Cravings at night

Hi everyone!
Any tips on how to stop cravings at night?
I’m recovering from anorexia, at a healthy weight and surely eating enough, but many days at night I have chocolate cravings and I eat all I can, but the next day I just eat the minimum I can. I know I’m doing things wrong but I really don’t know how to stop that cravings so I don’t restrict the next day…
Any help you can give me?
Tx so much!


Although I understand wanting to restrict after a binge, eating sufficient ‘safe’ food is the FIRST step, even if you binged previously. Hunger increases risk of binging. Then when there is a craving, try to eat something similar but safer. I eat apples or drink cocoa. But u may find something that fits u. Good luck :purple_heart:


Hi Luisa :innocent: Jana posted about exactly this, the other day on the binge eating recovery thread - you may find this helpful:

Take care, be gentle with yourself, and take it one day at a time :innocent:


That was soooooo helpful! Thank you so much! :innocent::rainbow:


I have chocolate cravings at night too and I eat stevia chocolate chips. It’s really important to try to listen to your body and even if you feel you’ve over done it, try not to restrict the next day because it’s a viscous cycle. Trust your body and it will balance out. It takes s bit of time. When I was recovering from anorexia it was really difficult because I still felt like I was eating too much, or enough, when really I still wasn’t eating enough during the day which led me to getting really hungry at night. Remember your body is coming out of starvation mode and your metabolism is firing up again. It’s ok to feel hungry. Try not to feel bad about it(I know… It’s harder than it sounds) but if you can trust your body everything will balance out. It’s just going to feel out of balance for a while, but every time you restrict you make the process of resetting your metabolism take even longer. It’s a tough one, and I’m sorry you are still struggling a bit.