Covid— my personal blessing in disguise?

I’m on day 6 and tested positive for covid yesterday. I found that last night it actually helped because I didn’t fight my sleep at all bc I’m exhausted. Took a “shot” of NyQuil and felt like I was breaking the rules. 5 days quarantine…. I’m a server so it will keep me away from the restaurant bar for Friday and Saturday, which aids in my days counting up. So I guess I’m thinking, this covid shit is a blessing in disguise :heart::pray: lol Can you tell I’ve been trying to find the positives in every situation lately??

Thanks for the vent :hugs:


Oh I definitely meant just personally! I know how terrible covid is. And being a bartender/server I was majorly affected by the Ohio shutdown in march of 2020. I worked the day of the shutdown and people were throwing money at me. I remember it like it was yesterday. I binged so hard for 3-6 months. While trying to keep up with kiddos homeschooling and my own shit. I totally get it sir!!


Had a three months road trip booked through Canada and Oregon with wife and kids. Then the covid showed up. Then the lockdown. Road trip cancelled. Then my wife left me. And I lost everything. So fuck the fucking covid.

Thanks for the vent :joy:


I’m so sorry!!! :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:


You can make your own blessings happen. Just decide to choose the right choices. Make good decisions.

Everyday is a blessing in sobriety.

Covid is not a blessing.

Choose to have an abundant amount of blessings come your way everyday by choosing to stay clean and sober.

You don’t need an excuse.

Just a reason. That reason being that life is actually amazing.

Live it sober :innocent:

And covid free :wink:


Well said April :+1:


Again just my personal opinion on my own situation for right now!! But thank you for the positive words :two_hearts:


I had a friend once who told me when I was sick, “enjoy the fever”. I thought it was weird at first but then I realized he was right. This is the body clearly saying: it’s rest time. Rest now.

And I did rest, and I did get better. :innocent:

Wishing you good rest and recovery Alyssa! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I absolutely can relate to unfortunate circumstances being seen as “blessings in disguise.” When I was on yet another sobriety attempt with about 10 days sober, I found out my 9 year old dog was terminally ill. It was devastating, but taking care of him was one of the reasons I was able to stay sober long term. I was so grateful to even have a short amount of time sober to deal with the vet visits and the stress and it gave me a reason to keep racking up days. We had no idea how long he had and it could have been days, weeks, so I just had to stay sober to be there for him and give him his best life. He made it another 5 months! And I was sober the whole way through. I have had a few slips since he passed last year this time, but have mostly been sober and I give my buddy a lot of credit! But that little kickstart brought on by something difficult like what you’re going through is a reason to be sober, even if it’s not manifested in big hopes and dreams to start with.

Let COVID be your reason to stay sober in these early days - there is absolutely nothing wrong with that perspective. It takes what it takes, right? And take this down time to maybe write some thoughts down (when you’re feeling up to it). The best thing I ever did was make my pros and cons list that is still in a note in my phone that I turn to often when I need a reminder. Why do I want to be sober vs. why do I drink.

Take care of you and I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you for this reply! :two_hearts:


I’m stuck in a lockdown homeschooling and going a little stir crazy I get how hard it is. Trying to stay positive and keep the kids busy and keep myself distracted. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


@RosaCanDo amazing response!!! Totally agree and you said way better than I could have. Alyssa, don’t let anyone make you feel bad about turning a negative situation into a positive and whatever tools you use are YOURS. I have been in quarantine since dec 21st due to my children and hubby having Covid and quite frankly it’s helped me. I’m busy taking care of them and don’t have much space in my mind for bullshit, i.e. your brain telling you use, the constant mental struggle, is replaced with real world worry. I wish you the best of luck and :pray: you don’t have severe symptoms.


I agree that COVID is a terrible disease. But that doesn’t take away that it has been of help to you. I’m glad you’ve been able to take something positive from it


Suggestion: Switch to Theraflu. Same active ingredients, no alcohol, and the warmth of the hot liquid will ease chest congestion, sooth the throat.

For me, no alcohol means no alcohol. Alcohol is for cuts and sanitizing the hands. But I am me, and you are you. Your mileage may vary.


Finding the silver lining is never a bad idea :slightly_smiling_face:. I wish you well on your sobriety journey.


This is a good post. You’ve got people responding, and even when people come back a little harsh, they are reaffirming their personal position. Some people are dealing with some harsh realities.

I think a shot of NyQuil is fine, as long as you are fine with it. It’s your perspective that matters. If you’re anything like me, a 10% shot is about 1/4 of the way to a whole shot. So if you find yourself having 30 shots of NyQuil a night, you may have a problem there. :partying_face:

I also got sick when I quit alcohol and took NyQuil for my cough. It wasn’t a problem for me because I didn’t perceive it as a problem. I eventually stopped coughing, and stopped taking it.

I believe the key to sobriety is finding the path that works for you. Good luck!


Thank you so much! I’ve thought about deleting it, because I definitely am not trying to downplay covid at all. I know how scary and bad it is for people, I am just trying to find the positives here for my second time having covid :woozy_face::upside_down_face:

Thanks so much again for your reply :two_hearts:


I hope you don’t delete it. It’s a really valuable conversation and I agree with James @jbm555 that people come with their own perspectives (always) but the general message is one of support.


Love the Theraflu. Had a really bad cough a couple of months ago and a nice hot Theraflu with a little extra honey and lemon really seemed to help.


I love all your replies. Thank you for being supportive and insightful. This is definitely not my first time trying to get sober, but it’s my favorite time so far and finally feels like it’s my time.

Sleeping has been awful for me sobriety wise. I find myself waking up at 1 am and staying up until 4 because I haven’t drank fireball to make me sleep.

Now that my 3 year old is sick with me throwing up everywhere, I’m just thankful that I’m sober and present and not feeling like shit from the fireball and all the SUGAR in it and am here for him.

Again thank you all for listening and replying how you have I appreciate it all :two_hearts: