I’m grateful that my family and friends are all safe, and that the nasty weather that blew through here and further west was not more destructive. I have to say it scared the shit out of me to hear the freight train of wind outside all night but I’m so glad it wasn’t worse. It’s still blowing, too. I’m grateful that even though Lupe won’t tolerate her new sweaters on in the house she wears them outside without complaint - they look so cute on her! I’m grateful she gets so excited and zoomy when it’s windy out and makes me laugh. I wish I could post a video of her acting a fool and running around the yard! I’m grateful that I don’t have to cook tonight, but my husband reminded me about the ginger cookies he wants me to bake so I’ll have to see if I have all the ingredients. Maybe tomorrow will be a baking day.
I’m grateful that I texted my friend in Michigan who has had a really rough year and that she might come for a visit to celebrate New Years with us. Her husband is in jail pending trial for harassing, threatening her with violence and stalking her and it’s tough because he used to be our friend, too. Drugs and deep seeded insecurities can make people change and do some horrible things. It’s really sad but he’s not a lost cause, well, not lost if he were to seek recovery for himself. I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful I’m prioritizing mindfulness and breathing.
I’m grateful for my intuitive eating journey.
I’m grateful for my fur babies.
I’m grateful my family is healthy.
I’m grateful the the warm weather, sunshine, and holiday lights have lessened my SAD.
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful for zero holiday hangovers.
I’m grateful that I am healthy.
I’m grateful that my anxiety has become more manageable.
I’m grateful that my depression and loneliness is temporary.
I’m grateful to be surrounded by people with so much gratitude.
I’m grateful the holidays feel less hectic this year.
I’m grateful for long walks in beautiful places.
I’m grateful I’m not restricting and dieting.
I’m grateful for my 80 days of sobriety.
I’m grateful that even though I won’t be able to be with everyone I love this year at Christmas, they will still be in my heart
I really love practicing mindfulness (which I call heartfulness - not a real word ). Congratulations on 80 days!!! I’m really proud of you and happy for you.
Good evening all,
Im grateful for a day off and an early school day for the kids. Yummy spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner and a clean kitchen get some gratitude too. I’m grateful for exercise and music. I’m grateful to be able to buy gifts for people. I’m grateful for the job I have( most of the time anyways). I’m grateful for family, friends, love, forgiveness, and hope.
Everyone have a wonderful evening
I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through today and helping me stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I went straight to a meeting after work because If I tried to stop at home first I likely wouldn’t have went back out to what ended up being a nice meeting. I’m grateful I got my laundry in the dryer and no else needs to use it tonight so if I pass out without taking it out it’s ok. I’m grateful to do the meditation challenge next.
God bless you all. &
What? No gratitude for 13 hours
I’m grateful to kick off my gratitude with my health.
I’m grateful I can walk.
I’m grateful my foot doesn’t hurt at all. WTF?
I’m grateful how fun and cute my cats and dogs look and act in the morning when I’m trying to feed them all.
I’m grateful for my coffee.
I’m grateful to have done my 4.5 meditation this morning.
I’m grateful for Christmas lights and decorations.
I’m grateful for walks in the drizzle to dinner last night. Even though I wanted to eat at home
I’m grateful I didn’t have to cook and clean. So it was kinda easy to let her change plans on me.
I’m grateful it’s going to be a sunny day. Very cool. But sunny. I’m grateful for that so I can bring my filthy Highlander down for a good wash.
I’m grateful for my peaceful time alone in the morning.
I’m grateful for my quiet time at night.
I’m grateful I have not had to walk the dogs alone at night.
I’m even more grateful that my wife doesn’t have to walk the dogs alone at night.
I’m grateful for TS.
Pray for Danni. @anon27760155 From what I read last night which was I was 9 hours late she is going to be put on a ventilator. I haven’t checked the check in thread yet. But I’m sure Danni could still use our prayers for good health and recovery and pray for good doctors that are taking care of her. She is quite a fighter. God be with her during this time and give her the strength she needs. In your Holy name Jesus I pray.
Gosh, I have a lot to be grateful for. I’m grateful I’m tired because my aunt accidentally video called a bunch of us (aunts and cousins) late last night and we talked and laughed into the wee hours. I’m grateful one aunt said I sound like a drunk version of my mom (not on the call) and I could laugh and say well, I don’t know about that because I’m sober now and everyone laughed. She meant that my mom is pretty “straight” and I’m a lot goofier. I’m grateful for the connection my female family members have and some of my younger cousins are in on it, too.
I’m grateful today is my husband’s last day of work for the year and the long days he has put in mean he can cut out around lunchtime today.
I could go on and on, truly, but I’m grateful to be doing okay right now, physically, mentally and otherwise.
Grateful for always being able to come here and read myself out of a funk. I really appreciate this community. I’m grateful today to be still with problems I need to solve, instead of drinking to avoid responsibility; which was stupid because everything would still be there when I woke up but I’d have to deal with them hungover. Ugh. Well, today I’m grateful for this 131st day sober.
I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me today and helping me stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery, 23 months today, clean and sober. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they instil. I’m grateful for humour and laughter. I’m grateful for time to relax and stream some t.v. or a movie. I’m grateful for music and the way it ties to memory. I’m grateful how much my memory has improved with some sustained recovery, there was a time, many times, I didn’t think it would improve, that I had done too much damage with the booze, drugs and concussions. I’m grateful to be working every day until Christmas and that we are closing early on Dec. 24th until Jan. 3rd. I’m grateful for todays Jft reading, not exactly fun to feel challenged by it, strange how I feel I can fluctuate between humble and egotistic and I pray noticing it, mentioning it and praying on it may help achieve a balance somewhere in the middle maybe, I don’t know(probably will require more putting new habits into action too). I’m grateful for slogans like, progress not perfection and let go and let God.
God bless you all. &
I noticed the long gap between posts while reading earlier but didn’t have the time to post yet. How are ya? I’m grateful you are safe in Cali. since I hadn’t mentioned that yet, I did think it.
I’m so grateful for gratitude this evening. I know for sure it has been helping me through some dark moments lately.
I’m grateful I can still find joy in the holidays even though each one that passes without my mom gets harder and harder.
I’m so grateful for friends and connection. I just reconnected with an old friend from years back and picking back up has been so effortless and easy. We’ve been chatting daily and it’s made my heart so full and happy.
And I am so unbelievably overwhelmed with gratitude for my alternative to suicide group and the openness and compassion from the folks there. I’m grateful for my therapist and all of her help but having a safe space where I can openly talk about this topic without having to be careful of what I say or fear involuntary hospitalization has been incredible for my healing.
I’m grateful for you all and the gratitude you choose to share here. Even when I don’t post I read here daily and reading all of your appreciation for life helps me feel more gratitude for mine. Thank you!
Thank you so very much… you don’t know how much that means to me. I need all the prayers I can get some days lol I guess we all do to an extent. We are all on this beautiful yet sometimes difficult path. I love this forum and I have been abit distant lately. I’m seeing that. And it’s not a good thing that I am distant bcuz I need you all. And so I am going to make it happen that I come on here like I used to. Get back to my meditation and my self care and my exercise. I’m slacking on everything and I’m feeling it. And Idk why I’m distancing myself. I don’t get my brain somedays. Anyway, thank u for this hugs