Crystal meth

Im a recovering alcoholic/meth addict. Ive been having very strong urges to use again. The dreams are deiving me insane. I wake up looking for my meth pipe just to realize I quit. Ive also been romanticizing about use a lot. I recently applied for a credit card and am also going to get a lot of money for school soon. Im afraid that one toke will lead me to another uear of tweaking thinking “just this one more time”

I’m 3 days clean. Just realizing all the negative shit that comes along from addiction. I’m taking it 1 day at a time. I just remind myself why I choice to quit in the first place

That’s exactly the point. Our addictive mind romanticizes this shit, and we oppress the much longer list of destructive cons. Make a list of why you quit, don’t let yourself be fooled.
Good for you to reach out in the forum! :muscle:t2:

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