Cravings on my Saturday

It’s Saturday morning. I’m working my normal 4 hours. And my craving just slapped me in the face. I get out in an hour but all I could think about is the vodka I could have. I know it’ll pass. It’s just getting through it.


Some days are definitely harder then others, keep yourself busy and have a plan for the rest of your day :slight_smile:


You can do this. We both can.


Fight the desire and remember why you started this journey. Stay strong

Yep, I am right here with you today. Right I g the craving. Thinking one time more won’t hurt. In fact, people have told me that a couple drinks are fine. But, I know where that leads Good luck with the fight and stay strong my friend.

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My friend told me the same thing just a few minutes ago. He said “fuck it, your young. Have some vodka.” I think it makes it harder in a way

I wish I had quit a long time ago. Now I have the beginnings of liver problems and more wrinkles lol. Treasure your youth :slight_smile: You can’t get it back.

I was having very strong cravings today, I was thinking the same “fuk it let me just get drunk and play ps4, after all I just got two new games”. I just blindly exercised for some time and i am feeling better now. Try cutting the thought at the beginning, it helped me, I think the more we think, the closer we get to relapse. Addiction is a strong disease indeed.
More power to you.