Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Gratitude Day 30. Today I am grateful that I have a home that I really love spending time in and for my support system. Both online and in real life. :sparkles:


Thats really beautiful. Sounds like a great relationship between you and that dog.

Tonight I am clocking in grateful. Grateful that I have listened to my gut and grateful its talking to me. I’m grateful I put the distance between myself and a good friend who’s choices and behavior were starting to surprise me, and I’m grateful that Im choosing to be supportive from a distance. Grateful I’m not getting distracted and detoured by the ensuing results. Grateful for detaching with love.
I’m very grateful to hear tonight that the man who was my fiance a short time ago has a bed date to go back to treatment. Grateful I haven’t stopped smiling since I heard. Grateful I was able to deliver this wonderful news to his family. I’m grateful for hope. :heart:
As always I’m eternally grateful for second chances.


Thank you! I’m so proud of me, and feel like this is just the beginning of the good :slight_smile: thanks for the support and for being a part of my sobermunity!


Hey, congrats on 30 days! Thats so fabulous.


Thanks so much. Feels really good heading to sleep tonight with 30 days under my belt :heart:


What a beautiful message. Thank you. :heart:


Welcome and,
Congratulations on your 30 days Jamie.
That’s HUGE!!
Hope to see you around.


Thanks Eric! I feel great about it. I know I still have a lot of work to do, and always will :wink: but I’m super happy today.


Checking in grateful with a cup of creamy coffee by my side and new day about to start. I am glad, the night is over and I can let go of some dark and disturbing dreams. I am grateful for the message my brain (or soul?) is sending me with this: “something isn’t right. Go look for what is causing it!”. I will, dear me, I will. I am grateful I am learing how to honor my feelings and be compassionate with myself. I am grateful for another sober day.


:smiley: Grateful for your personal ABC :smiley::pray:t2::heartpulse:


I’m grateful I check in here. It’s pretty busy, funeral will take place on monday and still a lot to do. Grateful I do it step by step and I’m on schedule. I’m grateful a friend talked to me about bringing my winter clothes and black funeral clothing from my husband to me yesterday, my husband called him and asked him for. We canceled that idea. I’ve asked my husband over a month ago repeatedly to bring it. Now, 4 days before the funeral, I don’t need it anymore. I bought new cloths and new shoes last week because I need to prepare mentally and emotionally. I’m a nervous wreck if I’m uncomfortable in my clothes (on every important occasion), I pick it minimum a week in advace to try it on and find out if I feel good. My husband knows that, ignored it and to be honest: this behaviour is bullshit. I’m grateful I trusted my instinct to buy new stuff. I’m grateful my friend agreed that he won’t pick up my cloths because it’s 1,5 h drive and he is not in good health and stressed at the moment. I’m grateful he would have done it if it was really important for me.
It is not, I’m grateful I solved the situation to my comfort well before my husband even gave a fuck about organizing.
I’m grateful for my tamping, snuggling, purring, love demanding cats. They make me laugh, smile and feeling loved every day.
I’m grateful the beautiful framed poster of my mum and me was delivered yesterday. It will put a smile on the faces of the guests attending the funeral :orange_heart:
I’m very grateful for so many things these days :pray:


I have a journal app on my phone that I’ve been using for almost 10 years. One feature is that I can look at this date in my history. So despite how crappy I feel right now I can see the progress I’ve made. Based on that I can find things to be grateful for.

I grateful that I’m no longer obsessed with thoughts of death.
I’m grateful my health insurance now covers mental health treatment.
I’m grateful to be out of my prior toxic work environment.
I’m grateful that even when I get depressed now things don’t feel completely hopeless.
I’m grateful to have survived.


I had terrible dreams last night and woke up with a pretty nasty headache. So I’m hoping caffeine and gratitude will help.

My therapy session this afternoon
Exes that I can still be civil to
Light day at work
The beauty of the moon these past few nights
Chihuahua snores and cuddles
My boyfriend’s work ethic
Finding myself going back to counting days instead of hours at times.
Finally FINALLY really noticing that I’m no longer a bloated, swollen mess of a person!


Morning!! Yesterday was an okay day I got through it and that’s all that matters. I hope you woke up feeling great and strong, have a wonderful day!


I do feel so much better! Glad ur doing well :slight_smile: Lets keep at it girl!


Hi Kristi, I can sympathize. I woke with a bad headache too. Hope your caffeine helps! It’s really a rough way to start the day.


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a job that pays our bills, and co workers that I like. I’m grateful that all work days come to an end. I’m grateful my son volunteered to make dinner tonight. I’m grateful for the sunrise, and hot chai in a bit.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, 190+ days free from weed and alcohol
My hubby
A nice baked chicken and brocolli last night
A busy day planned today
My familys group chat
Upcoming thanksgiving holiday, with anticipation and not fear
A new day
A fulfilling life
Progress not perfection

Lets go out and slay the day soberly!


It really is. I hope caffeine or something helps yours too!

Also, super pumped for you!! You’re doing great! :heart:


I’m in! @Juli1
I want to play :blush:

Another hangover free morning & Alice
Beatrix and Benson.
Challenges like this ABC gratitude list
Daisy- Lazer Wolf- (the butcher) DazerWolf - Dazercat
EMBER coffee cup. Just got it. Keeps my coffee warm.
Fucken Aye!! I don’t drink anymore!!
Gus & Gratitude on the daily.
Jays. Especially the blue Stella Jays in Flagstaff.
Kelly & Kim
Love not planning my life around my next drink.
Mike & Minnie & Max & Mavy & Musicals
Norma Jo
Parents :pray:t2: :pray:t2: They did the best they could with what they had.
Quiet times in the morning doing gratitude and devotionals and prayer.
Rom Coms
Stephanie & Sara
Twinnie :wink:
Unconditional love from my pets.
We celebrate milestones here.
Yellow beanie.
:pray:t2: :heart:

Grateful for the camaraderie :heart: on this thread :hugs: