Craving to impulsivity to compulsion

First 2 weeks is quite difficult!!! Especially one has to encounter with insomnia and anxiety!!! Emotionally person is highly impulsive and that takes to compulsion!!!
So during first 2 weeks one has to start breathing and relaxing exercises!!! And craving does lasts for 6 months!!! Its quite usual that one brain was adjusted to brain with alcohol for long time (neuroadaptation) and it takes year for brain to adjust during sober time…even thinking of alcohol is anticipation!!! So sustained partial remission >> 1 year gives relapse chances of 25%
Alcoholism is chronic illness it relapses and remits>> like hypertension and diabtes>
Sugar is dangerous for diabtes , salt is dangerous for hypertension
Recovering is complex process because multiple brain regions are involved and to obtained sustained remission

  1. Ensure enough sleep at least 6-7 hrs per day
  2. Regular exercise
  3. Control your anxiety
  4. Know ur impulses and biggest triggers
    One year of remission chances of being sober for full time is 25%, 3 years to 50% and 7 years 60/65%

First if u have alcoholism accept it…acceptance is big factor for intiation of soberiety
And 2nd alcohol is chronic illness of one start to consume alcohol after 5 years he will start to drink like a fish within few days…

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Where do u ascertain this information?

This information is very interesting.

Can you please explain the last paragraph?

From different studies and textbook which is on my mind

Thanks kelly
First of all we have to accept that we r alcholic from our past experiences!!! Sense or compulsion to take alcohol, inability to cut off in terms of termination and level of use, long time is spent on taking alcohol and avoiding other alternative plrasure, and complications by alcohol relationship breakup, fire from job or unexpected holiday, bodily trauma, people are annoyed by oir drinking habit, despite repeated people saying to leave alcohol unable to do so
One must first accept that he is alcoholic, if he have above problem …
Accpetance is first step to soberiety!!! If i accept ur alcoholic and alcohol is poision to you then i think u have more chances to achieve soberiety

Yes, I totally agree that you must first admit that “I Am A Alcoholic!” Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I am a alcoholic and that’s ok”

I was asking about the last paragraph the 2nd step and something about five years. Thank you for sharing this information

Thanx kelly, i mean to say that alcoholisn is chronic illness if we stopped alcohol for 5 years and again start to consume within few days we start to drink like a fish…once control over alcohol gone its gone forever!!!