Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Thank you thank you :+1:


I’m grateful for late afternoon gratitude.
I’m grateful I woke up with the dogs at just the perfect time to see a beautiful sunrise this morning.
I’m grateful for the clouds that made the sunrise beautiful. Or more colorful.

I’m grateful I had the balls to calmly tell my wife a few things this morning that she left undone and lying around last night. They were a concern of mine and could have affected the pets well being.

I’m not grateful I can’t remember that slogan.
Get in?
Get on?
Get out?
Anyone remember? I can’t find it in my notes. Anyway it wasn’t nagging. I spoke my piece and dropped it. And got the hell out.
I’m grateful I went on to tell her one more thing. And that I am a bit terrified if she gets drunk in front of our daughter later this week. I’m grateful I told her how I feel and dropped it.

I’m grateful I feel like I need to go all the way back to Step 1 again. I’m grateful I started reading How AlAnon Works again. I picked up where I left off. Step 1. :thinking: Thank you God. Then I started listening to The Recovery Show Podcast. I search for a Step 1 podcast. No word of a lie. Spenser started reading from How AlAnon works. Step 1. The exact same spot to started reading this morning. Yes! God gives us exactly what we need!
I’m grateful I was thinking about Step 1 on my walk this morning, and you know, I KNOW ALL THIS SHIT! :grimacing: But I haven’t been able to get it to work.
I’m grateful, then I heard “All I have to do is admit I’m powerless over alcohol.” Right now. Today. That’s all I’m going to do. “Admit I’m powerless over alcohol.” I’m grateful today I’m not going to try and figure out how that works. Because for some reason it’s not working for me. Today, I’m powerless over alcohol. And I’ll probably be powerless over alcohol tomorrow too.
Im grateful I’m going to see what happens if I take it slowly. Im grateful for a new Day 1 in my AlAnon recovery.

Meanwhile…. Im grateful I liked my new doctor yesterday. I’m grateful she seemed to listen to me. Im grateful she didn’t rush me. I’m grateful I’ll be getting bloodwork done tomorrow morning. I’m grateful She doesn’t want to give me meds unless she knows the reason why. I’m grateful she referred me to a hematologist :neutral_face:. Im grateful she wants to find out if I really need this blood thinner I take when I fly, before she just prescribes it to me. I’m grateful I agreed with her. I’m grateful she also referred me to an ophthalmologist and a urologist. I’m grateful she knows my cardiologist and thinks he’s one of the best. He recommended her. I’m grateful, first impression, I really really like her. Im grateful I got an appointment with the hematologist when I get back in town. I haven’t a clue what they are going to do or look for but I’m grateful they do. :pray:t2:
I’m grateful for the My Chart App and all my shit from Santa Monica was easily transferred or can be accessed or linked up together. I’m grateful for medical modern technology.

I’m grateful I got our heating and a/c winter check and the furnace is in good working order. We’ve never used this furnace before.

I’m grateful for this thread and being able to share my stuff here. I’m grateful when you all read it or :heart: it whether you read it or not. I’m grateful for your support. It means the world to me. :hugs:

He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
Isiah 40:29


Yeah, I’m grateful to read it and :heart: it.


I am going to bed grateful that it’s been approved and agreed, despite the house rule of no overnight guests, my daughters can come for weekends. I’m grateful this fills up the spot in my heart that has been empty and unquiet. I’m grateful I can now stay in this house that is otherwise so perfect (now pretty dang perfect!) and I’m relieved and grateful I don’t have to pick up and endure more upheaval to find a home I can bring my kids to. I’m so grateful for this continuity of life and work and recovery and so very grateful I don’t have to look at moving again. I am grateful I feel like I just got everything I have been asking for. Very, very, grateful tonight. :heart:


Thank you. :pray:t2: :heart:
I’m taking notes :slightly_smiling_face:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it’s only a short week.
I am grateful I can’t change the weather.
I am grateful I can MTB here and there is elevation without riding hundreds of kilometres. Nature is calming.
I am grateful I have enough.
I did a tarot and it said: stress. Me? I didn’t believe it. On a second thought :thinking: yeah. I am stress. Inner stress. Glowing and affecting everyone around me. But most of all me. :zipper_mouth_face:


I’m grateful for not drinking yesterday or wanting to.
I’m grateful for a short working week too.
I’m grateful for knowing my headache, that I’ve woken up with, will pass soon and not linger til 11am when I’d usually sober up.
I’m grateful that’s not my ‘usual’ any more, I’m grateful that’s not part of my life.
I’m grateful for a nice sleep :sparkling_heart:


Today, I am grateful for:

  1. Another day of sobriety. Day #71 for me now and feeling great.
  2. Good food. Treating myself to lunch today as it’s my day off from work. I’ve always had respect for those who work in hospitality - I used to do the same a few years back, and it’s a difficult industry to work in. I make sure to always tip.
  3. Winter mornings. So many people hate the winter months, but it’s probably my favourite season. There’s something quite nice about wrapping up in jumpers and wearing scarfs.

It’s hard to cultivate gratitude this deep in depression but I’m trying.

Grateful for my morning coffee.
Grateful for my boss who understands mental health struggles and let’s me work a flexible schedule.
Grateful for my cats even when they fight and piss me off. (They’ve settled back down)
Grateful for a safe place to live.


Lunch check-in. Today I’m grateful I woke up at 7 a.m. allthough I was in bed at midnight. Grateful I watched a biopic yesterday I enjoyed very much.
Grateful kitchen & cat chores are done, the lawn is mowed, I rewrote my worklists and packed away the laundry of 2 weeks :grimacing:
Still feeling very vulnerable and wanting to reach out to my husband. A wise soul once posted here on TS: You don’t find milk at the hardware store so why you go there again and again for milk?
This digged me out of my nagging mind so far today. Lots to learn and to let go. Grateful I realize whats going on in my head and can practice to pause :pray:


:heart: you always inspire me to keep working on me.
P.s. i read it. :wink:


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a day off of work. I’m grateful that last week at work reinforced for me that I made the right choice in cutting back on hours at work ( I worked all the hours that the doctor did). I no longer feel that it makes me weak or lazy to have cut back, it allows me to feel better mentally and physically, and give more to my family. I’m grateful that the rest of the month is already scheduled to allow me the time off. I’m grateful for coffee and my electric fireplace this morning because it’s a chilly 50 degrees outside. I’m grateful I have a friend coming over to hang out and we will try making apple pie from scratch. I’m grateful for my life and how much better it has been for the last 2 years.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Daily Gratitude

Hitting a 4 month AF milestone today!!! :tada:
November is here and my favorite holiday season is beginning.
My mom getting 5 hours of sleep last night
All of the people who came yesterday to celebrate my stepdad’s life
Being sober and able to provide support for my mom
New coloring supplies
A busy work week
Fuzzy socks
Childhood friends that I’m still extremely close to
My family


I’m grateful to admit I’m powerless over alcohol.
I’m grateful to admit I’m powerless over people.
I’m grateful for the book Paths To Recovery, Al-Anons Steps, Traditions and Concepts.
I’m grateful I read “we may want to blame everything on the drinking.” :raising_hand_man: Yes I do!!
I’m grateful to, just admit, I’m as powerless over HER alcohol as I am over mine.
I’m grateful I got to go and get some blood work done.
I’m grateful they said I could still have my coffee before my fasting blood work. As long as it’s black. Is there any other way :coffee:
I’m grateful for you all.
I’m grateful for some of your responses. I’m grateful I guess I sounded a little needy yesterday. I’m grateful I guess I needed it. I’m grateful that’s what we’re all here for. Loving support :heart: I’m grateful y’all bring tears to my eyes. Maybe it’s ok to be needy sometimes.

You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment.
David D. Burns*

Good thoughts are like bright colors in a painting. Negative thoughts are dark and dreary and drab. Each day we paint pictures of our own lives with our thoughts. If we step back and look at the canvas, we will see whether the picture is alive with bright colors or dreary and lifeless like a dark cloud. Our thoughts have the power to bring joy or sadness our way, depending on what we expect or look for in our surroundings. The choice of how we want our lives to be is ours. Since we paint a new picture each day, we are always free to change things when they don’t please us. What better time than the present?

Daily Reflection from
Todays Hope


I am grateful to be awake at 5am with a clear head and good nights sleep after another sober day.
I am grateful for the beautiful sunrise I got to see this morning.
I am grateful for the peace and stillness of the house before my family gets up and the time it allows me to read your posts and write mine in return.
I am grateful for my childrens happy smiles when they wake and find me already up and snuggles on the lounge with them getting excited about the day to come.
I am grateful for the healthy food that is in my kitchen and the energy that allows me to make them healthy lunches each day instead of being too hungover to even bother and giving them junk food or money to buy something at the canteen.
I am grateful for the excitement my little girl has when she chooses a new hairstyle off YouTube for me to try on her because I am awake and have a routine in place that gives me the time to do that with her.
I am grateful for the coffee my husband makes me every morning and the kiss on the forehead that comes with it.
I am grateful for my amazing job and understanding boss for giving me reduced days and time to heal.
I am grateful for the return of my self esteem and desire to take better care of my body and my soul through yoga and therapy.
I am grateful for the medication i take that curb my cravings for alcohol.
I am grateful for my weekly Zoom Secular AA meeting tonight and the fact that I found the perfect group for me.
I am grateful for my husband, children and friends. I have the best cheer squad in the world all cheering for me to keep going.
I am grateful for another day sober.

Have a beautiful day my friends

Ree :heart:


Late evening check-in. Today I’m grateful I had the tires of my car changed. I’m grateful that I stopped listening to people whos slipslop was really enervating and left for 5 minutes to have a little walk outside the building while waiting for my car. I’m grateful I made my point clear when they didn’t fix the trailer and just wanted to tell me that it didn’t pass the annual inspection. Why the hell do they think I waited 4 weeks to have done the two vehicles TOGETHER? :exploding_head: Well, they will call me and I will get my trailer back with approval. grrrrr…
It was not a good day emotionally. I fought hard to not call my husband and to not have beer. Instead I came here, read around, cooked a nice meal, ate nearly all of it which is wayyyy too much, cuddled the cats and was happy for two friends who called me and asked how I am.
Grateful all today’s needy feelings are gone by now, I feel tired and a bit lonely. Grateful I go to bed sober. Grateful for H.A.L.T.


I’m grateful to be most of the way through a very busy work week. Too many meetings!

I’m grateful for beautiful weather we have had for several weeks now.

I’m grateful for good health. I’ve achieved some fitness goals!

I’m grateful that my brother is coming through his current mental health crisis in a reasonable way and that I’ve been able to be very present to support him.

I’m grateful for my sobriety. I’ve been able to do so much more of my life, including the hard parts.

I wish you all peace.


I am grateful for step work.
I am grateful to feel safe today.
I am grateful for my past and I am grateful for today.
I am grateful for my sponsees, all of them. I am grateful for all of their very different personalities, their support of each other and for their trust in me.
I am grateful for second chances.
I am grateful for the opportunities to give selfless service.
I am grateful to be going to bed clean.

Sleep easy everyone. :heart:


I am grateful to be sober. I am grateful that I am only tired and not hungover. I am happy that I went out yesterday having dinner with the Freundeskreis people and a special sightseeing tour afterwards. I am grateful I was home after quickly with my bike as it was f*** cold. I am grateful I can enjoy myself without being drunk. I am grateful for some nice chat with people I barely know.
I am grateful I stay calmer. I rarely recognise it but sometimes I think: ah, some years ago I’d have reacted in another way. Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy. Now, that is a tough one.
I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful to be awake in the middle of the night clean and not loaded, I have a job potential career, I can recognize where I am wrong (most days haha), Im back to doing step work, I have a place to live, I’m starting to save money to take care of priorities, making conscious contact with my higher power daily, I’m willing and able to continue my recovery, my mom, father in law, this forum, and the fellowships.