Marching Towards Sobriety

Hi, I am relatively new to the forum, but not alcoholism. I reset my timer yesterday and could really use more support. It was suggested that those of us new to sobriety, with sobriety dates around the same time, might start a check-in group. Everyone is welcome, of course!

My “new” sober date is March 6th. I am happy to say that today, March 7th, I didn’t drink.


Great job today! Just think…You are gonna wake up feeling so much better tomorrow than you did today. 1 day at a time! You can do this!

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My sobriety date is March 5th :blush: I signed up for They have a 30 day program for $27/month. Plus they also have You Tube videos that are very helpful

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My name is Dee, and like @Mbwoman I am not new to alcohol abuse…I have been in and out of the rabbit hole for 7 years…before last night I had 2 months and 26 days AF, and I have been just disgusted with myself for following through with a relapse…I didn’t fight hard enough!

What’s done is done…the relapse doesn’t steal my accomplishments, but it teaches me that I have to work harder, and I have to stay out of the shadows.

I’m looking forward to growing with each and everyone of you!

Maybe we can even get a Zoom of our own going! Just one more layer of accountability and fellowship :sun_with_face::raised_hands:t2::rosette:


I’m so glad to see you all here and trying again. @Mbwoman and @TudorDee It takes more strength and courage than you may realize to admit you fell. And then to get back up and keep going, not just taking the easy way out -makes you remarkable.
Why, you ask?
Because we know that life is no longer an option.
We shall keep fighting!


My sober date is March 3rd and it has been rough. It is a great idea to have this forum for people just starting out for support! Day 1 is the first step and you’re doing great!


Oh…I got Day 1 mastered! I’ve had lots of those. :laughing::laughing: Congratulations on finishing up 5 days!


Sorry you had to reset @Mbwoman
I never know what to say. But glad you’re right back in the fight. Here’s a letter I stole and saved, that I want to pass on to you or anyone else on this thread. I’ve made a hard copy of it in case I feel the urge. Maybe it’ll help someone to read this first before picking up that first drink again. I don’t know.

Dear Self,
If you’re reading this, I assume you are struggling to quiet the voice in your head that says you can, or should, drink. That you’re not really an alcoholic, or even if you are, it’s not that bad. That it’s just for tonight, you’re a grown adult and can make your own decisions, and are perfectly capable of enjoying a drink or two, or five or seven, and be perfectly fine overall.

Or, maybe you’re upset. Maybe something bad has happened, or you are afraid might happen soon. Maybe something stressful is going on. Maybe you’re overwhelmed and anxious, and the voice is telling you that you are being ridiculous to “deny yourself” any longer.

Maybe you’re happy and relaxed, and something in your brain is piping up louder and louder. If you’re this happy and relaxed now, a couple of drinks would make that feeling even better. Right? Isn’t that how it works?

Whatever the situation going on, there is always an excuse that we can come up with to drink, if we try hard enough to create it.

Just do this for me (for you), just this once, please.
Just wait until tomorrow.
It’s just for today.

You chose to quit drinking, and you have the complete freedom to choose to drink again at any point.

The reason that you haven’t is because you accepted the truth that once you take that first drink, all bets are off. You came to the conclusion that for you, it is no longer worth the risk.

You may not feel that way now, or today. I get that. I’m not asking you to do this forever, but please just hang on for another day. That’s all I ask.


This made me cry :heart: Speaks to me LOUD. So true. One day at a time, one more day loving myself enough to do this :heart:


I’ve hit reset recently after over 50 days. I’ve managed 6 months before. Great idea for a thread.


This is a very powerful letter. Thank you for putting it up Eric. :pray:t2::two_hearts: @Mbwoman and @TudorDee well done for getting back up and at it! Together we can keep going :pray:t2: I think the idea of a thread for people with the same/similar dates is a great idea. I have two sober twins that I feel inspired and spurred on by @SobahCobra79 and @ThajokerNL… it is a very big part of my tool kit knowing that I have sober twins. I am sending you both strength, I am so glad that I am on this journey with you all, it’s such a difficult one but together we are stronger! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thank you @Dazercat…I am going save this letter, and carry it with me. That voice is really my own, and I just couldn’t hear it the other day…but I hear her now.

Thank you so much.



Thank you so much for being here…for walking this road with me. I am so thankful for this community. Your words bring me comfort and provide me strength.

Saturday was a blip…not and a stain, and now I know what me strongest triggers are, and now I can begin strengthening my defenses so I’m not caught off guard next time.

Thanks again @Blondie1x



@DnA2000 . . . hey!! You were right!! I didn’t drink, slept pretty well, got up and went to the gym, to work on time. I hope your day has started well, too. Wherever in the world that might be - crazy how we have people from all over the world here. I love it!


Thank you @Blondie1x!!! I appreciate your encouragement very much! I have a question to ask you - later today because I am at work. Keep you in suspense! :rofl: :rofl:


Monday morning! No physical yuk feelings left. I am in that couple of days after place in my head where it is REALLY hard to stop thinking about my addiction. No cravings or plans to drink. Just those age old questions “why am I still doing this to myself?”, “why can’t I get this under control?”, why? why? why? And also replaying my behavior on Friday that I am NOT proud of. But that was Friday. Today is Monday.

I just got to work, and not working when I am on the clock makes me feel bad and I don’t want to feel bad today. So . . . be back during my lunch break. I have lots going on in my head today.


:hugs::hugs: I’m all ears lol. :rofl::two_hearts:

@Blondie1x Sarah, thank you for the shout out! I’m glad we are walking the journey together! @ThajokerNL It’s great to have Mario kicking it with us and supporting us always. @mbwoman and @TudorDee do NOT give up ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!! Keep up the good work. Some days are harder than others but if you take it day by day you CAN And You WILL!!


I needed that…thank you! Thank you so much. I am so grateful for this community. It’s hard, but I know I can do this…if I can be AF for almost 90 days I can do it for a lifetime. I just have to work harder and not beat myself so much.

I am toughest on myself…I think most of us can be. So today I’m going to be patient with myself, I’m going to regroup and refocus.

Thanks again! I appreciate you all so much.



Sending you a HUGE HUG! If you wanna chat later I’ll be around!

I hope the workday treats you well!