Continuous cycle

My alcoholic behavior is a continuous cycle. Im always sick and full of regret every monday. I work full time and convince myself every week day that im stopping drinking. I follow lot of sobriety pages and then feel a bit motivated about how great my sober life is going to be. Then next thing it’s friday and one drink, next thing its sunday afternoon again. Been drunk all weekend. Sick, ashamed and remember almost nothing. My boyfriend probably going to leave me soon as I think hes had enough. Feeling useless today. Dont know where to even find help or how im ever going to get sober :sob:


First off, welcome! You’ve come to the right place! And it takes bravery to post and be 100% honest about your struggle. Take a gander ‘round and consider chiming in on this thread with other folks who are early in their recovery:

One thing that has helped me tremendously is to check in here every day and set my intention to be sober, and to lay my head on the pillow at night sober. You can come here the next time you’re wanting to drink or having a craving and we’ll help talk you out of it! Getting involved here and making connections is bound to help you on your way to finding out how to stay sober. Hang in there, you’re worth a happy, sober life!


Hi, @Foreverfree36, welcome! I’m so glad you found this place. It is an amazing tool for sobriety . I come here everyday. Just don’t drink today, then rinse and repeat tomorrow. It takes hard work but it is possible, you are worth a sober life :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Hey @Foreverfree36 I know how your feeling…I know that hopeless feeling that lays heavy in your gut and how scary it can be when faced with a real possibility that your boyfriend/spouse will leave…I can’t make any promises, but if they love you…truly love you, and see you giving 150% I have a pretty good feeling they’ll walk with you…but if you lay down and give up I can tell ya the possibility of making that fear a reality is high…you can do this.

You can’t change the past, but you have control over the present, and can carve an AF path for the future. Don’t give up on you!

Will do this together!

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Hi Kels,

If I’ve understood right that you are managing to stay sober during the week but binging over the weekend, I would say taking this decision now is huge and will really benefit you! I was there myself a few years ago and can only testify to where it leads … Drinking during the week, during the day, during work, hiding your drinking and so on.

I tried many times to quit drinking during this phase but that damned drive home on a Friday aaaaaaalways involved a trip to the shop. Even if I didn’t want to. It’s all about habit.

Have you communicated the fact you have an issue with your boyfriend? For all he is noticing, have you discussed it? I was only really able to focus on sobriety when I highlighted it was something I needed and helped my wife understand that drinking was different for me.

Keeping coming back and posting. Let others share in and support your journey. Try AA or another support group if that appeals to you. Hearing others talk about alcohol the way I thought about it was huge for me.

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Wow I wish I had found this app / group a while ago. You guys are great. Full of anxiety but hoping that will subside along with the attempt to finally give this nonsense up. Going to also try anatbuse to deter me from having a drink. Day 2 coming up tomorrow :blush:

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I do the same weekly thing and was always hungover on monday, same regret then friday comes, sometimes thursday and the cycle would start over. I have reset so many times and it is tough. Got thru this weekend and going to keep it up. Keep pushing thru and know there are other people who struggle with the cycle

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