Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I am a Human Being.
Nothing Human can be Alien to me.

I’m very grateful to @Callie99 for bringing that clipping to my attention. Thank you.


I am grateful I experienced the world before the internet, before cellphones, before tablets, and all manner of shiny digital wonders.

Even in the silence, I feel like the world is louder than it used to be. It’s something I can’t describe. But when I think the years before all the digital toys, the air feels like it was silenter. I’m not sure why, but I’ve increasingly felt a profound sadness and sense of loss in connection with this change. It’s not at the forefront of my life, but more of something that exists in the background.

Also grateful you’re okay @RosaCanDo .


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that after many anger and resentment I felt I still went to the first session of an addiction related course. I’ll see.
I am grateful I didn’t get any news today.
I am grateful for the nice and good yoga lesson I had today. Well of element of fire started and I am excited to dive into it.

I am grateful for the sunny weather we have atm despite the chilly north wind.

I am grateful my friend is back at work.

I am grateful I could report about this wonderful place here today.


Today I’m grateful for another semi-productive monday and that I allow myself to be lazy on monday if I want to. Grateful for spontaneous grocery shopping after an appointment, it felt good to be spontaneous. Grateful for interesting documentaries on TV, watching them with husband & cats on the couch, this is my little piece of peace in the world.


I had a boss tell me once I had to find a way to detach myself from others. I thought he was crazy, I thought to myself but that’s my gift. You chatting about it and this journey has me rethinking how I think of the word detachment.

I’m grateful that you have brought it to the front of my mind :yellow_heart::sunflower:



  • Today I am grateful for another day of life, calmly, cleanly and soberly.

  • Today I am grateful that in a while I did not get carried away by my negative thoughts, every day I strengthen myself in the face of feelings of loneliness, I learn to be well living with myself.

  • Today I am grateful that I have a roof and a clean bed to rest on and I am taking care of myself, today I was finally able to dry my clothes in the sun I am really grateful for that (the climate of the east is winter and deluge).

  • Today I am grateful that my doubts and fears at work are a challenge, to let go of my past, live my present and strive to give my best.

  • Today I am grateful that you listened to a virtual meeting of recovery partners.

  • Today I am grateful for putting my effort into writing and working my steps, answering the questions in the guide.

  • Today I am grateful that I did not forget to write to mom and dad that I love them.

  • Today I am grateful that I am working on my self-esteem by eating healthy, I put off today’s exercise routine, but I continue to maintain control of my impulses with food.

  • Today I am grateful for sharing this list, with my recovery colleagues from the rehabilitation center where I was interned.

  • Today I am grateful to my higher power because he is merciful to me and today I trust in his love.

just for today, I have not consumed
Good night.


112 days and grateful for them.
Grateful for the random candlelight meeting I sought, attended and enjoyed.
Grateful for my interview coming tomorrow for the fourth time.
Grateful for another and different opportunity to train and become an HC in my Recovery community.
Grateful that my attitude, mindset and heart is set where it is these days… Because I know had these opportunities arised any time I attempted recovery in the past… I would’ve rode that shit with pride and haughtiness until I wrecked myself and any woman under my care and … Well… I’ll leave that there.
Grateful I’m able to see my mess currently and from former seasons and accept, do the work necessary and move forward.
Grateful I no longer have an obsession with being the center of attention.
Grateful for my moments of victories and secret service-like work between HP and I only… These keep me going and really make me feel purposeful and pretty dang special.
Grateful for the lovely females I currently live with. Even though I’m literally 12-20+ years older than each of them… I am grateful for their lovely and mature spirits.
Grateful I am not where I used to be and certainly not as far I will be and yet I’m content JUST for today.
Grateful I will never forget where I’ve been and what God has brought me out from.
Grateful for each one of you on this journey for solution.



Grateful for experiencing true genuine heartfelt laughter. Connecting with my daughter and feeling completely present in the moment. Thank you sobriety. :pray::heart::pray:


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I haven’t gambled in 14 days but it is surprising me just how much it’s bothering me. I’m grateful I cleaned my room, did laundry and ordered pizza tonight instead of totally bingeing on tv, movies, or games. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are incredible. Ya you!!


I am grateful for Whats this Tao all about podcast.
For 10 000 steps today
For sobriety and not craving
For less stress these days
For willingness for effort and action and the 8 fold path.
For fellowship here and in 3D land
For getting adequate sleep, night all :pray:🧘‍♂:hugs:


Today I’m grateful for not drinking yesterday, I didn’t want to, it wasn’t an option.
I’m grateful I had energy and enthusiasm to take out the dog yesterday evening after work. I listened to Annie Grace’s podcast, it was about how drinking water has a huge impact on your motivation, productivity and of course your health. I do drink water during the day but am going to up my intake and see how I feel. I’m grateful for that time yesterday, I think I just needed 40 mins unwind time on my own, I came home in a good mood.
I’m grateful for lovely lovely sleep. I used to struggle to get to sleep and stay asleep. Now I listen to a sleep meditation on insight Timer and I’m away.
I feel good this morning and I’m grateful :sparkling_heart:


Today I am grateful for another day of sobriety and waking up feeling I had good sleep
I am grateful to stick at my current job despite not liking it very much, whilst looking for a new one.
I am grateful to be safe in my home
I am grateful for my health
I am greatful I am present for my son, who is sounding tired with trying to reach his deadline for his uni dissertation, and his thank you call last night for the treats I posted to him
Greatful for wanting a better me and despite the bumps not given up
Grateful for here and you :pray:


For waking up alive, safe, and sober.

For hot, clean water for showers.

For an in-person meeting last night, despite my fked up head telling me bs the whole time and making it hell.

For meeting my best friend after this for a bit of clothes shopping as our favourite shop has a 75% sale.

For 6 hours solid sleep, I needed it.

For pain, reminding me I’m alive to feel it.

For another in-person meeting tonight, where my head usually behaves itself.

For a reliable car, especially after all the trouble I had with my last one.

For my two cats for saving my life every single day, they are my reason.

For CA and the fellowship, I still have hope that this can last. :pray:t2:

That I no longer poison my mind, body, or soul with substances.

That I no longer live in the shame of secret active addiction.

That I no longer feel trapped with no way out.

That I no longer obsess over cocaine.

That I no longer find it impossible to tell myself ‘no’.

Thank you.



I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful that I have a career/job eventhough I always feel anxiety after the weekend ends and it’s time to return to the grind… it will pass.

I am grateful for my cats and the comfort they provide. :heart::heart_eyes_cat:

I am grateful that I hopefully can rest/sleep today to get ready for the night shift.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


I am grateful for finally being honest with myself.
I am grateful for the freedom that honesty brings.
I am grateful for feeling this way for 19 days.


Grateful for my Dad. When I feel overwhelmed with the big picture, he helps me find perspective.

Grateful for my upcoming vacation time and that I’m only a 5 hour drive from home. I’m excited to go see everyone.

And I’m grateful for another great night of sleep :blush:


I’m grateful I’m up early hangover free and sober after a pretty good nights sleep.
I’m grateful I’m not bringing my screens to bed anymore. I’m grateful I do a 10 minute meditation before sleep and lights off.
I’m grateful last night I was tempted to check something on line when I was in bed, and ya, I played the tape forward, I would have probably been up another hour looking at Twitter or TS or Zillow. I’m grateful I thought if it’s important I’ll get to it tomorrow. Well it’s tomorrow and I cannot remember what it was. I’m grateful for my new going to bed routine.

I’m grateful I don’t react as much as I use to. I’m grateful I read how I’ve been a reactionary all my life. Even a crisis reactionary. Especially in restaurant management. :wink: Callie. Which wasn’t always bad. But it was ingrained in my way of everyday thinking for years. Much easier to learn about this and do this codependent stuff sober. Double bonus.

I’m grateful I love my 2 Pilates Reformer trainers. I always feel so great after doing it. @Hopeful777 just tagging you Marie because you do cross my mind and I wonder if you feel as great as I do after walking out of your Pilates session? Sober Pilates rocks!! I’m grateful I got my ass out in the cold and snow yesterday to get to my session.

I’m grateful to think about you all at different times and our commonality in our different countries and states. And we all have the same goal. I don’t know. It’s seems like I know just a little bit about you all and I’m grateful for that.

I grateful I read on the Hazeldon Betty Ford website, are you spending as much time working your program as you did drinking? Or something like that. So when I feel like I’m spending too much time on TS, whether it’s memes or foodie pics or whatever. I can cut my self some slack. I use to spend way more time drinking when I drinking all day. TS is my only recovery platform. It’s working. So I reckon I shouldn’t worry about it, if I’m on here too much.

I’m grateful I’m learning I don’t have to jump into the first feeling that comes my way and WALLOW in it.
Seriously learning this right now. I’m grateful I already know it feels good not to react to every little thing. I’ve learned to pause, or take a deep breath. Or think about it. Before I react. But I don’t have to WALLOW in my first feeling either. I’m grateful this might take some work.

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.
Henry David Thoreau


I’m grateful for all the kiddos that have ever passed through my life, and for those still here. I’m grateful that although it’s through shared grief, some of us are reconnecting. Looks like I’ll be having some extra guests this summer. I’m grateful for my own kids and that they’ve always had a lot of friends. It enriches my life and theirs.

I’m grateful Eric has been learning about kind and loving detachment. It’s a helpful tool that I use when my world becomes too much.

I’m going to take a break from TS for a little bit. A day after learning about my son and son-in-law’s dear friend passing, we received news of a young man who lived with us for a short time passing, too. I won’t keep laying this grief on y’all, and if I visit here everyday, I’ll end up doing that. Please send light to our family. The grief has been so hard to bear.

I love y’all, and I’ll be back as soon as I’m able. :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I made my PhD in France. I am grateful I met so many wonderful people during my time there.
I am grateful for the wonderful moments I had there. I am a bit sad at the moment for what I lost. I gained sobriety, though.

I am grateful Dora and Paula spent the afternoon on the balcony without any escape attempts.

I am grateful I make these new and different experience without caffeine.


I’m grateful you let us know what’s going on.
More prayers for you and your family. I’m sorry your going through this grief. But grateful you’re sober.
I’m grateful we can be here anytime you need to share your grief to lighten your load.