My sobriety, 182 days free from weed and alcohol
AA fellowship
An explicit filled share this morning that made me giggle
Waking up without hangovers
Reliable transportation
Those engineers that program street lights, keeping traffic moving
My health
My family
Hubby and our communication
This forum and everyones contributions.
Today i am grateful for life. For my children sleeping with me last night. Waking up to see them sleep8ng so peacefully makes my heart melt. Thank you Jesus!! I am thankful for my job. (I went back to my old job aka IHOP woot woot) I am Thankful for every cent that I recieve.yes i said cent because i know what its like to havea dollar to your name. I am thankfuk for every single set back because i only got more closer to God. All the darkness is becoming more bright every single day. I am thankful for water oatmeal avocado coffee. For my black eye restoring itself. For how amazing our bodies are. I am thankful for my hair growing. I am thankful for having all of my 5 senses.i am thankful for my car i am thankful for this amazing peace and the feeling of gratitude. Have a beautiful day friends.
Today I’m grateful for another beautiful autumn day. For my loving, funny cats. For leftovers. I’m grateful to feel ok with myself today. And with my life. After all the hard times I’m deeply grateful I had a day just feeling ok
Grateful I will go to bed early, there is necessary work waiting for me tomorrow I can’t procrastinate longer. Not if my mum’s funeral shall take place like planned
I’m grateful for friends. Last night we had an old friend over for dinner. He’s been sober for almost a year. The change in him is amazing, so insightful and reflective. And nice to be part of the majority in not drinking!
Second time of gratitude.
I am grateful for the nice ride I had today.
I am grateful I went into town to the movies. I am grateful I don’t expect much of a movie. It’s entertaining. It’s fine for me.
I am grateful I don’t have to feel like some people look.
I am grateful that apparently my heating is really off. O am happy that finally after 3 trials my autocorrect detects the word apparently. I will never get it.
I am grateful I have enough.
I’m grateful to see, it seems to me anyway, more gratitude on this thread. I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful I shared yesterday the way I did. It did in fact make me feel better to dump my feelings here and go about the rest of my day. And it was a good day. Good for me anyway.
I’m grateful for baby’s first laugh or real giggle video I got yesterday. She’s getting so big. I’m grateful I can afford to travel and see her again. And again. She’s growing so fast. If we don’t see her again this year she’ll be gone 6 months and already in preschool and prepping for her college exams
I’m grateful for my ice pack and Advil. I’m grateful I can still walk. I’m grateful we already walked the dogs. I’m grateful I slept in this morning and didn’t need my flashlight to let the dogs out.
I’m grateful I already got a cinnamon apple raisin bread pudding in the over. And grateful I get to make a pork roast. I’m grateful for football Sunday and cooking and meetings.
I’m grateful my codependency goes real deep. I’m grateful I think I’m learning, ever since I left home at 18 and was out on my own 2000 miles away from all my family. I would not be able to have anyone rescue me if I failed, or take care of me if I needed it. Not only did I have to be the best hardest worker, show up way to early to work, and make the most sales and tips in the restaurant business. But I think I also made it where if people needed me then they would love me. Or if I “took care” of people they would love me. So if people in my life “Need,” me then they would love me.
I don’t know….I’m grateful there’s a lot to unpack here. After 1032 days sober and 5 months in
Al-Anon and a lifetime of drinking and codependency, I’m going to need time.
I’m grateful I can’t imagine living the rest of my life with an addict.
I’m grateful I can’t imagine leaving her.
I’m grateful I can continue to work my program.
I’m grateful I’m going to wrap this up and get my ear buds and walk and listen to another recovery show podcast. I’m grateful I almost always feel better after listening to The Recovery Show. I’m grateful I’m getting a little tired of it. But the grateful fact is. I always feel better after. Just like a meeting. Or working out. I’ve always felt better after.
Im grateful for another day.
Here’s along one for ya. ”Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed, and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything. This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything.”
Alan Cohen
Grateful Good Morning
I am grateful for 34 days of no hangovers.
I am grateful for no more sneaking around hiding bottles and getting rid of bottles and isolating myself so no one knew what I was doing which was getting pissed.
I am grateful that I joined a beautiful yoga group and have made new friends.
I am grateful for my clear eyes and fresh looking skin and pants that fit a little better!
I am grateful for my job with less hours that I now can do with a clear head and a new found passion for looking after critically ill people without burning myself out and feeling the need to drink.
I am grateful for hugs from my children on the lounge that I remember and having them fall asleep with me not passing out before them.
I am grateful for the intimacy that has returned between my husband and i now that i am sober at night.
I am grateful for his constant support and never ending love and encouragement.
I have so much to be grateful for.
Blessings to everyone on their journey
Thank you @PinkyP I am trying. Everyday still has its struggles but I strive to find the positives and focus on them. And also only take one day at a time. It is the only thing I can truly do right now. Sometimes i need to take it back to one hour, one minute at a time. But I get to the end of each day still sober and I am grateful for that
Im grateful for the chance to discover me. Unfortunately i get to discover me…
Im grateful i find people, groups jobs, routines whatever that bring me joy and seem to be “just the thing” but then… there always seems to be a “then” i become disillusioned with them or it. Then i run away to avoid any conflict over my growing intolerance of things that are not what i thought they were. I truly am grateful that i am finally seeing this pattern. Does this mean i can change it? I dont know. But at least it makes sense of many things throughout my life for me.
Im grateful for slowly learning its not always my expectations but rather me simply seeing what i want to see when it isnt even there.
I know that whole thing is very vague but i wrote it that way because it fits so many different situations throughout my life i couldn’t pick just one thing and make it a good example.
I am grateful for my job and the security it gives me. I like my colleagues and I enjoy spending time with them. I am grateful for another sober morning, knowing the headache is just the start of a migraine and not a hangover. I am grateful, I am not the cause of this headache. It makes it easier to just accept its there and will go away by itself as well. I am grateful for cat purrs, the smell of a freshly brewed coffee and the opportunity to start the day slowly.
I’m grateful my family is safe, healthy and has enough.
I’m grateful for my hubby.
I’m grateful for my kids.
I’m grateful I’m employed.
I’m grateful I’m learning so much about myself in the past months of sobriety. @Shaunda, it can be very unsettling to finally understand ourselves better, our patterns…because then what do you do with this…? I feel the same. Still learning, still thinking. I don’t think I can say I like all that I’m learning. But I’m grateful for it, difficult as it might be. Let’s see where this all leads me. I’m grateful I’m not barreling through life blindly anymore.
I’m grateful for the last few shares. They made me realise that I’m learning so much about myself too. Some good, some not so great to realise. Do I carry on because that’s who I am or do I start to change things. We’ll see.
I’m grateful for my relationship with my partner, we’re both fairly easy going and not needy for the other.
I’m grateful to wake up feeling refreshed and ready. Got to go and walk my dog now, see you later
Im grateful to be waking up early and been able to be more present for my kids,
Im also grateful for this community, the help and support and realisation all feeling will come and are valid
Im also grateful for another sober day and for every other person fighting,
Im grateful ive taken a second chance to gain control of my life again x
I’m grateful for another fresh start to another 24 hours. I’m grateful for the ability to right my wrongs and grateful for a chance at another day.
I’m grateful for a job to go to this morning. Grateful that I secured a job and have kept this job. Grateful this is the last day of this month. Grateful for all that this upcoming month will hold in it.
Gratful to be starting this day clean and for the knowledge of what I must do to stay clean and sober another day and the ability and conviction to carry it out.
My sobriety, day 183 free from weed and alcohol
Trying new AA meetings
My hubby and his love
Boscoe and his love
A long walk yesterday with a fellow sober sister
Self awareness
Basic amenities
A home
Improved memory
The pastel sunset last night
A 10 outta 10 day yesterday
Hope and joy
Everyone here sharing in their sober journies
A weekend getaway to the north Georgia mountains
The colors of Autumn
Rain on a tin roof at bedtime
Morning mediations outside in the quiet
Time to sit alone with a good book without interruption
Crisp mountain air
Hot tea
Lone morning walks to take in the beauty of the turning leaves.
Very grateful to have a boyfriend that recognizes me struggling, knows I need a break, and provides that for me.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful for my new sober life.
I’m grateful it still seems new. My sober life.
I’m grateful in my sober confidence.
I’m grateful I led my meeting last night and I went back to basics. Detachment. Not the middle finger kind either. Detachment with love. Or maybe even detachment with indifference.
I’m grateful for “pause.”
I’m grateful I’ve been pausing lately instead of reacting. Especially last night when my feelings got hurt before my meeting. I paused. Brushed my teeth. Asked her about what she said and if I’m taking it wrong. I’m grateful she said it was a bit of a “dig,” before my meeting but she really didn’t know what she was going to do while I was gone. I’m grateful we worked it out because I didn’t want to go to the meeting wondering if……….
I’m grateful I got to be up early but not too early this morning. I’m grateful for my quiet time. I’m grateful when Daisy pushed the cat bowl off the counter it landed upright on the bar stool so she could finish eating. I’m grateful the cats eat on the counter because I got 2 dogs who eat anything on the floor.
I’m grateful it’s not 28 degrees here this morning.
I’m grateful it is cool out though.
I’m grateful I feel like I need to get back to basics on my codependency. I’m grateful I know all the tools, well a lot of them, and the slogans and I’m going to meetings. I’m chairing meetings. I’m slowly talking to people. I’m grateful I’m finding it so freaking hard though. I’m grateful ya know what? It’s really not that bad. I’m grateful she is not a raging alcoholic. I’m grateful I had/have the courage to upend her our world by becoming sober.
I’m grateful for my strength and courage to continue.
I’m grateful my wife caught me smiling big time while on TS last night. She wanted to know why. It was because someone misses my memes.
I’m grateful for the magical unexpected wonderful feelings I can get from this forum. . Especially when you least expect it.
When I take time for gratitude, I perceive a better world. Today I will appreciat the miracles all around me.
Courage to change.
Edit: I’m so very grateful I could bend over and put my socks and sneaks on without much pain. It’s gonna be a great day!!