Cringey flashbacks

Not exactly a flash back but sort of. I had a funny weekend just gone. My mum was visiting and while we get on well I found it all a bit stressful as she’s elderly and it’s like having a kid to look after but then I felt guilty for feeling like that then like I hadn’t had a weekend and suddenly it was Monday morning…

Anyway the whole point is that I realised that all of these feelings used to have me reaching for alcohol. Just to stop the stress. Just to numb the guilt. Just to blunt the feelings. But this time I didn’t. I got through it. Now it’s Monday evening and the feelings have passed. Only thing different is that I’m not feeling sick with a hangover. Which is good.

Anyway. Back to the REAL topic. Glad to read i’m not the only one who had a wee on a bedroom floor. In my case it was a girl I had met that night. And her bedroom floor. Which was bad.

Remember your mistakes only long enough to learn from them!


I started stripping off at a Christmas party infront of my new boss when the song “it’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes” by Nelly came on. I had never met her before and they invited me to their Christmas party to get to know the team.

I was removed by security with my trousers around my ankles and no top on and had to walk home with no shirt on, I live in Glasgow it was freezing, it was December and about 11 at night.

I got an email from a colleague the next day telling me they had my clothes. I had to wait two weeks before I joined the new team and it was such a walk of shame in to the office that morning.


I have a PhD and every other qualification going in Drunken Arseholery. Thankfully I have completed it and want to avoid it in future.


Yeah…mine wasn’t really a flashback…here’s one…of MANY!! My parents had a cottage for years at this resort. This is where I really learned to drink…but the security guards all knew who I was and where I belonged. One night they picked me and friend up by the beach…stumbling of course…and threw us in the back of the car. When we got back to our cottage, the one security guard came around and opened my door and knelt down to lecture me. As soon as he started, I turned and threw up all over him…as my neighbours and parents watched. Mama was not impressed😱

Im on day 44 :blush:


Absolutely howling at this :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:… jeez can u imagine all of us in one room drinking!!! What a car crash that would be!!! Hysterical tho :grin::ok_hand:

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125 days for me! Longest ever! you’re doing well too.

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this is a bad one. Please don’t read on if easily offended by vomit talk…
So it’s a big, posh works do event. Famous brand - big directors flown in from all over the world to attend. Free bar.
My head is spinning and I can’t stand up, a distant voice inside is saying go home. I go outside and find the taxi rank, only it’s not really a taxi rank, it’s the hired cars for the directors - it’s their rides home. I can’t remember the conversations, but we must of talked and they agree to take me home. They have drivers so I’m sat in the back with them, and I just know I am going to puke. I’m gripping the armrest, digging my nails into my hands, and trying to look vaguely normal. I can’t help it, and I can’t keep it in anymore and with my career flashing in front of my eyes - I puke, but I keep my mouth shut, and put my hands over my mouth to so nobody really knows. Some comes out of my nose but I wipe that away, and I’m sat there with a whole mouthful of puke, and it took four giant swallows to get it all back down again. I pretend we’ve arrived at my home, ask to get out. I don’t know where I am but I then puke for England all over again. I have never felt so awful in my life.

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Ive never made it to 125 thats awesome.My longest was 108 days.
I wish you the best :blush:

So here is one that makes me cringe. My house is a two story and my home office is upstairs. I work from home, and the office is the best place to hide and drink all day.

One evening, my husband went out with friends. I proceeded to drink copious amounts of wine and become a stumbling idiot. I tried to go downstairs and get in bed before he came home so he wouldn’t know how drunk I was. I mistakenly tried to bring a full glass of wine down the stairs with me.

No surprise, I fell ass over tea kettle down the stairs. Red wine sprayed all down my ivory colored walls loaded with family pictures. The carpet was not spared. I started to panic and tried to clean it all up in my drunken state. I only made it worse.

I shut all the lights off and got in bed. I was so upset and agitated when my husband got home. He asked if I had been drinking, I said no (not realizing the extent of the carnage). In the morning, I stumbled out of bed to survey the damage. It looked like a scene from a horror movie. I went in the bedroom and told my husband I fell on the stairs and spilled my raspberry Ice soda down the wall. He said " I thought you were drinking" I said, “well, I felt so bad I had one beer because I was so stressed that you would be mad at me”. He said - "Don’t worry hun, I’lll help you clean it. How awful was that! I’m such a liar…and I had a huge black bruise on my ass where I landed on the stairs.

We drunks can be such good liars. I felt like a piece of crap for weeks. Especially as I watched him paint the wine stained wall. This one was definitely cringe-worthy :confounded:

Same here I have so Many my boyfriend brought me in to his town to meet his family and friend I was ok at the family house but when we went to his best friends house I had already had 6 glasses of wine then the best friends family were so cool they just keep giving me drinks they were so sweet to me and then they started singing some Irish songs and I pushed the mom away and stared screaming and just keep pushing people with my shoulder ow god…they took me to a room to go calm down I threw up on the floor lost my ID in their bathroom. My boyfriend had to call them in the morning to get my ID to fly back to our city he was so disappointed at me.

That’s me.
Think being drunk is like 'so much fun’
Puking, screaming at my neighbours, accusing my bf of affairs… I’m so cool … not
Only 3 days sober, it’s a tough hill to climb but I’ve got my boots on :triumph: