Covid— my personal blessing in disguise?

Ya keep it. The concept of Rock Bottom is interesting. They say you can’t quit until you hit it. Perhaps they are right, but perhaps Rock Bottom can just be a good kick in the pants that forces you to revaluate your life. Which Covid most certainly is. Make the most of it!


I’ve hit my rock bottom plenty of times. I have 3 DUIs, have pissed countless beds and couches, ruined relationships and am currently going through a divorce living at my moms quarantining in my 6 year old daughter’s bedroom :woozy_face:. Everyone’s rock bottom is different. Lol


I mix it with green tea. Does wonders.


This is true, for most it’s a grave for a few it’s a missed day of work or obligation, for most of us here it’s somewhere in the middle


Oh, I was talking to myself, don’t worry. That was pretty cathartic :grin:
Taking the good things from a bad situation is a proof of power imo. Take care


Honestly, when I got Covid was when I realized I had a genuine problem. I’m a boredom drinker and “drank beer for the taste.” So when I lost my sense of taste, why did I still want to drink? When I was exhausted and trying to sleep 18 hours, why did I still want to drink?

Find your positivity and then evaluate why it’s a positive! Staying away from your work place, as it is a source of temptation, is a good thing. But also might give you an indication there needs to be a career change to avoid that temptation in the future. Keep keeping on! You got this


Thank you for your reply!! I know in my heart I need to get out of the restaurant industry. I keep telling myself once my son is in kindergarten I will get a big girl job.


Sleep is such a funny thing. It’s an art sometimes. And like all art, some is better than others! :joy:

There’s lots of really good threads on sleep here. Here’s one:

Take care & take all the time you need. It’s a learning process. You’ll get there.


Allysaflory: I get what you’re saying. I have a stressful job I hate too. I had an accident at work that resulted in a broken leg, so I was at home recovering for about two and a half months. It was paradise…almost like a vacation, except with pain and physical therapy sessions. So yes, there IS a positive to being home sick.

Yes, I like it.
That’s what I call taking a sad song and making it better.


I tested positive last week too. Even though I’ve had three vaccines and looked after myself it still knocked me off my feet for over three days.
During the worst of it I made all kinds of promises to myself, starting with ‘if I get through this I wil…….’

One of those promises was to keep pushing forward with my new way of sober living.