Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Awwww right back at cha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: full of gratitude for you being apart of our TS family :heart: your amazing and your strength shows :pray:


I’m grateful to be sober while I’m fighting this cold.

I’m grateful for vaccines that prevent me from
Having serious illness.

I’m grateful to have a short week of work.



I’m grateful to be sober today. I’m grateful that it’s my last dayshift and i don’t have to wake up at 3 a.m. tomorrow morning. I’m grateful that i have 1 midnight shift and then I’m on vacation. I’m grateful to be able to have celebrate Christmas with all of my kids. I’m grateful for all the people here.


I lived in Oceanside Cal. for 3 years when my husband was stationed at Camp Pendleton. The beach at sunset was my happy place in those years.


I am so grateful my husband and I are sober. While my sobriety is not dependent upon his, it is nice to do this together.
I am grateful for another gorgeous sunrise walk with my husband.
I am grateful for a renewed sense of intimacy and closeness with my husband. I’m so enjoying our being in sync again.
I am grateful for the return of my sex drive. :partying_face:


I am grateful to be sober still on day 1142.
I am grateful I took the opportunity to talk with someone from our company.
I am grateful that tomorrow I can move to another office.
I am grateful I enjoy my home workouts and they actually help.
I am happy to watch Dora and Paula fighting. It is so interesting. There is so much to learn for me from the two, liviin the moment.
I am grateful I have some clear moments where I try to get hold of the concept : move on, don’t let your past or what happened in the past influence your whole life now.
I am grateful my brother opens up some times. I am always grateful to read from him. He texted me this morning that he felt bit good about going home with the family for Christmas. Me neither but there won’t be lockdown here. So we are in this together :joy:
I am grateful for some clear weather, sun you can call it.
I am grateful I feel grateful some times.
I am grateful for warm water, for a job, for food. I am grateful I don’t have a car. I am grateful to be free and use public transport and my bike.
I am grateful for this thread.

I am very very grateful for some people here who won’t let me down.


Good morning Franzi. Lovely to see you right at the top as I don’t have to search for the gratitude thread this morning. :heart:

“I’m grateful I’m not on fire.”
I’m grateful I just learned where that saying comes from. :kissing_heart: Great book Living Clean.
That’s how I feel like starting today. Grateful I’m not on fire.
I mean I can come on here and list all the fun grateful stuff I get to do sober. Especially here in Santa Monica. I kind of feel like a spoiled little shit. I am. Trust me on this.
I’m grateful for my new book. It arrived yesterday. Intimacy In Alcoholic Relationships. A collection of Al-Anon personal stories.
I’m grateful that no matter how much I have. And I have a lot. There’s this big elephant in my room. And this elephants name is Intimacy. And for years and years it’s been weighing heavily on me. I’ve only read the first few pages but I think I will learn I’m definitely not alone. And I’m grateful I will find comfort in that. Cold Comfort :black_heart:
I’m grateful I learned another phrase after all these years, from the Living Clean book. Cold Comfort. I never knew what to call it. I’ve always hated cold comfort. I got a heavy ton of bricks of Cold Comfort in my first rehab Al-Anon meeting that will stick with my the rest of my life. But it’s always made me feel like I got No Fucking Problems!
So, Ya.
I’m grateful I’m not on fire.

I’m grateful I know a drink will not solve any of my problems.
No it fucking won’t.


I’m grateful for sleeping in late, for sunshine outside, cold cold sunshine, for my pup who sleeps in with me (most of the time). I’m grateful for my partner who checks on me and that I could tell him I feel okay so far this morning. I’m super grateful that he isn’t drinking his way through the holidays this year and says he plans to not drink this week. I’m grateful for all of his periods of abstaining from alcohol. I’m grateful for a quiet house while my husband reads his book and that I will join him in some time reading soon - I love those quiet moments together that don’t involve a tv.

I’m grateful for my amigos here. :heartpulse:


I’m grateful I just got back from walking the dogs.
I’m grateful that maybe I’m in this fucking funk shit mood because I got a big milestone coming up.
I’m grateful it kind of just hit me at the beginning of my first walk today.
I’m grateful I’ve dealt with milestone malady before and I just got to let it happen. I’m grateful even if I know about milestone malady I just have to surrender to it. I’ve been here before and helpless.

I’m so grateful to read your gratitude post this morning @TigerMatriarch I’m really happy for you. I do think it’s hilarious that after my sad sack gratitude post I read yours and was like. Dang :smiley: So happy for you. You deserve it lady. You hold on to that tight.
I’m grateful you’re with us. You make a difference in my day and give me hope. :hugs:
And a good meme game.


Grateful for 134 days sober. Grateful that the thought of drinking literally makes me nauseous as I remember the physical intestinal pains from drinking. I’m grateful for my AA work. I’m grateful that is has been so cathartic and I’ve been sleeping so good. I was worried all this talking to my sponser and in meetings was going to push me to retreat and isolate but I’m going through it and am not as afraid as I imagined. So today I’m grateful, just grateful to be alive. :heart:


TY! Your posts have carried me through a lot of days and I appreciate you very much!


I’m grateful my Christmas get-together went off without a hitch, and I’m at 130 days sober.

I’m grateful for the good people in my life. I’m still a loner, but I’m finding it a little easier to open up. Friends I’ve gained here are helping with that.

I’m grateful I went and got a manicure a few days ago. I’ve always struggled with social anxiety, so I rarely do things like this that are just for me. I psyched myself up for it, got in there and sat down at the girl’s station, and had to force myself to stay seated. I was friendly, but for the most part I pretended to be super interested in the traffic driving by. It may sound silly, but stuff like this is tough for me. I’m grateful to be a work in progress, because even a little bit of progress is moving forward, right? :wink:

I’m grateful for my girls. Grateful isn’t a good enough word. They are rocks for me, and I for them. Lately it’s been a little lopsided, and I appreciate them so much for supporting me. They both always know exactly what to say. They snap immediately to how I’m feeling, what I’m saying. I’m so thankful and proud of how they’ve grown. :heart:


Today I’m grateful my energy seems to be back. Got a lot of errands done today and I’m very grateful I don’t have anything left for tomorrow. Grateful for beeing tired and a comfy bed. Grateful for cats playing in bed :rofl:
Grateful the week is well planned. I hope things will happen like planned :see_no_evil::wink:


Well, hello there. I’ve often popped in to read this thread and really enjoy it. I’ve been meaning to hop on board but haven’t done so yet.
Today I’m just feeling very overwhelmed by many things; in shock that my 49 year old brother has newly diagnosed vascular dementia with poor prognosis and has recently been placed in long term care in a locked dementia unit in a shared room (lives in another province 23 hours from here). I’m overwhelmed by the emotions that come with the holiday season still grieving the loss of both my parents; I’m overwhelmed by the impending lockdown (again) and most likely school closures again. @Dazercat like you I feel alone at times in my marriage. So, I’m going to focus on some gratitude. I’m always grateful for so much, but I need to say it or write it out. My mum was amazing but she very much got caught up in negativity so I think I inherited some of that.

I’m grateful my brother is in a safe, warm environment where he has medical care and is not alone. He has warm meals and people surrounding him.
I’m grateful that I will be able to work from home if schools close. I’m lucky to have employment in a great career that I can help people.
I’m grateful to have my little guy to give me warm hugs and listen to his little giggle. I’m grateful to see his excitement over Christmas. I’m grateful he takes pride & enjoyment in his “chores” of turning on the lights of my mum’s Christmas ceramics.
I’m grateful for this sober tribe of people. I’m grateful for many of you. @RosaCanDo I’m so very grateful for you.

Ok sorry that was so longwinded, and sorry it started out so negative lol but I got there eventually! :rofl:


I’m so grateful you shared Salty. I’ll keep you and your family and your brother in my prayers. I’m grateful for your little guy to be a beautiful constant in your life.
Big hugs to you.


So very grateful for you, my Canadian sister! Your friendship means so much to me. I’m grateful we can share with each other what is going on in our lives. Much love/con mucho cariño :heartpulse:


Good evening all,
Todays gratitudes were deep- lots of feelings being faced. I’m grateful we can do that in safety here. I’m grateful that TS allows us to find people who are feeling the same as us, or have worked through that feeling, or who can just listen. It’s pretty amazing. I’m grateful there are brave people out in this world who are trying their best to work through feelings and not numb them anymore.
I’m grateful for my beautiful Christmas tree lights. I’m grateful for my home, my family, for love and forgiveness. I’m grateful that @I.cant.We.can and @M-be-free49 will meet up- so cool🤗! I’m grateful for all of you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through today and helping me stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for a family email session today to plan our Christmas, nice to chat with them. I’m grateful for all the Gratidudes. I’m grateful for my convo’s with @Dazercat Eric today and other days, either here, on the sports thread, privately. I feel very blessed to call him a friend. I’m grateful to see @Sunflower1 doing her evening gratitude check-in from her snow free environment, working her job, family and exercise routine and sharing her feelings good and bad, proud of you. I’m grateful @Its_me_Stella enjoyed her time at the retreat and has her parents to watch her and her daughters back. I learn so much from you. It’s a pleasure sharing recovery road with a wonderful soul who does the work and helps others do it too, thanks for being a part of my recovery. I’m grateful to hear from @M-be-free49 pretty regularly and want her to know we would welcome you back here, now and anytime, your presence is missed. I’m grateful to have my laundry done again smells nice in my room. I’m grateful that I get paid again this week and the bonus is I don’t even need it, Merry Christmas. I’m grateful that I met a friend for coffee today and he drove me home after stopping at his place to grab me a new big book so I can be a good sponsee for him. I am grateful to have gotten a new sponsor today, that I think will push me and be a good match for us both. I’m grateful that my phone conversation with my counsellor went well. Its been a busy day i am tired Lol. I am trying to find gratitude that the consellor thought I handled the housing situation well but then changed the subject and offered no solution. I’m grateful I have the support I need and the courage to ask for more if I need it. I’m grateful for music, mediation, prayer, laughter and exercise.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are absolutely awesome. Ya you!!


130!! It makes me grateful to see other people’s days adding up!



Thanks, Jason! :blush: I’m feeling pretty good about it.