Craving like a MF

This is day 3, free of opiotes. 66hours right now. My DD just hit me up, I’m craving so bad . I have gone they thru this hell multiple times now, day 3. Crap I’ve used some kratom, took 1/8th of a sub yesterday. Idk how to feel right now everything feels so unreal, like I’m in a lucid dream. But it’s very uncomfortable. Please help pray for me or something


Praying is always good. Focus off the pain. It’s only pain and truly it’s your mind trying to trick you.

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Can u not go through a doctor to get help to take methadone or subitex then taper dpwn x

I have detoxed off opiates so many different times and it’s all the same man, have faith, let go, and understand it will pass!!! Trust me the pain with pass. But using anything right now will just restart that shitty clock again when you want to quit again. Remember day 1? It sucked. Remember day 2? It sucked. Trust me get through day 3 drink a lot of water and try and eat. YOU CAN DO THIS and when you think you can’t, PRAY. Have faith. Trust that it will go man. It’s the best thing you could ever do for yourself.
Stay strong!!!


I’m praying so hard right now , my skin is crawling.


Thanks for the support you guys. I know this too shall pass


Go take a hot bath or shower, maybe try to take a couple Unisom. Remember that it will absolutely pass and get better. It takes a while to get “normal” feeling again but it DOES come back!

I know exactly what you’re going through. I absolutely hated my life for 2 weeks. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stay out of the bathroom, had no appetite, the list goes on and one. Do anything you can NOT to dwell on it. Try walking, read, and take plenty of showers. For me after 10 days i started to feel a little better. I used melatonin to help with sleep and ate a bunch of crackers. If at all possible seek medical treatment. You don’t have to white knuckle this. Plus, medical professionals can monitor you vitals which I’m pretty sure are way off. You will get better. I think the worst thing you can do is start reading negative posts online. Don’t read stuff about withdrawl symptoms. Come here to read success stories from those of us who have walked in your shoes.

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Hang in there and keep praying. You are worthy of love because you were created to love and be loved. Don’t give up. You have won the previous days, you can win today too. Call someone or go to a healthy friend’s house. Or find a church and get with someone who will pray with you. There are numbers you can call and people will pray with you. Remember the broken were the ones Christ came to save. Me and you. We are all broken but we are also love so much. Your addiction doesn’t defy you anymore! It will pass. Think about how good you will feel for standing strong today. One day at a time. Resisting today will make you stronger tomorrow! God bless you!


How are you doing?