Cry out for help

Hi, name is Jess.
I am celebrating 5 months of very hard work in recovery from alcohol today. This morning I woke up an emotional mess I lost my mother-in-law the night before last unexpectedly in the hospital she was supposed to have a same day procedure done and there was complications. They were going to keep her overnight to just keep an eye on her. We had talked to her at 8:30 p.m. and she sounded okay. At 9:00 we got a call from the nurse saying they’re doing CPR on her that her heart had stop working and that we need to come down to the hospital immediately. They’ve performed CPR four times in one hour telling us that they could revive her body and put it on a life support machine but if she was brain dead. The sadness the fear the scared the absolute stifling suddenly cry out for help from my H.P was immediately there was nothing we could do there was nothing the doctors could do this was just facts. I have tried to post how much she really meant to me on Facebook page I’m working on a picture board for the funeral and I can’t seem to get past the blinding tears I feel like somebody cut me from the middle all the way up and it’s a keeping hole and it will never be filled. I am on here cuz I need support and love for this is extremely hard she had been my mother-in-law for 10 and 1/2 years and God she was a absolutely wonderful human being. I can’t imagine life without her and every time I do I cry and I feel selfish for that I feel selfish for eating the silliest things at times I wish it was me not her


My deepest condolences Jessie. What a heartbreak :broken_heart: you and family are going through.

I hope you and your husband find the strength to be there for each other and any other family members. Let it out, as that’s grieving and don’t feel bad for feelings of guilt though I’m fairly certain you have nothing to feel guilty for.

Your sobriety will help you, of that I’m sure. Don’t rush anything you aren’t up too. These things will come in time and no one expects anything more of you in this time but taking care of yourself.

My best wishes to you and your entire family


Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss! It’s so difficult losing someone so close so suddenly. Sending you hugs and love. :people_hugging::heart:


I’m so sorry for the shock and horror you are going through on the sudden death of your mother-in-law. I cannot imagine your pain right now. She sounds like she was a special beautiful lady for you. I’m grateful you got a good solid hard working 5 months of sobriety under your belt to deal with this. I’m grateful you found the time to reach out in this chaos of your life.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this most difficult time.
I’m so sorry


Sending you some big big healing hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging:
I’m sorry to hear you and your family have had such a sudden loss.
I am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time :pray::pray:


So sorry for your loss. So heartbreaking! Glad you reached out for some much needed support there are so many wonderful people here to lean on. Welcome and congrats on 5 hard earned months of sobriety.


So sorry for your family tragedy. Feel all the feelings. Cry all the tears. Reach out here. Talk with professional support.

Keep growing your 5 months of sobriety. You are not alone :pray::heart:

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You are all in my prayers :pray:t2: I’m so so sorry for your loss. :pensive::two_hearts:


Deepest condolences, that is so very hard. It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship. :purple_heart:


I am sorry for your loss, Jess. I am no expert, but believe me that it will be easier as the time passes by. Just go through the grieving process in a healthy way. Try. I was a month pregnant when my father died. It was a very difficult pregnancy which I spent in bed/on the couch and/or in hospitals. So, my ex husband and my mother thought that a good and healthy period of grief would endanger my pregnancy and basically - although their intentions were ok - “prevented” me from expressing my pain. It was a month after my son was born that I had the opportunity to go to the cemetery and talk to my dad and cry my heart out. My point - and sorry for the digressions - is: grieve, shout, write and give your emotions all the time and space they need. Do it sober and it will be therapeutic for you. Consider yourself lucky for having had such an amazing person in your life.
I wish you all the best.

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So sorry for your loss. Keep on posting whenever you need to talk through things, let things out, need a shoulder to cry on. We are here for you.

Sending you strength and healing thoughts :heart:

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I’m so sorry for your loss… it’s cruel how these things sneak up on us sometimes. You, her, and your family, all deserved better.

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