Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I’m grateful to wake up with the windows open and a gentle but steady rain. What the hell am I doing up? I’m grateful I have cats and dogs I get to feed.
I’m grateful I’m not Ill after yet another COVID booster and a flu shot. One in each arm. I’m grateful I should be covered for awhile. Until the next one anyway.
I’m grateful for the sleeping Norma video I got this morning. That video and the rain would make a great sleep meditation.
Good morning Twinnie. :hugs: We’re getting closer :wink:
I’m grateful for Al-Anon.
I’m grateful we had a pretty busy Monday and Tuesday getting things done and today is an easy day.
I’m grateful I read about
Letting Go Of Urgency.
One Thing At A Time.
That’s all we have to do. Not two things at once. Or in my case 3 or 4 or 5 things. But one thing done in peace. One task at a time. One feeling at a time. One day at a time. One problem at a time. One step at a time. One pleasure at a time.
See how everything works out :thinking:
The Language Of Letting Go.
Today, I will peacefully approach one thing at a time. (Starting now :grimacing: I already blew it first thing this morning.) When in doubt I will take first things first.


Hahahha. :heart:


I totally get where you’re coming from, feeling like your therapist has “fired” you. Try to look at it as a positive thing though! She admitted that she can’t meet your needs, so now hopefully you’ll meet a therapist that CAN!! You’ll be able to get even better help in therapy!


Cool. :blush:
Then, I’m extra grateful for cool walks is the rain this morning with my dogs and their matching red raincoats. And their wet dirty bellies when they come in the house. :scream:


Today I’m grateful for good friends. Grateful I fetched my Pick-up truck from our farm and brought it to the garage. Grateful but sad my husband and I didn’t talk but I have to accept it like it is. One breathe at a time. Grateful for a nice visit at my friend’s sister - I love their dog. Grateful for having a coffee machine at home despite I don’t drink coffee, so I can offer a good cup of coffee to visitors.
I’m grateful I skipped planed garden work in the afternoon. I needed rest and had to deal with lots of emotions. Happy and grateful for my cats. They are my sunshine, their playing makes me laugh. Gratefull to go to bed sober, not too exhausted and with a prayer for inner peace.


Today I’m grateful for getting done with work at a decent time.
Grateful to have the motivation to do some housework this evening.
Grateful for a daily devotion book a client gave me…it was exactly what I needed to hear this morning.
Grateful there are still snow-cone trucks roaming my neighborhood.
For being a thrifty shopper.
For my love of cooking.
For daily conversations with my mum.

And for making it 1 more day sober…82 days.


Tonight I am grateful for the Wednesday night tradition of “ice cream night” with my 2 daughters and my son. Back in my drinking days, I already would have been way past drunk at this point in my day off of work… instead I get to be present with my kids, having ice cream. :sunglasses:


The Christmas lights definitely help . I’m looking forward to winter and the holiday season and the lights bring up good memories and feelings . I’m also the type to listen to Christmas music months before Christmas … I guess whatever helps


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for…

My sobriety, day 144 free from weed and alcohol
My husbands sobriety
Boscoe, my son
My calm amongst chaos at work
Making it through steps four and five
Sober friends and fellowship
Everyone her sharing in their sober journies!

Lets go out and slay the day soberly!


Agreed…health is wealth, eat healthy, & stay sober…no junk or poison in our bodies…


I’m grateful that sobriety has allowed me to have so much energy and motivation that I have to be mindful to take it slow. Today I’m finally wearing my homemade NOPE necklace not because I’m hungover and cranky, but because I have to remember that I can set goals and accomplish them at a reasonable rate rather than tackling everything I wanted to do while I was drunk all at once. Also, NOPE to thoughts of drinking!


Good morning. :sun_with_face:

I am grateful for sunrise meditations at the beach. I am grateful for fishing herons, dancing sea birds and rippling currents. I am grateful for the crunching of dry leaves as they fall of the tree. I am grateful for dried seaweed that swirls in little storms on the sand. I am grateful for the throaty call of gulls and the chirps of sand pipers. I am grateful for wispy clouds and layers of mountains. I am grateful for the sun and the moon.


I am grateful for the seven days that I’ve been sober. It’s given me a little bit of clarity knowing that I don’t have to live with alcohol being an anchor in my life. I’ve tried this a bunch of different times and I’ve never really been successful. This time I’m determined to make it work. It’s 100% or nothing. I can already see some small changes in how I am approaching things my energy level and my dedication to not just letting life pass me by.


I’m grateful for my cats and dogs in the morning. They are always so happy to see me. It’s not the food :joy_cat:. I’m grateful I’m always so happy to see them each morning and they always put a beautiful smile on my face to start my day. I’m grateful I know their routines and their spots when they don’t come for food right away. And I know where to look for them.

I’m grateful for the gray, overcast day yesterday and more rain and the cloudy dreary looking day today. I’m grateful at last moment yesterday I made an appointment for a massage and I was able to get one. It wasn’t a convenient time for “us,” but the massage is for me and I can easily make it a convenient time for me. So I took it.

I’m grateful for the time I get with my wife when she’s sober. Yesterday was not one of them. I’m grateful I tried to figure out how to be angry. Not sure how that went. I’m grateful I said you look sleepy and I’ll watch one half hour thingy with you and she agreed and passed out. I’m grateful my trainer recommended a movie to me yesterday. And I got to watch it last night by myself and I enjoyed the shit out of it. I’m grateful I went to bed and read a few chapters of my “Co-Crazy” book and had a great night sleep. I’m grateful I think I’m getting a little bit better.

I’m grateful I was able to get and feel angry at myself this morning when I briefly thought about the “poor me.” I was, stinking thinking, I’m working so hard on myself because I want too and she hasn’t tried or lived up to anything she said she was going to do. (we or more importantly I, didn’t not make a bargain with her,) I’m grateful I realized part of me is still working so much on myself and is very disappointed she hasn’t changed a bit. And there’s the rub. I’m humbly grateful I cannot change her. I’m grateful I know I can’t. I’ve always know this. I’m grateful I can realize part of me still wants too. (Get her to change,) But I just cannot. I’m grateful I also realize Let Go And Let God doesn’t have to be about a person. I know it sounds stupid. When I think of it. But I really always thought I got to let go of my addict. And in a sense I do. But I’m grateful I have to learn go of my ideas and hopes that there will be change. Maybe there will. Maybe there won’t be change. But it really doesn’t matter what I do. As it says in the Bible. “It’s all meaningless.”

I’m grateful if I drank this never would even be happening and we could both be going on our short road of sickness and misery and death and not even know it. I’m grateful for this precious gift of sobriety I’ve been blessed with and worked so hard to get that nothing is going to make me go down that road ever again. NOTHING!! I’m grateful for my love of sobriety, my wife and my marriage and my children, and grandchildren, and grandchild to be, and I’ll soberly fight for me in it, another ODAAT.
I’m grateful y’all are right here where I need you all to be.
Thank you :pray:t2::heart:

Lessons continue to repeat not as a punishment, but to make sure the understanding is complete.
Todays Hope. Daily reading.
God willing I’ll get another lesson today.


Today I am grateful for:

  • a day off from my crazy job
  • a chance to spend time with my friend
  • taking the cat to the groomer, even though he hates the car
  • a wander around some lovely gardens
  • avoiding the rain
  • tea and cake in a cafe
  • fish pie for dinner
  • an early night tonight and a good book
  • another sober day

Today I’m grateful for the awareness I have surrounding my addictions and their connection to my mental state.

My main thing is drinking, that’s hardly a struggle anymore after 4+ years.

That said, I am prescribed Adderall for ADHD. It works well for me. However, I LOVE stimulants and have struggled with sporadic abuse of my meds over the years. I’d say I’m fine 80-90% of the time, but a pattern I’ve noticed is that I’m far more prone to succumbing to eating them like M&Ms when I am in a sad or vulnerable headspace.

Last week I had to break things off with someone I really care about. It was the right thing but still hurts, even though I was the one to initiate ending things.
I am due to fill my medication tomorrow - a full pill bottle also being a trigger in the past.

Recognizing how things are and these two things happening, I’ve ordered a kSafe. A kSafe is a timed locking container that you cannot bypass or open once the timer is set, short of smashing it with a hammer (and it was $70, so I am not doing that).
I’ve been fine otherwise, but if I’ve learned anything living with addiction - it’s to plan ahead and use as many safeguards as you can. Willpower is great but not bulletproof. So I will take my one pill each morning, lock the kSafe, which won’t be open again until the next morning. Really removes the potential for any mental tennis match of “should I/shouldn’t I” by making it a firm “I can’t”.

I’m grateful for making this choice today. Even outside of current circumstances, it feels like a smart thing to do given the risk of having these meds around all the time.


Today I’m gratefulI I cried a lot. Grateful I did garden work. Grateful I fetched some tools we need tomorrow from my mother’s house / workshop. Grateful not everything found it’s way to our farm yet so I have a bunch of basic tools still here. Grateful I did not call or text my husband. There were several issues today which had required information from him but nope. I have to learn dealing with everything alone again.
Grateful for good friends, a nice asian restaurant we visited and good talks.
Grateful for a shower after coming home, I sweat so much not only from working but with the hormon hot flushes. I hope this will pass soon, I really forgot quickly how bääähhh it feels :grimacing::hot_face::woozy_face:
Grateful for my cats, they are my purring sunshine. Grateful a productive day is over, I’m in bed, Miss Marple lying on me and I will be asleep soon. Please a night without nightmares :pray:


Today I am grateful for my kids. A 10 year old girl, 6 year old girl, and my 2 year old son, who was having a meltdown because mom is out running errands… so he asked me to watch cartoons with him. I have a huge list of things to do today, but they will just have to wait. This is way more important. :heart:


I love that age! I’ll watch him, lol


Im grateful for the joe and charlie tapes. When i start over complicating my simple program, i can always turn to those fellas to remind me to stop over thinking this thing.