Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Today I’m scraping up as much gratitude from the far corners as I can. I’m grateful to be feeling “okay” physically, that my husband always tries to cheer me up with silliness and bad jokes (even if I grumble about it), that we exchanged a few gifts in our stockings but didn’t feel any gift buying pressure for the second (sober) Christmas in a row. I think when I was drinking all through the holidays I used to stress myself out needlessly about whatever expectations I was putting on myself and others. That Lupe loved her stocking stuffers, including this squeaky snowman and she’s running around the house with it and playing fetch with herself. I’m grateful for all the texts from friends and family yesterday and today, even when I end up feeling sad, I’m grateful for them. I’m grateful I decided to scrounge up a spread of goodies to munch on today and wait till tomorrow to cook a meal.

Grateful for my amigos here. :christmas_tree::heartpulse::christmas_tree:


Oooh, she does love it, :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m grateful I gave in to what today needs to be. I really had no choice…

I’m grateful that I have access to the booster shot, and got it yesterday without any hassle at all. I thought it’d be a good idea before going to visit Mom and being in the city. It pretty much levelled me. I’m grateful that when I lay awake in fake-flu from 1am-6am, I didn’t google all of the mysterious diseases I was mentally diagnosing myself with. I’m grateful I slept soundly from 6-9am. Grateful that I can take a slow day and text/nap/call/nap. Road trip tomorrow, methinks…

I know it’s Christmas, but in the busyness of December (work, coursework, christmas, etc) I didn’t get much M-time. I’m grateful yesterday and today have affirmed how important M-time is to me. Even if it’s Christmas. So today feels something like what @Bootz wrote, about not being desperate to feel anything different than what is.

Even the dog girl seems to want a quiet day. I’m grateful for her. Grateful all my basic needs are met daily. Grateful for my family of friends. Grateful I know I can also enjoy my own company. Grateful for second and trillionth chances. Grateful I still have hopes and dreams.

M and D? Everyday, but of course today. :pray:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Merry Christmas Gratidudes ( stolen from @M-be-free49 ) hi I see you writing too :blush:

I’m grateful for a mellow, sober Christmas. My first :green_heart::heart::christmas_tree:! I’m grateful for all your posts and pictures. I’m grateful for this community. Sending love to anyone needing it today. :kissing_heart:


The Merriest of Christmases to you too, dear @Callie99!
I’m grateful for your presence and insights and words here. :relieved: :orange_heart:


It’s funny how people react when you don’t do the things “your supposed to do” during the Christmas holidays.
I spend them alone, and I’m fine with that. Zero drama. People say to me; “oh… I’m sooo sorry for you, nobody should be alone on this day”.
I live alone since 20 years, I’m alone the other 364 days of the year, and nobody gives a f&€? about that! :woman_shrugging:


Great plan!!! Well done!


Crazy and cozy are really interchangeable in my world haha

I wish I could send you some of the Florida warmth. 75 degrees today on Christmas :sunny:

I hope you and the crew stay warm :kissing_heart::rooster::snowman:
Happy Holidays :christmas_tree::green_heart::heart:


I’m grateful to God for helping me stay present, clean and sober amongst family and presents. :wink: I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to have had a nice Christmas so far and more to come. I’m grateful my siblings made it home safe after joining me at our parents for quite a few hours. I’m grateful that we all got along really well and usually do. I’m grateful that I am staying here another night and my parents will drive me home tomorrow. I’m grateful that I can change the name of the halt thread to Brians rants Lol won’t actually. I’m grateful that it offered some relief. I’m grateful to be able to relax now as I’m tired after not sleeping much. I’m grateful for perspective and welcome insight despite saying otherwise on a different thread last night while throwing a pity party. I’m grateful again for this thread, so very much and all of you that use it. Each and everyone no jokes, even though I love humor and sarcasm and am grateful for them too.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You deserve a big hug, just for being you, cause you rock. Ya you!!


And it’s good night to all you gratidudes :hugs:
Today I’m grateful for a day full of ordinary things: clean the kitchen, do chores, pet cats, enjoy meals, decorate christmas tree, fumble with the new TV (unsuccessfully), watch a silly film with my husband. Grateful for a calm and fine day :pray::orange_heart:


Good evening all,
Merry Christmas! I’m grateful to be sober today- my second sober Christmas. I’m grateful for family. I’m grateful it felt easier this year. I’m grateful that we will get back to normal soon. Grateful I knew I had you guys if it felt not easy. I’m grateful I found this thread.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


What a great Christmas present to give and receive for yourself. So cool of you to do that Tracey.
God Bless.
Enjoy the rest of your Christmas.
So happy you pulled it off.
To stay on topic:
I am grateful for the suspense.


:muscle: Nice moves! Epic win! Extra numb through the holidays for me too. It’s not so bad sober. My day was good too!


Grateful for my health and easy breathing. Grateful for the Gratidudes showing the way.
Grateful to see my oldest son this Xmas and the soundbar present was a bonus, the real gift was him :heart:
Grateful to be clean and sober today, a clear mind :hugs:


@M-be-free49 … such well thought out ideas of your sobriety and how it may impact a new relationship. Well thought out, but not “over thinking”. I really think you are heading in the right direction and will know if the relationship is worth it. Trust yourself!! Thanks for sharing this.


Well played, @TigerMatriarch, well played!! :laughing::laughing:


Grateful for Kindness. In my lifetime I have been shown much kindness. I am grateful for each kind gesture, whether it was random, a smile from a stranger, the person who let me in the lane in traffic, or a huge well meaning act of kindness from someone when I needed it most, or all those in the middle. Kindness has always been welcomed, needed and appreciated.
I am just reminded how before lockdown I was getting wrapped flower bouquets at the grocery store and randomly giving them to people. I had 100% forgotten about this. I will do this again should I ever start spending time in grocery stores again.
Grateful for all of you.
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that the first evening with the family went okay. We had Raclette, the others some drinks but not too many. We played some games and my sil played with me. It was okay.
I am grateful noone offers me alcohol anymore. We never talk about it in my family. Some times I talk about it with my mother or brother but it is more like a monologue. It makes me sad but it is okay. It is like my diabetes, people respect it but we don’t talk about it.
I am grateful the cats are doing fine. Why wouldn’t they. I miss them. I hope they are not angry with me.
I am grateful I slept okay. I feel a bit ill, mild headache but this might be from the inflatable mattress.
I am grateful I got all my trains yesterday and believe it or not: I arrived ahead of schedule :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I am grateful I speak English well enough to participate here.


I am grateful to be sober and that I can see the huge impact it has had on my family over the last two years. I am grateful for curiosity and that I genuinely feel it towards myself and some of my “inappropriate” feelings. I am grateful that I can sit back and say " Hey now wait a minute, where is this coming from…" instead of riding the crap feeling into crap land where I will only be met with a crap load of more crap. Tired of that shit.
I am grateful that our Christmas was not overwhelming this year and that it was doable even by the least tolerant of our family members standards.
I feel a deep gratitude so powerful it could bring me to my knees, that both of my parents are here with me. I am grateful for the cuddle I had on the couch with my mom today, laying beside her with my head on her chest. I am grateful that I could lay still and listen to her heart beating while I looked at the snow falling outside and just be… there, in that moment and I hope I never forget it. I am so grateful that I am present today to take in as much of this time with them as I can.
I am grateful for the conversation I had with my mom about food and my eating disorder. I am grateful that it doesn’t hurt my feelings anymore that I am not understood because I understand now that people will only get it when they want to. I am grateful that I can let comments like " If anyone should be eating this it’s you…" roll off my back. I am grateful that I am not feeling that burning fire of anger and resentment inside me. I am grateful that I do not allow people’s negative outlooks due to lack of understanding fuel my self pity. I am grateful I can see clearer today.
I am grateful that when I feel swells of emotion my addict is not urging me to self injure lately, I am also grateful that I do not want to injure because I feel numb. I don’t feel numb right now, I feel very alive and I am going to keep working my ass off to stay this way.



thanks stella this whole post i needed to read, always greatful for you. keep up the great work