Corin got the job, officially a peer support specialist

Hands down the best interview EVER. After filling out 14 legal forms front and back, having a conversation with the Director of the rehab facility…with MANY “what would you do if this happens?” scenarios and “why should we hire you?” from the lead supervisor… and then all 3 of them brought me to another office and asked " what is the most difficult thing that has ever happened in your life and how did you overcome it?"
BAM! The Director says “I WANT YOU!” She said she was going to see if she could get permission from the Organization to hire me before receiving all of my documentation and history reviews were complete… so I could do the orientation that is on there schedule for in the morning… They called me with an official offer before I made it home.
You guys gave me so much support and vibes of strength… I hope your as happy as I am. because I’m ecstatic.
I love you all.


Congratulations !!

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This is awesome, I’m incredibly exctatic for you :smiley:

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Thats so cool you should be super proud of yourself!

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They are so fortunate to have you. So happy for ya.

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Amazing!!! Congratulations :confetti_ball:

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Awesome! Congratulations!!

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Jumping up and down, doing a happy dance!!


Hell yeah!
So great you found out straight away rather than spend time and mental energy going back over the whole interview while you waited for their response.



Congratulations love and all the best I hope your happy in your new venture. It’s good to see other peoples good fortune especially when they appreciate what they have found :v::heart:

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Congratulations! What awesome news to end the day with! Wishing you every success in your new role! What an exciting and rewarding position!



That’s so exciting, congratulations!!!

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Congratulations :blush:

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God is good to me… I’m probably going to have a perma-grin at my meeting in a little bit.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your replies… I am grateful for each one of you.



love you @anon83587935



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I’m so happy for you! I also want to get certified and work as a peer counselor so that eventually I can work as a substance abuse counselor. Congratulations! This is a super big deal!

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Congrats Corin! I’m happy for you :innocent:

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Yay!! Congratulations Corin!! I bet you feel on top of the world.

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Huge congrats Corin! :partying_face: :woman_student: :clap:

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