Cravings and addicts

I finally admitted to myself that i have a addiction to cocaine i use it ocassionly like average of 10 times a month and when i start i cant stop ive had enoigh and am 100 percent comitted to become sober starting today been a tough and overwhelming couple past days how do you guys cope or deal with cravings what do you all do to keep your mind of if it please help i cant continue down this road


I’m lucky enough to live in a city with a strong CA and NA presence so I go to a lot of meetings. I also found that learning about the disease was a good way to understand cravings and to learn about why we used in the first place. Cravings don’t just go away unfortunately, but learning about yourself and how to become a better person really helps


Have you deleted all numbers of dealer and people associated with your use? I know when i went to jail just knowing i couldnt get a cigg or my doc i didnt crave. So knowing u cant get it or be around it will help some triggers.

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I have deleted all numbers and blocked all people that i got it from and told everyone i was doin it with to not mention buy or do it in front of me as well i really need to keep clean and stay away from everyone thats not on same page as im desperate to quit

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Good for you for taking the steps to better your life. People have given great suggestions but I throw a couple more your way…
You will most likely get cravings, it’s what we do with the thoughts that matters. Sometimes it will be a fleeting thought, like cross your mind then go away. Other times, the thought will come and stick with you. That’s when you need to do something about it. So what will you do when a craving hits and it just won’t go away? I know those thoughts are a pain in the ass, that’s for sure. Some of the things I did when I first started out in recovery and even today are: called someone and let them know what was going on, that I wanted to use and I’m trying not too. Get some support. So when you need to tell someone, you have someone to call. Hit some meetings, that’s where I found most of my support. IF you do go to meetings, get a sponsor. That will most likely be your go to person… Also, getting a hobby and staying busy. Distraction is big for me too. Stay connected with the app, it’s a great tool but shouldn’t be your only tool. Hell, I say the more tools, the better! Maybe even some self help books.
I know I need help to this day! I couldnt stay sober myself, that’s just me though. Everyone recovers differently, but just wanted to give you some ideas. Take them or leave them ya know. But what i do know is you can stay sober. There is hope and a solution. Dont use one day at a time… keep us updated please.

Try to replace it with a hobby or something u enjoy. Idle time is a trigger for me. I try n hit some meetings as well (I understand their not for everyone). Being around like minded people have been a huge help, plus gives me a chance to bounce ideas off of and get things off my chest. This forum is a great place for that and really welcoming and understanding. Hang in there man and keep us posted.