Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

I am grateful to be sober. Grateful to have reconnected with one of my best friends—we had a hard time syncing our schedules to have a much needed check in but once we did, it was amazing to hear what’s been going on in her life. I am grateful for so many signs lately to pay more attention to and make more time for my creative side.

Grateful for this thread. I love reading these posts. So grounding.


A clear head to get my goals accomplished


Yep, like others, I’m grateful that the counter I downloaded unknowingly came with a whole pile of dear people who get me, who get it! Now the counter is secondary. :wink:

I’m grateful to feel my grief. I’m grateful to feel happiness and joy. I’m grateful for the onset of spring, even though this season reminds me of loss.

I’m grateful for the trails close by, for the forest, the big sky, the lighter evenings, the noisy birds and most everything else quiet. This is where my grieving heart finds calm. Not in anything poured into a glass.

I’m grateful for some of my co-workers and that I could ask to take a pass from a zoom meeting yesterday because I was teary, and of course they said yes and actually made me laugh about other things too.

I’m grateful I now know how to take better care of myself - to make a nice meal and get some good sleep on harder days instead of try to keep up with work and life.

M and D? From the rooftops. And in my tears.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Welcome! Glad you could join us (Grati-dudes, lol) on this thread, and join this forum too! Put your feet up, stay a while, and have a good read around this place. And reach out if you need to! That’s why we’re all here. For ourselves and each other. :pray: :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful to God that I don’t have days in my life anymore where it is solely dedicated to drinking.
I’m grateful I don’t have a royal fucking hangover the day after St Paddy’s day.
I’m grateful my friend appears to be ok. I pray she gets the help she needs.
I’m grateful I got my chiropractor appointment and my wife and I will go to a lovely drive thru for lunch. And eat out but in the car. :nauseated_face:
I’m grateful for cat zoomies, purrs, jumping bashes, and soft bellies.
I’m grateful my cats and dogs get along so well. Especially when Daisy jump bashes into the dogs and the dogs look at me like “what do I do?” Its so cute. I could watch it forever.
I’m grateful for my ice pack.
I’m grateful I got my 3 1/2 mile walk in and got a good pic of a soaring bald eagle yesterday.
I’m grateful for the long chat on the speaker phone with our friends from Austin last night.
Don’t give up because you had a bad day, forgive yourself and do better tomorrow.


Welcome “O”
Glad you found us.
I find there’s so much to be grateful for now that I don’t drink.
One day at a time. No other days matter. Just for today.


I am grateful for my continuous support from my family. They have helped pick me back up onto my feet every time I fall.

My most recent decision to permanently put down alcohol is because I’d gone on a date with someone I met on a dating app. We were both nervous, so we were drinking a little quicker than usual.

We started with drinks at dinner, went to another place for a couple more, and by the third place I had blacked out. I remember bits and pieces of the third place. I know I did or said something to piss my date off. I wasn’t into him, and normally I would’ve been polite and finished the date and gone home. However, because of the amount of alcohol I drank, I was rude and told him to leave me where we were alone.

I think he knew how drunk I was because he didn’t leave, I remember at one point turning around and seeing him standing right behind me. I’m sure it was just to make sure I was okay, but I tend to misread situations when I’m drunk and I got irritated that he didn’t respect my request of leaving me alone.

That is the last thing I remember.

For whatever reason, I made the decision to walk to my car, get in and drive home. Before I knew, I woke up from my backout behind the wheel with my gas light on and when I put my address in the GPS, I was an hour and a half away. I don’t know how I managed to drive so far from home while under the influence, or how I didn’t realize I was going WAY outside of town to a completely DIFFERENT STATE.

Trigger warning

I had a mental breakdown, called my little brother who lives back home, and was telling him I hated myself and wanted to end my life. I bought a knife for protection before living in my van for the short amount of time I did. I started cutting myself and my brother told me to call the police.

I did. They drove to me, had the EMT check me out. My wounds were not bad enough to need medical attention, so they had me leave with the officers who then arrested me.

I don’t know why, but they didn’t charge me with a DUI. They charged me with open container and public intoxication.

I spent the weekend in jail. My one call was to my sister, because she is the only person’s number I know by heart. I had 3 minutes to explain what happened, and asked her to please contact our mom to call my work (at a place I just started and am really excited about).

My mom and little brother were there that following Monday to pick me up. They paid to pick up my car from the towing place. Helped me get a new phone since mine was lost somehow during my van being towed.

I will be paying them back. But it’s the fact that they have seen me act completely insane before when it comes to alcohol, and they have never once told me I had to figure it out on my own.

Had I not had my family’s support through all of this, and for the many times before where I got myself into a crappy situation, my life would honestly be a wreck.

This last time was my biggest wake up call. The fact that the police let me off easy, the fact that my family helped me, all of it.

I realized that I can’t continue to just make careless decisions when there are people who love me and want to see me succeed. Especially when they have tried their hardest to help me do so. If I made the conscious decision to continue drinking, it would be like slapping everyone in the face.

I’m embarrassed from all the decisions I’ve made while under the influence. But what matters is that I have my family and you guys (who I’m also very grateful for) to help hold me accountable and want what is best.

So thanks to you guys, too.


I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for TS and the grati-dudes.
I’m grateful that my friend suggested this sobriety counter and later casually mentioned the “chat” which as we are noticing is an integral part of our recoveries. Thanks @Robin
I’m grateful for the twelve steps.
I’m grateful for music and laughter as one of the guys at the treatment center is singing and dancing up a storm and its hilarious as he’s one of the last guys you would expect to see do. I’m grateful to be a part of other people’s recovery and get to witness a once shy and reserved man come out of his shell.
I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v:& :heart:

p.s. You are a star. Shine bright. ya you!!


Setting things right feels good. Showing our kids how we own our mistakes and apologize like an adult is even better. A sincere hug from our little and being present to enjoy it is priceless.


Welcome @autie,
This is a powerful story. Those embarrassing experiences are what bind us together in recovery. Even those things that used to make us cringe when we thought about our behavior become something we can use to reach someone else who deeply understands what it’s like to be in that hell.

Grateful you’re here and I’m grateful your heeding the warning that you received!


Today I’m grateful for this thread and all you gratidudes in it. Sharing all your gratefulness helps me feel and express my own. Which is something that doesn’t come natural or easy to me so for me it’s big. I’m especially grateful right now to @CapriciousCapricorn and @autie who shared gratefulness through and during their hardest of times. Makes me feel very privileged to be a witness to that.
I’m also grateful for my fellow group therapy people who all in their own way helping me to become a better version of myself while all working to do the same for themselves, as to the two therapists who are facilitating this process. Very grateful for my sobriety or none of this would happen and none of you all I would have the honour to know a bit. Love.


Damn this thread has some powerful stuff somedays. Bringing a tear to my eye. I’m grateful for all your sharing. Thanks!!


Thank you! :blush:


You’re absolutely right. Thank you!


I am grateful that I am sober. It’s been sort of a rough week but I stayed sober, so I am very thankful for that. I am learning that I can make it through shit without booze.

I am grateful to have a job. I had to call out 2 times this week unfortunatley :roll_eyes:, but I am heading back tonight. I hate the feeling of going back after calling out, like I let the staff down, but it will pass.

I am grateful that this thread exists. :two_hearts:


:point_up_2: yup. it’s what used to scare me about the idea of giving up booze - how i would get through the hard things life serves up. but now i’m scared to think what it would be like if i was still drinking…


Yesss exactly! :100: no clue how I used to pull that off.


Happy to be sober today.
Grateful that I went for a drive in the mountains last night instead of going to a party where I would have been tempted to drink.
Glad to be living this instead of just considering it.

So grateful for how much I am loved. I can appreciate it more fully sober.


Good evening all, I’m grateful to be on a small vacation with my family. @Dazercat, we came to see some of your snow🤗
I’m grateful that I feel pretty great today, no hangover or anxiety. I am slowly learning to enjoy life, and to relax without thinking I need alcohol to do it.
I’m grateful that my kids are still at an age where Mom and Dad are still cool enough to hang out with, and that they are excited to be here too!
Grateful I know I will go to bed sober, and wake up feeling good tomorrow.
Everyone have a great night❤️


I have a lot of gratitude tonight. And a lot of sad and heavy feelings, partly because I’ve missed being around. That’s my own fault. But I’m sorry and I’m grateful at the same time. Grateful to be part of this community and grateful I can reach out to people here. I am sad tonight but can’t pin point it. So I’ll send you a hug. To my TS amigos, big love your way.