Daily Gratitude List

Thankful I’m off daily nurse visits YaaaahhhooooOooo!
Thankful for my dog being with me,
Thankful to get to a Month and 2 days!!! (off everything!)


I am grateful for 123 days sober and trying to stay humble is a work in progress but I am thankfull for being alive ,appreciating the small things, noticing other peoples actions around me I am gratefully and aware although I am very speculative I guess I see other peoples faults or manipulations of situations and then the pitty game like …oh whoa is me, you know the type so it’s just a reminder that I may change but other people don’t have to change and I’m fine with that I won’t let it tear me down or get in the way of MY SOBRIETY i am grateful for situations that test our limits and mold us into stronger people with out resorting to the old ways I’m gratefully to still be sober and to have the help of my higher power


Grateful for a lesson in patience.
Grateful for the considerate people I met today.
Grateful that a raccoon was rescued from a dumpster.
Grateful that I had time to eat today.
Grateful to be clean.
Grateful for the lovely weather.
Grateful that stocks fell today, and it didn’t bother me.
Grateful for my leg workout this morning.
Grateful for feeling energetic.
Grateful that I slept so well that I dreamed for the first time in a while.
Grateful for good intuition. It’s a gift.


Today I’m greatful to be clean and soba and alive
2 I’m greatful to be going to a job I enjoy
3 I’m greatful to have money in my bank and not be skipping meals to pay for drugs
4 I’m greatful to be leaning more and more about myself and my addiction
5 I’m greatful to be around strong people in recovery who all help eachother
6 I’m greatful to my family for always beliving in me
7 I’m greatful it’s a nice morning to walk teddy before work
8 I’m greatful Millie can start college in the next 2 weeks
9 I’m grateful I’m happy and content
10 I’m greatful I have god in my life to pray to whenever I’m not sure what to do . God’s will not nats will x


Hello lovely people! Today I am grateful for coffee! :joy: I’m grateful for my family who have helped furnish my new place, their kindness knows no bounds. And I’m grateful for this community. Keeping me focused and strong and helping gain back my confidence. Ye are all angels. So glad I found ye :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: have a gorgeous day! :heart:


Today I am grateful to be sober even though I’m struggling to know who this sober me is.
Everyday I’m grateful to the people who helped get me where I am today.
I am grateful to love and be loved.
I’m grateful for the laughter and the tears.
I am grateful for those people still in my life and for those who are no longer here but who will always be in my heart.


Grateful that over all I had quite a good day today. Grateful I’m feeling genuinely grateful. After a dark sort of 2 months I feel like I see a spark of light and I feel like I know what to do. I’m grateful I’m opening myself up to the fact that I need to work hard and struggle every day to get where I want to be, grateful to be willing to adress certain aspects of that. Grateful to be alive and well. Grateful to have my family. Grateful for gym and AA tonight, and work tomorrow.


Grateful that I now have my smallish mountain to go to this long weekend. Fresh air, lots of stars, and my two favorite ladies to enjoy it with.


At this moment I am deeply grateful for having taken the step to attend online meetings in the room. I am al emotional about it. Thank you all people for all being part of this recovery tribe. I do not know why I cry but I know it was a needed step to take today.


Grateful for another hangover free sober morning with a dog on my lap.
Grateful for my coffee :coffee:
Grateful for the clear head and calmness each morning.
Grateful for open windows again last night and cool mountain air.
Grateful it’s cool enough to break out my mother’s quilt that my Grammy made that’s been passed down to me. It’s very comforting in many ways.
Grateful for my workout day today on my reformer.
Grateful for another clear cloudless blue sky day.
Grateful for the support on TS and the fun things we do too.
Grateful for the peace and quiet of this moment.
Grateful I can always come up with something for this gratitude list.


Grateful for a busy week.
Grateful that I have energy left for the weekend.
Grateful that I have time to do things that I enjoy doing.
Grateful that the grass grew a lot, and I’ll have to mow again.
Grateful that I now know exactly what causes my back pain.
Grateful that I’m more alert now without caffeine.
Grateful that I’m more patient than I used to be.
Grateful that I didn’t eat the whole container of ice cream.


I am grateful for the people I love.
I’m also grateful for the people who love me.
And I am so grateful for everyone here because when I have a bad day I can come on here and never feel alone! :heart:


Today I’m grateful to being clean and soba and alive
2 I’m grateful I had a early night and feeling well rested for work today
3 I’m grateful I have teddy for company while Millie is with her dad
4 I’m grateful I get to see my son Conor after he finishes work today
5 I’m grateful I can enjoy being by myself and not needing someone always around me
6 I’m grateful for my parents who are always loving me better
7 I’m grateful I am learning to say no if something doesn’t feel right
8 I’m grateful I have my big book it’s got all the steps I need to continue to be clean
9 I’m grateful for my morning coffee and prayers
10 I’m grateful I have god in my life looking after me and I know I can pray for guidance at any point in my day x


I’m grateful for another sober hangover free morning.
My coffee.
And my hot green tea.
My quiet time with God and my daily devotionals this morning.
Being able to sleep with the windows open again.
Grateful I feel a little jealous about all the people traveling this weekend up to the mountains or wherever they’re going and I realize how blessed I am to have that in my back yard.
Grateful for the smell of bacon filling the house so it will be ready for lunch today.
Grateful I got the strength and will power to not cheat and nibble on any :bacon: now that it is cooked. This is how I maintain my weight loss.
I’m grateful my sober journey and weight loss journey coincide with each other I can use principles from either one to work on the other.
Grateful I know if I do have one piece of bacon this morning it will lead to MORE :bacon: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Grateful for the cloudless endless sunny days. Not really, but I will enjoy them since that’s what I got.
Grateful for the support and friends here at TS. Couldn’t do it without y’all :heart_eyes:


I’m grateful that I made my arms and legs and back do what they didn’t want to do.
I’m grateful for perfect weather.
I’m grateful for the progress I’ve made on the blanket I’ve been crocheting.
I’m grateful that I put out rat traps last weekend. They attracted a lot of attention.
I’m grateful for what I’m learning about the nervous system.
I’m grateful for days off work.
I’m grateful for good health.
I’m grateful for healing.
I’m grateful that I’m heavier than ever but not fatter than ever.
I’m grateful that my arms are already sore from my workout this morning. For a long time I couldn’t even make them sore. Pain comes before gains.
I gave up bacon, too @Dazercat. They put sugar in it. That’s why we can’t stop.


Today I’m grateful to being clean and soba and alive I’m
2 I’m grateful I could say no and walk away from someone who wanted me to use drugs with them
3 I’m grateful I am putting boundaries in place and sticking to them
4 I’m grateful my work is going well and I can see my business growing
5 I’m grateful to have this opportunity to run my own barber shop it’s my dream and I’ve waited years to finally build something for myself
6 I’m grateful to have my family help me and believe on my dreams and recovery
7 I’m grateful I am waking up each day and craving life not drugs
8 I’m grateful to be 24 days clean and something in me has clicked I have no desire to use
9 I’m grateful to everyone here who has helped and loved me through my good and bad days
10 I’m grateful to God I can feel him and I know he’s keeping me safe and guiding me through my journey x


Grateful for another hangover free sober morning.
Grateful to be learning more about God.
Grateful to spend a Saturday night baking bread last night.
Grateful for all the home cooking I’m doing. Grateful for all the money I’m saving by not going out to eat and drinking.
Grateful for cool nights.
Grateful for quiet time in the morning.
Also grateful to read everyone’s gratitude list and for the warm feeling in my heart it gives me.
Grateful for this worldly connection.
Grateful to read about the several boats that sunk along the trump boat parade on Lake Travis in Austin Texas where I use to live. :joy:
Grateful God will forgive me for that :pray:t2:


I am grateful that I haven’t had to spend this day hungover.
I am grateful for my friends.
I am grateful that I didn’t lose people through my actions when under the influence.
I am grateful to be on day 13 and doing well.


Today I’m grateful to being clean and soba and alive
2 I’m grateful for a day off to go shopping with Millie and see my sponsor
3 I’m grateful I’m fresh and have a clear head
4 I’m grateful I can keep learning and growing as a person
5 I’m grateful to have such a loving family
6 I’m grateful I have teddy who brings me so much happiness
7 I’m grateful for my walk yesterday and to notice all the beautiful colours of autumn
8 I’m grateful to be 25days clean
9 I’m grateful to have money in my bank and not waisting it on drugs
10 I’m greatful I have god in my life to guide me through my recovery


Today I’m grateful I went to work. I’m grateful I went to the gym. I’m grateful that my mum came to work with me even though I’ll lose some of the length of my contract as a result. I’m grateful for my relationship with my family, my parents, my little brother. I’m grateful for AA, NA, the life I live, my health. I’m grateful to be alive. I’m grateful I’m willing to start to work towards some ambitious goals, one small step at a time.