Counting the wins

Today I made it to the gym for the first time in probably 4 months. I am so proud of myself!

Tonight at about 10:30 I’ll hit the 7 day mark, which is what allowed me to be able to wake up early to get to my favorite cardio class on time.

For my whole life I’ve had such an all or nothing approach. If I went to the gym, I went 4 times a week at least, lifted and did a small amount of cardio. If I wasn’t able to give full effort, I didn’t go, leading to months on/months off.

Now I’m trying to appreciate every small win, because they all add up! Here are some of mine:

Went to the gym
Waking up on time every day
Brushing my teeth every night (no one wants to brush their teeth and then drink wine so that important habit slipped)
Actually properly hydrated all the time instead of totally dehydrated
Reading books again
Sober conversations with my wife
Making sober weekend plans with my wife that we’re both looking forward to

What are some of your “little wins” that are more important than they seem and deserve recognition?


My top ones are:

  • Feeling motivated to do mundane chores again, like washing the dishes
  • Feeling motivated enough to take my dog for long walks. I used to rush her and get impatient because I hated being out of the house
  • Not having a short fuse and snapping at people
  • Basically feeling like I can face the world again with my head held high

Congrats on 7 days! The little-big wins I appreciate the most are:

*My kids now come to me more to talk about their day, what they have learned, what they are thinking about, etc. and I’m actually able to listen, remember and give them the support and/or advice they need.

*Able to process, learn and grow from my feelings and emotions versus drinking them away… because of this I’m now able to better help others.

*My relationships/friendships feel stronger and more positive than ever before.

*No more anxiety.


Most of my wins are similar to yours. I read a book a week now. I go to the gym 6 or 7 days a week for an hour or more. I eat well and sleep well. That’s really all I need to be happy.


Hi also have less anxiety no more hangovers and more exercise :muscle: to make me feel better so for a treat just ordered a pizza for dinner for me and my kids usually I’d be starting my first bottle of wine now :roll_eyes:


Great thread @Lotys. Mine are similar to youra and others

Getting more from a workout - the endorphin rush is way better now
More cuddles from my son - he prefers me not smelling of booze
Generally calmer
Happier in the moment and not looking ahead to the next drink etc
Much more productive at work and home
Cognitively quicker with a marginally improved memory and hope this gets better over time.
Mostly better at sleeping.

Good to see this in writing :star_struck: