keep posting. I’ll add you to the Men’s struggling with PMO private thread. Take care.


Seems like @Mtrav0040 already added you, @Cgty04. :ok_hand:


Hey Kevin, I am really glad to see you again. Yes, I am not giving up. And thank you for the recommendation. I am going to join you.


I think most of us here would recognise that this is a daily battle and one we can’t take lightly. I think having a robust support network is really important. Hopefully you can build some of that through this app and forum.


One thing that’s helped me the most is constantly reminding myself I don’t have it under control and that I need help to stay sober and in recovery.


Well done man keep going!


Well done…)

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