Continued Confessions

I like Wheel of Fortune. Even have app on my phone


I’ll take your word for it rather than try it lol :joy:

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I went to a Justin Bieber concert once, and I enjoyed it. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to admit it, he is a talented kid and millions of other people like him, so what.


This one for me:


Understand that FICO has nothing to do with income or net-worth. It is a measure of how much, how long, type, and successful/unsuccessful payment of debt. It’s an “I love debt score”.

In the old days, credit worthiness was a simple measure of how much debt you had, vs. Income. A ratio. The problem with this, for lenders, was you actually had to have an income, to borrow money, and the lower your income, the less they let you borrow. So they came up with FICO, and marketed it like having a high score was desirable. It encourages people to take on debt.

So a college kid with a net worth of a half a case of ramen noodles can take on thousands in student loans and get a credit card to take on more debt…without having an income. A single mom on public assistance, working minimum wage, can get a credit card and a car loan.

Why? Because “Life takes VISA”.


Loved her!!


Sometimes paying off debt can actually lower your score at first. If it is old debt that hasn’t been reported in years, when they update your balance (and make sure they do) that old collection is now recent activity, which can drop your score. After all of that debt is paid off, you should make a plan for rebuilding your credit and establishing a new trade line. That helps get your score up because its good, recent activity.

I luv boobjuice :smile:

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I have loved Ricky Martin ever since he was on General Hospital in the eighties.

As in breast milk?

Yes … Ever had it? Fresh out the tap n warm is best…

In my blood by Shawn Menzed is a fine piece of pop song.

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Yes I breast feed my daughter . It’s sweet tastes like melted vanilla ice cream. I have used it to cure pink eye and psoriasis too. I didn’t know people who aren’t babies liked it. Interesting

What! Diehard 1 is my favorite christmas movie. Unforgettable dialogue and Alan Rickman (rip) as Hans Gruber :heart:


I was so obsessed with the movie AVATAR that I learned Na’vi language :upside_down_face::smile: But already forgot everything about it.


Backstreet boys Show me the meaning of being lonely. But to defend mysef it is also a memory of a friend who died of cancer at young age.


I too have some weird love/hate relationship with Maroon 5. And, like @C-sun, I’m not really the type to admit it.


Yes not very thick almost water-like…i know :wink: lol … We have a talk about this in the lounge. i keep trying to encourage more to try!:rofl:

Where are all the Harry Potter lover gurls at?


That one isn’t embarrasing, I think everyone should love it! Lol