Crack is my topic for to day. How many out there use crack or use to use crack you are one of the people I need to talk to.
Hello and welcome im in recovery for crack addiction so I totally understand what u r going through
@Natnat is a great person to speak to she’s a tru soul who’s battle that beast welcome stick around it’s an amazing forum
Im three months clean from crack having a rough time
Crack is my DOC. Taking it ODAAT right now
Mine too i feel like im hanging off a cliff holding on with one finger to sobriety
I am on my first day trying to stay away from this drug. It would be very nice to talk to someone who has went through it
I’ve never had so much trouble getting off and staying off a drug as bad as crack. I’m not feeling NA I don’t want to get into why but I’m not a people person and I live in a small town
If you’re not “feeling” NA, what’s the alternative plan?
Many mornings I’m not feeling work, but seeing as I have no alternative plan for earning money, I get up and go to work.
Not saying you must go to meetings, and not saying you should either. I don’t do meetings. I tried my alternative plan and it’s worked for 4 years. What’s your alternative plan to stay clean?
It would help me to talk to someone too if ever you want
I was addicted to crack cocaine from 19-35 yrs old. Off and on , of course. Every fiber in my being was drawn to get it and do ANYTHING for it. Im pretty sure I spent over one million dollars or more on that crap. Gave two cars, three houses and every bit of furniture and household items away for it too.
I’ve been clean from being a puppet for crack for roughly three years.
I was sick in the head and heart and crack DOES NOT discriminate! It doesn’t care if you’re black, white, rich, poor, educated or not… It gets you by the spine of your being and won’t quit!!!
It was The Great I AM mixed with that gift of desperation that led me to finally surrender to a God I never believed in and adamantly denied all those years.
And honestly… I’m stubborn and a special one () and it’s taken me several falls to finally realize one day…
I can be around it and not want it. I can be around someone literally doing it in my face and not have a single gotta go poop nervousness, gotta throw up spirit warning, pull to use, or draw to Quickly run.
One day I happened to realize that I no longer was a slave to crack. How , I’m not sure. Exactly when, not sure about that either.
And grateful I am to not be enslaved any longer.
I know you didn’t ask for all that but I boast in my weaknesses because this is not my testimony but HIS, my higher powers.
I know the struggle so well. I mean , I get it.
Here for you
I’m not sure where you live but I know that here in Denver area the ca meetings are amazing and they’re all inclusive to all addictions and they definitely incorporate the spiritual component often and they love the newcomers. I pray that you find a good CA meeting close to you and perhaps even a gender-specific one as it’s important that we find strong women to surround us and we don’t get mixed up in any sexual encounters while we’re trying to get sober. At least that’s how I’m doing it because I’ve always found myself codependent on a man and that can hinder me in my walk and my security and sobriety.
Wow I love the testimony I get cravings everyday Im terrified of slipping just once I know that feeling wanting to throw up Ive beem clean 3 months Its not the forst time O know how it juat takes one click of a lighter I feel so lucky just to have gotten to this point. I never want to go back but my mind is trying to trick me thinking about that first hit, I have to remind myself about the next day with no momey in debt. Spent my groceries all on one night, paying to look through the blinds thinking someone is coming or that I accodently set my appartement on fire! Wondering how the hell I got into this. Realizing just exactly what I got into
Yesssss… The list of enslavement to crack and where it takes us socially, economically, financially, physically, mentally and spiritually…whoa! I’d need five novel size books to detail one week of crack use and abuse.
Where is your spiritual walk? Do you believe in a higher power? Have you considered meetings and a sponsor?
I do believe in a higher power and thank it every day for another sober day. Its weird like I think of small details like when ita cold and my breqth makes condensation or like I find my mind trying to trick me sometimes. It pisses me of or makes me sad, mood swings sometimes I feel like q hundred percent sometimes I feel sad, im wonderimg if im going crazy or if I will be like this forever! I was used to being dope sick for so many years it was the normal. I hate it so much! Somdays are better than others. I don’t know who to talk to about all this. Im so used to fuckimg up qnd im just so scared of taking that first hit because I hate who I am and who I become when I’m high.
You just listed many great reasons for taking it one day at a time
Crack is baaaaad! How’s everyone overcoming crack?
One day,hour, minute, second at a time.
I am so proud of myself i jave 25 days off of crack.
I’m glad that crack wasn’t around when I was using coke, basing and sniffing were the common ways to abuse cocaine then (1984)