Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I made it on time to open the restaurant today at 7:30 and got to be home at 4:00. I’m grateful to be a healthy tired as I usually close the restaurant from 2-10:30 I’m grateful tomorrow is a day off. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for sports to watch and hopefully get to play some again soon as the nicer weather approaches. I’m grateful I have a bicycle, golf clubs and swim shorts. I’m grateful I have been able to try and focus on enjoying the present instead of reliving the past or fearing the future.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are incredible. Ya you!!

Edit … p.p.s. 44 days without gambling, very grateful, still struggling with it more than I thought I would. Also very grateful to have received a message from a previous sponsor who is fighting his way back to the light, love these moments. Happy 24!

@Macy2020 join us here once, daily, weekly or just read. God bless


Grateful for beautiful mornings, living in a beautiful place, and being alive.
Grateful for you all x


I’m grateful I went to bed too early and now I’m up too early, hangover free and sober. Because… “Is there any other way?”
I’m grateful I still got a good nights sleep.
I’m grateful for the extra peace and quiet I will enjoy this morning before my wife gets up.
I’m grateful for the late afternoon walk yesterday I made myself do.
I’m grateful things have been really clicking in place the last few days. I’m grateful for the one hiccup so far and we’ll deal with it when we deal with it.
I’m grateful to be so in tune with my old dog girl Minnie and Alice cat too. I’m grateful Alice seems to be doing so well with these subcutaneous fluids Kelly/we are giving her. I’m grateful she’s back up over 8 pounds.
I’m grateful for the inspection we are having today. Whatever it is we can deal with it or fix it or whatever. It’s out of my hands.
I’m grateful my wife and I are doing really well currently. I’m grateful as usual when we got a shit ton of stuff going on at once we make the A-Team.
I’m grateful while things are good with wifey and me, I get reinforcements through my Al-Anon readings that are pure gold.
I’m grateful for y’all.
I will devote myself to over coming my flaws of character and controlling my impulsive words and actions. This will leave me no time to concern myself with remodeling the alcoholic :joy:
Todays reminder in ODAAT In Al-Anon.
Ya, I put a lol face there because I think it’s funny and so very true. “Remodeling the alcoholic :joy:” I’m having a hard enough time remodeling myself :joy: Then I imagine someone trying to remodel me when I was an active alcoholic. I bet I drank even more. :scream: I’ll show them :grimacing:


I am grateful it’s the weekend.
I am grateful I got myself up to workout. It lifted my mood a bit.
I am grateful for Dora and Paula.
I am grateful I live in peace for the moment.


I’m grateful for another day sober,

Grateful for my friend Matt who calls me to check in with me,

Grateful for my wife who rubbed my back this morning when I was having an anxiety attack,

Grateful to read scripture and feel God’s love,

Grateful for my home and the money that pays the mortgage,

Grateful to see my teenagers hanging around the kitchen with their parents,

Grateful for my sponsor, John.


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I got to walk a lot today, stopping to lean against and talk to trees and bushes. I’m grateful my walk took me to a friends for a visit and games, an NA meeting and Tim Horton’s for coffee and a treat. I’m grateful my health allows me to walk for a few hours to get to theses places. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for remembering to take big loving, living breaths and stretches while walking. I’m grateful for the physical, mental and spiritual boost from getting to enjoy a day off. I’m grateful I read all the posts on this thread. I’m grateful I no longer stress about reading all the other threads or posting every day. I’m grateful I work tomorrow. I’m grateful I can call my Mom tomorrow, more than once, since its her 70th birthday.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star shine bright. Ya you!!


I’m grateful to be home, safe in my alcohol free zone. I’m grateful to have a safe alcohol free zone.

I’ve been antisocial lately. I live in a small town, and lived here for most of the 20 years I have lived in Oregon. Its a friendly town which is cool, but its a chatty town, if you not careful chatting with all the people from my neighborhood to the store to the dock will eat up your entire day. You could literally shoot the shit your whole life away here if your not careful.

My cameras attract attention Especially my drone and now my submarine. Non stop. people talking to me. I’m grateful for my solitude this Friday night I’m grateful where I can reflect on the reasons I’m grateful.

I’m grateful I’m whining about a luxury problem. Boo hoo people like you and want to shoot the shit with you non stop, everywhere you go. You poor bastard… :rofl:

I’m grateful I can make fun of myself. I’m grateful I currently have nothing but luxury problems tonight.

I’m grateful I’m not in the bar across the street shooting the shit with a beer in my hand on this Friday night. Its my 126th Friday night in a row. I’m grateful!

I’m grateful I’m not on the back deck drunk enough to hit the spoof pipe. The bar has lotto machines. Tweakers love those Lotto machines. They are probably spoofing it up right now. I’m grateful I’m not there. Better them than me.

I’ve alienated the tweakers. I’ve been rude and cold to anyone I did meth with or got meth from. I look at them like I’d rather kill them then talk to them when they approach me, even to shoot the shit. When I see them around they don’t even make eye contact with me anymore. I like this. I’m grateful!

I got a friend request on Facebook from a drinking buddy. Him and his wife were/are good friends. He and I always drank. She isn’t a drinker. I hung out with them a lot. I didn’t accept it for a long time. I don’t Facebook much. I sometimes share my photos and videos to see what kind of reaction I get. then I go weeks without face booking. It usually leads to someone messaging me Id rather not interact with. I hate Facebook messenger. I don’t have it on my phone. I hate it when people call me on Facebook messenger. She messaged me, I gave her my number. I was dreading the phone call.

We ended up talking for a long time. When I told her about my sobriety, she cried tears of happiness and told me how much she worried about me. She used to make me eat. She always let me pass out on the couch, instead of stumbling home. He is sober. I guess he has an occasional beer. I have had quite a few old friends tell me they quit drinking. Only to find out they have an occasional beer.

I’m grateful to know and accept that I cannot. I’ve hit that brick wall enough. Good for him. I’m grateful he is doing better. I’m grateful to know that what other people do isn’t my business. It isn’t my program.

It was the first time a drinking buddy didn’t tell me I wasn’t that bad. They both agreed that I was bad. They reminded me of some of the stupid shit I’ve done. We laughed about it. I’m grateful for the reminder. I’m grateful I can laugh at myself now, because its really not that funny.

Edit: I didn’t mean to reply directly to you Brian.

Since I did I’m grateful that you’re so awesome! Ya you!


Grateful to be alive and sober today


Four days shy of 5 months, grateful for this.

Grateful to be an active part of my own and other people’s solutions in the recovery industry.

Grateful to be getting certified for peer/recovery Coaching.

Grateful for my sponsor

Grateful for my freedom

Grateful to be up without guilt and laying in bed and go back to sleep

Grateful each day is anew


I’m grateful to see Alison checking in with some gratitude. @PaigeTurner
I’m grateful for so much I’m bursting.
I’m grateful I got up at 6.
I’m grateful for my coffee and Benson and Alice on my lap together. My fire. My blanket. My yellow beanie and hoodie keeping me warm. The quietness of the morning. A well lived in messy house. Alice back on my lap making it difficult to write.
I’m grateful for these 2 moves simultaneously, the worry of inspections, and moves and planning, and all the logistics that can be very stressful. And I’m handling it sober. So many reasons to drink, to celebrate or self sooth to get over the stress. But I don’t have to anymore. Currently, I don’t want to anymore. I’m grateful I’m not even triggered during all this good stress. I’m grateful for all the money I’ve saved and all the crushing headaches I’m not having. I’m grateful I feel like I really don’t have another recovery in me. This is it folks! I mean, I’m grateful I’m actually kind of scared to take a drink. Would I come back from it? I’ve never ever had just one. I’m grateful I think that my next benda could, in fact, actually kill me.
I’m grateful I got a dog walk in and a power walk in and a Pilates session in yesterday.
I’m grateful to see what the day brings.
I’m grateful to be here with y’all.
I’m grateful for the warm feeling I get when I read someone else saying “I’m not drinking today, and I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.” :wink: @Miranda I can ride that wave of happiness for ever :relaxed:

Thank you, God, I can now see that thorns have roses.
ODAAT In Al-Anon

I’m grateful I finally figured out I don’t have to write out “One Day At A Time,” In Al-Anon :joy:


I am grateful for this. :orange_heart:


I’m so grateful I live close to the beach, the waves wash away my anxieties.
I’m grateful for the beauty that surrounds me.
For seeing amazing wildlife this morning.
I’m grateful for learning to do things that make me feel good instead of doing things because I think I should.


I’m grateful for the clarity and presence sobriety has brought me. I’m grateful I can genuinely be there for my husband while his dad is dying. It finally hit him this morning that there’s nothing more that can be done. I’m so incredibly sad for him, but I’m also grateful that he mended things with his dad over the past 2+ years.

I’m grateful for my mom and dad. Our relationship is much better than it was when I still lived back home. I’m grateful they’ll be here to visit in early June. I miss them. I’m grateful they have loved and respected my husband from the beginning. That makes such a huge difference in a marriage… having a good relationship with your parents-in-law.

I’m grateful I’m going to help Keely pick out paint colors for the exterior of their house today. It’s always fun to use my design experience to help out my girls. Did I tell y’all that their house is 140 years old this year?! I love the history we’ve found in it.

I’m grateful for life. I’m grateful for dear friends here. I think of y’all daily, and your support since I’ve been here is so appreciated. I love y’all. :heart:


Grateful that I didn’t have to get up this morning shaking, sick and sweating trying to make my way to the store for more to drink just so I could make myself pass out. This was the daily horror that I lived for 3 months before stopping. Today I can enjoy coffee, the beautiful weather and later being in my AA Fellowship with others that know what I have been through.


Today I am grateful that I didn’t drink yesterday or want to.
I’m grateful to enjoy time at home today pottering, reading, tidying.
I’m grateful that I don’t have any plans coming up that I would worry about how I’d manage them. It means that I can just get on with focusing on each day.
Thanks to everyone here :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for this in the morning



I am grateful that I have learned to appreciate what I have.

I am grateful for all the people who work in mental health.

I am grateful for technology, coffee shops and long drives with loud music.

I am grateful that I gave up trying to fit my life into a box when it is definitely does not fit.

I am grateful that I can appreciate all of the quirky people that make up my very unique shaped life.

I am grateful that after reading Jason’s gratitude about meth dealers I was able to sit in some guilt and sadness that didn’t get away on me. I have worked through a lot of my past life in step work but there are a lot of things that still haunt me. My shame has been replaced with guilt today and I know that if I just keep up this living amends one day that will disappear. I am grateful for that.

I am grateful for recovery and that today I get a chance to feel all those feelings that I have used drugs and alcohol to repress for years. Somedays I feel like my progress is not moving forward but then something like the above will happen and I will be able to compare where I was regarding my feelings 17 yrs ago/12yrs ago/7yrs ago/2 yrs ago/ today and the growth is exponential. Recovery has been happening over many, many, many years for me. I am grateful that I never stopped trying… for long. Even when I thought I had given up I guess a part of me was still fighting.



I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today. I’m grateful for recovery, including mine, with its blessings and struggles. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for my Mom and that she made it to 70 years old today, we talked a few times on the phone and sent some face book messages and pics. I’m grateful I am only a little sore after a four hour lunch rush, it usually only lasts one and we were short staffed, maybe that’s why the rush lasted longer, that and it was a nice weather Saturday. I am grateful for a fantastic AA meeting that I just got home from, I had never been to this meeting. I’m grateful that a gentleman I saw speak a couple weeks ago was there and I went to chat with him and thank him for his message that night, and wouldn’t you know it was his Mom’s birthday today too, very cool.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are incredible, I believe in you. Ya you!!


Grateful to be sober
For this laptop and phone
For art
For melatonin
For eventual death
For my life today
My cats


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for talking with my friend yesterday about being sick, not being fine, feeling guilty for not being fine. It’s a huge problem for me, not to admit that I am not fine but to call in sick for this bc it is not so bad yet. Might sound stupid. I have been away from work some time in the past, last one was two years ago. I need to figure this out. I am grateful I mailed my pay for an appointment.
I am grateful the weather was fine last night here. There was a parade of sculptures made of paper illuminated. I am grateful that we all agreed that there were too many people. We were grateful to have checked that we don’t like this.
I am grateful for an rather good night’s sleep. With Oropax.
I am grateful for cuddles with Paula. I am grateful they are never resentful.