I’m grateful to be home, safe in my alcohol free zone. I’m grateful to have a safe alcohol free zone.
I’ve been antisocial lately. I live in a small town, and lived here for most of the 20 years I have lived in Oregon. Its a friendly town which is cool, but its a chatty town, if you not careful chatting with all the people from my neighborhood to the store to the dock will eat up your entire day. You could literally shoot the shit your whole life away here if your not careful.
My cameras attract attention Especially my drone and now my submarine. Non stop. people talking to me. I’m grateful for my solitude this Friday night I’m grateful where I can reflect on the reasons I’m grateful.
I’m grateful I’m whining about a luxury problem. Boo hoo people like you and want to shoot the shit with you non stop, everywhere you go. You poor bastard…
I’m grateful I can make fun of myself. I’m grateful I currently have nothing but luxury problems tonight.
I’m grateful I’m not in the bar across the street shooting the shit with a beer in my hand on this Friday night. Its my 126th Friday night in a row. I’m grateful!
I’m grateful I’m not on the back deck drunk enough to hit the spoof pipe. The bar has lotto machines. Tweakers love those Lotto machines. They are probably spoofing it up right now. I’m grateful I’m not there. Better them than me.
I’ve alienated the tweakers. I’ve been rude and cold to anyone I did meth with or got meth from. I look at them like I’d rather kill them then talk to them when they approach me, even to shoot the shit. When I see them around they don’t even make eye contact with me anymore. I like this. I’m grateful!
I got a friend request on Facebook from a drinking buddy. Him and his wife were/are good friends. He and I always drank. She isn’t a drinker. I hung out with them a lot. I didn’t accept it for a long time. I don’t Facebook much. I sometimes share my photos and videos to see what kind of reaction I get. then I go weeks without face booking. It usually leads to someone messaging me Id rather not interact with. I hate Facebook messenger. I don’t have it on my phone. I hate it when people call me on Facebook messenger. She messaged me, I gave her my number. I was dreading the phone call.
We ended up talking for a long time. When I told her about my sobriety, she cried tears of happiness and told me how much she worried about me. She used to make me eat. She always let me pass out on the couch, instead of stumbling home. He is sober. I guess he has an occasional beer. I have had quite a few old friends tell me they quit drinking. Only to find out they have an occasional beer.
I’m grateful to know and accept that I cannot. I’ve hit that brick wall enough. Good for him. I’m grateful he is doing better. I’m grateful to know that what other people do isn’t my business. It isn’t my program.
It was the first time a drinking buddy didn’t tell me I wasn’t that bad. They both agreed that I was bad. They reminded me of some of the stupid shit I’ve done. We laughed about it. I’m grateful for the reminder. I’m grateful I can laugh at myself now, because its really not that funny.
Edit: I didn’t mean to reply directly to you Brian.
Since I did I’m grateful that you’re so awesome! Ya you!