Coronavirus Discussion

This article helped me to better understand how I’m feeling.


Thank you for sharing this article, I found it helpful and comforting. :heart:

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It is interesting to think about – I have no idea what grief really is. BUT I DON"T LIKE IT. IT has me wondering what the last song I want to hear will be… The only words for that is fucked up.

The only time i have experienced grief not drinking would have been sobering up – but I was a hot mess then for a lot of reasons. This is really the first time that I have faced that feeling (and prob a lot of other complex feelings that I don’t know what they are) sober. On prior gallons er occasions, feelings were drowned in handles of booze and then set fire.

Now, major life changes seem to keep happening minute by minute. Things that would have been huge before are dwarfed by this unseen enemy we face now that threatens to take away the things most precious to us, family, friends, serenity, and our sense of community.


I’m quite enjoying the time off with my children, we’ve had beautiful clear sunny skies for a few days,.and no TV :+1::v: