Curious as to if this is a normal side effect?

Hey all…new’ish here. I’m on day 4 sober. First time in literally years I’ve gone 4 (or even 1) days without drinking. Yesterday wasn’t bad as I had expected; generally grumpy and irritated, but not terrible…but did seem to get worse as the day wore on.
But today?? RAGING nervous, jumpy & everything seems just…offf. Super off. Can’t really put my finger on it but it’s making my necessary daily interactions with my employees VERY difficult. Is this a normal side effect of getting sober? Or is it just nerves due to the scary part of…getting sober?
Any one else experience this?


I’m sure some people have different ways they recover at the beginning. I’m 26 days sober today, and at the beginning I was very irritable. Just work the program 24 hours at a time.


@pamelabrooke yes. Very normal, being sober takes a little getting used to. To me, the first couple of days felt like every last one of my nerves was exposed and everyone was doing their damndest to get on all of them at once. Try to relax. It will become more comfortable. Do the classic “count to 10” and think if the person is out of line or if it is more likely a situation you are interpreting in a poor manner. Good luck!


@pamelabrooke and, yeah, it is scary as hell.

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