Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Grateful for having the basics covered and everything I need . Grateful for my room and space and things to keep me occupied. Grateful for my imagination and day dreaming abilities when I’m sad . Grateful that deep down I never actually give up . I always have some kind of hope. Grateful I have no where left to run or nothing new to try . Grateful I ordered a new big book and decided to go through the steps again. Not my first time . Not a stranger to AA or meetings. Been in and out for years but my feelings on AA and participating are different in the last year or so. I struggle with step 3 and 12. I hope I can find a good sponsor this time. Grateful for a mental health support group I found on Friday’s and a mindfulness meeting on Wednesday . Grateful I’m getting out into the world again


I’m grateful for my body. It’s put up with a lot of sh*t over the years and it still gets me around (mostly) without complaint. I haven’t always treated it well or appreciated it, or celebrated it, but today I’m going to take some time do you just that.


I just started going back to meetings so I will find someone who has what I want . I hear you about 3 … I always try to go back to my ways and take control and it never works . And yes that is exactly what I mean about 12 is any kind of service. But it was also that I didn’t practice the steps on a daily basis. All of my previous sponsors talked about chairing meetings or being actually involved in service work and I never did much of that . I have done a Thorough 4th step and have tried to turn it over . I feel this time may be different because I don’t have any yets left . I tried it all. I had to try it my way for years and nothing changed… go figure


Day 612 today. Today I’m grateful to be hanging out with my family on my day off, smoking some chicken breasts on my smoker, enjoying an iced coffee as I look off my back deck at my homestead property. I am truly blessed, but it tooke getting sober to realize it.


Grateful for quality “Us” time with my 9 yr old at the Angels Athletics game.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free. No heart racing, nausea, dehydration, and or RAGING anxiety.

I am grateful that I got thru the last night at work and I am sure I will get thru the rest of the week just fine odaat.

I am grateful for my fur babes and can’t wait for the weekend so we have more play and snuggle time.

I am grateful to be sticking to my diet. It helps my moods.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:

Congrats on 1000! That is so kick ass and inspiring! :confetti_ball:


Did I hear you’re at…


That is excellent, proud of you girl friend! :hugs:


That deserves a dancing chicken!!


I’m grateful that we were safe from the hurricane in Saint Pete. My heart goes out to everyone south of us.
I’m grateful for electricity.
I’m grateful for food.
I’m grateful I live in a safe home.
I’m grateful for all the little things tonight that it’s easy to over look in daily life.


Lol ilove that dancing chicken :chicken: thank you :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful you have Chief too. I’m sorry you are having a hard time lately, but I think coming to this bread was a good idea. It’s helped me immensely, even when I’m feeling like I can’t be grateful for anything in my life, it helps me to read what others find.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful that work is done for the week. I’m grateful for chili dogs for dinner. I’m grateful it’s cooling down a little bit- I got some new hiking pants and a hat I’m dying to break in! I’m grateful that I will still make an effort to get together with my sister, even though it is not returned at this time. I’m grateful that I can try to be understanding, and remember how crazy life was for me with small children. I’m grateful I can admit that I’m a little hurt and angry, but I’ll get over it.
I’m grateful for my parents and my siblings. I’m grateful for my family.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


@Dazercat , @Shaunda congratulations on your milestones! Grateful to share this journey with you both!


I’m grateful for fall, I love the cool weather.

I’m grateful I was able to complete what needed to be done early at work. I’m grateful today was my 7 year anniversary. :nerd_face:

I’m grateful that even though I was having a sad day yesterday, I didn’t drink. I’m grateful I know what was making me feel that way & even though there’s nothing I can do to change it, I can change what I focus on

I’m grateful I know I’m a strong and kind person.

I’m grateful I do my best with myself, Max and Riley. And having Max next to me snoring brings a smile to my face. :blush::dog::cat:

I’m grateful I know I’m not perfect, and will make

And I’m okay with that. :heart: :hugs: :pray:


Ive been bamboozeled! Im grateful for it but still.
We ( the local alano club) ordered an aed defibrillator and also voted to keep narcan available. Well, i was told we would have someone train us how to use said aed. I didnt realize it was a full fledged cpr course! :joy: i was expecting to spend 30 minutes there not a few hours :joy:

I am grateful i am once again CPR certified.
I am grateful we have an AED and narcan available at our club and many of us know how to use it.
I am grateful for the instructor doing service work to teach us and also sharing her story with us. Tears were shed.
Im grateful im able to step out of my damn self more lately and focus on others more. It definitely helps my sanity.
Im grateful today i know there is nothing a drink or drug is going to make better for me today.

Im grateful for all the congratulations everyone has taken time to write to me. Thank you :hugs:


Omg!! Congratulations Eric!! 1,000 days is so awe inspiring, so fantastic. I’m really, really impressed with the work you put into your recovery. I wish my phone would post pictures or memes, or anything but it won’t so I’ll just be grateful I have a phone to congratulate you. :tada::tada::tada:

I’m very grateful that my heels are dug in and although this 4 am start time is really fucking with my mental health I’m doing it and am staying the course. Tomorrow is my Friday, for that I am epically grateful that I can catch up on my sleep. I feel straight up nuts with not enough sleep, but I’m using my tools and even making some up as I go to make this happen.
Grateful to know of those of you on here who are struggling as well, I dont feel so alone.
To better days! :heart:


Aww……thanks Jen for tucking me in with this tonight on my bedtime round of reading gratitudes.

And thank you all for all the constant love and support. Love you guys.


Congratulations on 4 months! :tada::tada::tada::tada:
It’s easy to stay sober when life is easy. It’s remarkable and takes determination and grit when life shows up on its own terms. You’ve earned this and I hope life gets it’s shit together and starts behaving better for you. Youve fought through the hard days so it’s time for some magic moments. Congratulations on some really outstanding recovery work.


@Shaunda congrats on four months! :clap: :tada::sparkles:


I am grateful that I am only tired and not hungover after only some hours of sleep.
I am grateful I have a home.
I am grateful for this community.
I am grateful I can still learn provided my willingness.
I am grateful I can pay my bills.


Grateful to be alive and sober today. Grateful I’ve been doing online meetings and taking the rest I need even though my tiredness is self inflicted