Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful I woke up sober and went out to enjoy this rare warm and beautiful February day. Although, I’m disappointed I missed whatever discussion happened after my comment this morning. Feel free to pm if anyone sees this and wants to continue.
I’m grateful for the supports helping me through this major grief.
I’m grateful I found my old cell phone in a drawer and was able to look at Tuukka’s puppy pictures. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for my aunt and her feeling safe to be vulnerable about her grief with me.
I’m grateful that loss helps me recognize how much I still have in my life.
I’m grateful for this community and all of your compassion.


I have a little bit of extra gratitude that I keep forgetting to post so I will add it now.

I am very grateful to be learning how to have relationship with partners, wives and husbands through all of you. I am grateful to see the effort it takes to make a relationship work. I am grateful for all of your vulnerability and sharing because you are teaching me.

Thank you.


This is beautiful, all of it. So happy for you, amiga :heartpulse:


Might sound silly but I’m really grateful for these guys. They make me laugh every day and fill my home with love. They mean everything to me :black_heart:


I am super grateful for these two. Their pics always make me smile! I’m not on Instagram but I think if these two had a page it would make the world a happier place. My partner however is nervous because I keep showing him pics of them as an argument to get get a “cat friend” for our pup :grin:


Aww that makes me so happy to hear :laughing: I’m really glad people enjoy them. I sometimes get nervous that I’m spamming threads with their faces haha
This is the only social media I have so its the only place I get to show them off

Nothing better than cat and dog best friends! It can be hard at first but VERY rewarding when they become close. Good luck!!


Huge congratulations :sunflower:
Grateful you are here.


Not silly at all! I love our dogs very much. And I love seeing your sweeties! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank y’all so much. I’m happy to be right where I am. I’m grateful for y’all. :yellow_heart:

@I.cant.We.can @RosaCanDo @Ceeds


I’m grateful we took a vote behind your back and you cannot leave. It would crush us if we couldn’t have Pica and Moby around. Both Pica’s :hugs:


Congrats on the 6 months Moxie :notes: :hugs:


So much gratitude, sorry I can’t catch up with the thread! Please feel huged and hearted gratidudes :orange_heart::hugs:
Today I’m grateful I had a good drive to the health resort where I stay for a week. It looks nice here and I’m grateful I took my sleep meds with me so I will have a good and long and stable sleep the whole week. And this is what I do now: Lights off and :sleeping:


I’m grateful for this prayer this morning :pray:


I am grateful for the family in my last Sober Living home
I am grateful for all the women in my new Recovery Home.
I am grateful for whatever sentence I receive on Monday morning.
I am grateful that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
I am grateful that I’ll have 90 days tomorrow.
I am grateful for my sister and brothers in recovery.
I am grateful to be reconciled with my three younger children.
I am grateful and hopeful for reconciliation with my 18year old.
I am grateful for my parents to still be alive and in love.
I am grateful for this app and my plethora of recovery brothers and sisters all over the world.
I’m grateful for warm showers, toilet paper and restful sleep.

Carry on…



I’m grateful for the laugh this comment gave me :joy:



(((Eric))) :blush::yellow_heart:


I am GRATEFUL I found this forum.

As an addict you might find yourself in situations where you see first hand some of the worst things humans are capable of and it is very easy to lose hope once you’ve been in those situations.

There are so many people in recovery that are the best examples of what truly amazing things humans are capable of.

I am GRATEFUL for the people who paved the way for recovering addicts to break their addictions and get on the path of living healthy and positive lives through being an inspiration to others by sharing the tools they used to rebuild their lives.

I am GRATEFUL to all the people who inspired me through their refusal to give up.

I am GRATEFUL I am now in a position where I can TRY and do the same.



6 months?! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: That’s half a year. I’m so proud of you.
I feel so much gratitude that sobriety brought you into my life. Love you :yellow_heart:


Thanks bunches! :relaxed: I feel that same gratefulness. I love you, too. :revolving_hearts:


I’m grateful for a comfy home to relax in after a long day and tired legs.
I’m grateful that I ate all three meals today and had enough energy to take Rue out for a walk after putting in over ten miles today.
I’m grateful for the chocolate chip cookie I had for dessert.
I’m grateful that meditation, sparkling water, and walking Rue has replaced my evening bottle(s) of wine.
I’m grateful for miracles.
I’m grateful I realize the power that alcohol has over me and I’m grateful that I haven’t given it air to breathe.
I’m grateful that after nearly 5 months sober I’ve decided to start going to meetings.
I have zero sober people in my real life. I so desperately need some. I’m grateful that sobriety has made me open to going to meetings. It’s something that I never thought I would do.

I’m grateful for this forum. That it’s here. That all of you are here. Love you guys