Cracked lips after quitting weed

ok i understand this isnt the most serious issue but my lips have constantly been dry, sore, cracked, and sometimes they bleed since i quit weed. I cant find anyone whos also gone through this & im wondering if it will just go away or if its caused by something else entirely. Ive also been drinking a lot more water than usual so i just dont know whats going on


I’m nor sure if you would mix your weed with tobacco? bc this happens to some ppl during withdrawal from smoking cigarettes I think.

I haven’t had this issue when I’ve quit in past but maybe that’s because I don’t use tobacco… then again, everyone is different! I’m just happy you’re not dealing with worse than this lol

congrats on taking this step for yourself lol :dizzy: did you quit recently?

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Drink more water…

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i did mix my weed with tobacco but im still smoking cigarettes unfortunately :frowning: and thankyou i quit just a week ago after heavy usage for years