Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

I’m grateful that tomorrow is 30 days fully sober for me.
I’m grateful that I’m on my way to five years without drugs.
I’m grateful for my wife who loves and supports me.
I’m grateful for my dogs who give their unconditional love.
I’m grateful that I can hold a job and do well in school now that I’m not on drugs anymore.
I’m grateful to those who knew my past and took a chance on helping me move towards this future.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful it was an early day at work. I’m grateful for all of the deep thoughts on here today. I’m grateful that I can read it and adopt it as part of my gratitude also. I’m grateful that when I feel like I can barely scrape together a fairly superficial gratitude list, there are others who are feeling more inspired to help me. I’m grateful for all of you guys. Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Welcome Kyle and a big congratulations on your 30 days sober. :boom::boom::boom: And almost 5 years clean. That is very inspiring. I hope to see you around.


Grateful to be alive and sober today. Grateful for another assignment submitted. Cheekily I want to see @Dazercat open the next gratitude thread when we get to 2500 :smirk: lol


Grateful to have stayed sober for 27 days so far and still going. It is the gateway to everything else i have staying drama free. :pray:


What a great accomplishment and congratulations!


Grateful for this day nine. Grateful to have made it through three shifts hungover free and not drinking after my shifts to help me " sleep". Grateful for a comment from a co-worker saying that I “looked rested”. Grateful this morning for actually being able to see things I’m grateful for.


Welcome @KyleTheChemist!! Glad you are here. Today I am grateful for an exercise class as it is raining and my walk doesn’t look like a possibility. I’m grateful for the rain and the coziness it brings. I’m grateful for my son’s first day if school - structure is needed. I am grateful for the various sobriety resources I am finding to help keep me on track. I’m grateful for the newfound confidence I experienced yesterday- it was just a little but helped me to handle a couple situations much differently and without so much angst. I am always so grateful for TS and all of you. Hopeful that peaceful days are ahead for all.


I am grateful for a new day with new possibilities.

I am grateful that I am a nurse and able to help my Mom and Dad as they get older.

I am grateful that things seem to be going better today than they did a couple of days ago. ODAAT. :two_hearts:


Good morning friends!

  • I am grateful to be sober this morning and helpful to Emily and Michael
  • I am grateful that I woke up hangover-free and able to jump out of bed to wake David and get him ready for his day
  • I am grateful to be working from home and have a schedule flexible enough to allow me to run David to school without missing anything important at work
  • I am grateful that my father is alive, comfortable and safe - in a facility that can take care of him and keep him happy
  • I am grateful for good food, hot coffee, cool A/C and a comfortable home
  • I am grateful for a bright future

Have an awesome day friends!


Hey Kyle welcome to TS.
Congrats on your clean time and on sobering up.
Lots to be grateful for.


Good morning family…

Grateful for another beautiful sunny morning In BC, Canada. I am so grateful to be Canadian and to live in this part of our country. I do love our whole country but Vancouver Island is magical.

Grateful my father’s cancer seems to still be progressing slowly, his blood work came back pretty good. Very grateful for that.

Grateful that my mom is able to let his weird, thoughtless and sometimes cruel comments slide off her back like water. I am also grateful for all the work I have done on myself which has given me the gift of that “pause” where I don’t have to react, I am able to step away chant the serenity prayer until my blood stops boiling and return to the situation. Before I gave no shits and would rips people’s fucking throats out and leave them for dead… not literally but sometimes I think they would have rathered I did. I can be absolutley wicked with my words when defending someone I love.

Grateful that recovery has given me a few spare dollars so that I could treat the cashier at the loonies store to a Starbucks yesterday. We got into a convo, she hadn’t had a coffee before work,then I over heard her daughter wasn’t doing well; so I zipped over to Starbucks and got her a gift card then ran it back over to her. The look on her face filled my spirit all the way, I hope she had a nice break.

I am grateful that I am in an emotional, mental and spiritual position to do things like that now. I would think of things like that before but my addicts pull to go get booze was so strong it would talk me out of it.

I am grateful that my child is healthy and that for a 15 yr old is doing very well emotionally. We have our moments but I am so very grateful that I am not using during her teen years.

Grateful that I didn’t pick up yesterday, that I went to the grocery store and shopped for some specific recipes (I never do that), then came home and actually followed through with making two of them. (Usually food rots in my fridge)

I am grateful that I enjoyed the food I ate yesterday and that I am looking forward to another healthy meal today.



I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful to God I don’t even want to drink.
I’m grateful to God when my wife has cocktails and wine, booze has absolutely no power over me anymore. Just for today. Right now.
I’m grateful I know that 1 drink would give booze all that power back.
I’m grateful to have my warm chonky Daisy purring on my lap and feeling the vibration of it.
I’m grateful I slept in til 7 and that I feel really good this morning. Mentally and physically.
I’m grateful I did not engage in some shit on TS yesterday and went to the “mute” button.
I’m grateful for the calmness and serenity being sober has given me.
I’m grateful I think long and hard about my reactions these days. Probably too long and the best outcome seems to be not to react sometimes. Most times.
I’m grateful we got a new grand puppy. And it’s far away in Texas. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I’m guessing a 60 pound Ish :thinking:. 8 month old boxer puppy. With way to much energy for me. And my son and wife are exhausted and it hasn’t even been 24 hours. They are working on introducing him to their 8 year boxer.
Grateful I’m through with getting and introducing new dogs and cats.
Grateful for y’all and letting me share stuff like that here.
I’m grateful I’m vaccinated.
I’m grateful today is my last day convalescing at home.

I choose sober because I wanted a better life.
I stay sober because I got one.

Delamere blog


I am grateful that I can be grateful. More often I really feel it. I am grateful that more often I am humble to being now on this journey. This was brought back into my mind just some minutes ago when I was texting with a friend of mine about organ transplantation. She said she would donate except to alcoholics. She toom care of her uncle an alcoholic who is now in federal custody at the age of 50 something. This always makes me think. I have no problem to say, look at me. And it makes me angry. It’s shaming people and I am grateful that with my experience I learn to be more human and compassionate (writing this makes me think I am arrogant). But it’s sad to see that often we judge a person due to our relationship to him.

I am grateful I have a home, enomoney to fill my fridge. I am grateful to see the news as a reminder how grateful I have to be for this. It cannot be taken for granted.

I am grateful the air is cool and fresh atm.
I am grateful I have time to do things, little things, here and there. Depending on the perspective I can feel grateful for the time I have for them or pityful that I have the time for them aka boredom.


Good evening gratitroops! Tonight I am grateful for:

  • a nice relaxing evening with my fiancé tonight. We haven’t had much time to relax lately what with working full time and working on the house at night and weekends but tonight we just chilled. Was needed I think.
  • for an early dinner of lasagne and a full tummy (bit too full if I’m honest). Have to get some exercise in tomorrow and get back on the plan, but for now, I shall enjoy my full tummy! :blush:
  • for the BT man that came today and changed our TV box. We can now watch Netflix and Judge Judy again (it’s my guilty pleasure, got to love Judy).
  • for Podcasts. There are so many great ones out there. Found another new one today. There’s not enough time to listen to it all! I need more ears!!
  • for all the great threads on here and all you heroes.
    Happy sober Tuesday everyone!

@DuncanNZ…The system will automatically start a new thread when this one reaches 2500. It’s a new feature that was added with the recent discourse update.


That’s no fun! Might have to leave it on 2499 :rofl:


Grateful to be alive and sober and to have my flat mate here during lockdown to keep my company he is my age with Down syndrome, so we are singing some ballads to loud music lol…


I like your thought process. :rofl:


Yay, girl this is AWESOME!!! :tada::tada: