Craving a drink today after being sober

I’m over 4 months sober and still get alcohol cravings


Think about what is it you are craving? Release? You have to learn a new way to get that. Exercise is good, a walk or do a yoga YouTube video, a nice drink (I make lemon tea or Royal Milk Tea) some spicy or sweet food, and sit and savour it. I used aromatherapy oils as well to try to make a feeling change.
Sometimes though, drinking is an escape. In which case you need to think long-term to make a life you don’t want to escape from.
In the end, remember you cannot control your thoughts, having thoughts of drinking isn’t a failure. You control your actions. What you do makes the difference between staying sober and relapse.
And congratulations on four months. :purple_heart:


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman: and 4 months is huge, congratulations.

It’s good you have reached out here to help fight the cravings until they pass.


Youve got this! Reaching out to communities to talk about temptation is a great thing to do when these hit. Its what keeps me afloat.